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2013-5-24 02:36| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 85| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Joint Statement between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of India

Joint Statement between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of India



New Delhi 20 May 2013

2013520 新德里


1. At the invitation of H.E. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of the Republic of India, H.E. Mr. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, is on a State visit to India from 19 to 22 May 2013, Premier Li held talks with Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and will call on H.E. Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, President of India. The leaders of the two countries had an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and regional and international issues of mutual interest in a sincere and cordial atmosphere and reached broad consensus.




2. The two sides reviewed with satisfaction the comprehensive and rapid progress of China-India relations in the 21th century. Over the years, China and India have evolved an effective model of friendly coexistence and common development, which can be an example for relations between big, neighboring countries. The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to abide by the principles and consensus arrived at by leaders of the two countries over the years concerning the development of China-India relations, and to further consolidate the Strategic and Cooperative Partnership for Peace and Prosperity on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and mutual sensitivities for each other concerns and aspirations.




3. China and India have a historic opportunity for economic and social development and the realization of this goal will advance peace and prosperity in Asia and the world at large. The two sides welcome each other’s peaceful development and regard it as a mutually reinforcing process. There is enough space in the world for the development of China and India, and the world needs the common development of both countries. As the two largest developing countries in the world, the relationship between China and India transcends bilateral scope and has acquired regional, global and strategic significance. Both countries view each other as partners for mutual benefit and not as rivals or competitors.




4. The two sides hold that the right of each country to choose its own path of social, economic and political development in which fundamental human rights and the rule of law are given their due place, should be respected. The two sides will not allow their territories to be used for activities against the other. The two sides are committed to taking a positive view of and support each other’s friendship with other countries.




5. Recognizing the growing bilateral relationship and the increasing global importance of both China and India, the two sides agreed to a regular exchange of visits between the Heads of State/ Government of the two countries. The leaders of the two countries will also continue to meet on the sidelines of important multi-lateral forums.




6. The two sides attached great importance to the active role of the Strategic Economic Dialogue in promoting macro-economic policy coordination and pragmatic cooperation in various fields between the two countries and expressed satisfaction over the progress made in the meetings of the Dialogue. They agreed to further strengthen cooperation in the areas of energy and environmental conservation, new and renewable energy and high-technology. The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in the railway sector including heavy haulage and station development.




7. Considering the rapid changes in the world economic situation, the two sides tasked the Strategic Economic Dialogue mechanism to consider issues of macro-economic coordination, and to suggest possible responses by the two countries. Both countries share a common interest in preventing protectionism and in an open multilateral trading system. The two sides agreed to continue pushing forward the Doha Development Round, consider the potential for a bilateral Regional Trade Arrangement and review the state of negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).




8. The first meeting of the China-India CEO’s Forum was held during Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to India. The prime Ministers of both countries look forward to the recommendations of the Forum to further enhance bilateral trade and investment.




9. While striving to realize the trade turnover target of US$100 billion by 2015, the two countries agreed to take measures to address the issue of the trade imbalance. These include cooperation on pharmaceutical supervision including registration, stronger links between Chinese enterprises and Indian IT industry, and completion of phytosanitary negotiations on agro-products. The Indian side welcomed Chinese enterprises to invest in India and participate in India’s infrastructure development. Project contracting cooperation between the businesses of the two countries would be enhanced.




10. The two sides expressed willingness to carry out cooperation on establishing industrial zones so as to provide platforms for cluster-type development of enterprises of the two countries.








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