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2013-5-24 02:36| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 86| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Joint Statement between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of India

11. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation between their financial regulators, and support their banking institutions in setting up representative offices, branches or subsidiaries, and carrying out business activities subject to relevant laws and regulations. The two sides agree to promote cooperation between their financial institutions to provide funding for bilateral economic cooperation projects.




12. The two sides agreed to focus on areas of mitigation and management of earthquake and natural disasters, astronomy and astrophysics, technology research on climate change, traditional knowledge and medicine within the framework of China-India Committee of Science and Technology Cooperation.




13. To pursue mutual benefit and fulfill their international cooperation objectives, both China and India agreed to consider collaborating on development projects of common interest in third countries.




14. China and India decided to mark the 60th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (Panchsheel) in 2014 by designating it as the "Year of Friendly Exchanges". The two sides noted that youth exchanges play an important role in increasing mutual understanding and decided to continue with the annual exchange of 100 youth. Both sides encouraged Hanban on the Chinese side and CBSE on the Indian side to enhance their cooperation on Chinese language teaching.




15. In accordance with the Agreement to Facilitate Cooperation and Linkages between Chinese and Indian Cities and States / Provinces, the two sides agreed to encourage their cities / provinces to establish twinning relationships.




16. To promote trade, personnel movement and connectivity across the border, the two sides agreed to consider strengthening border trade through Nathu La Pass. The Chinese side shall provide greater facilitation to Indian pilgrims for the Gang Renpoche and Mapam Yun Tso Pilgrimage (Kailash Manasarovar Yatra). The Indian side conveyed appreciation to the Chinese side for the improvement of facilities for the Indian pilgrims.




17. The two sides agreed to enhance media exchanges and cooperation to improve the mutual understanding and friendship of the two peoples, and to hold a China-India High-Level Media Forum. The two foreign ministries will work closely together in this aspect. They also decided to complete the compilation of the Encyclopedia of China-India Cultural Contacts in 2014, and agreed to jointly start the project of translating each other’s classic and contemporary works.




18. The two sides appreciated the progress made in promoting cooperation under the BCIM (Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar) Regional Forum, Encouraged by the successful BCIM Car Rally of February 2013 between Kolkata and Kunming, the two sides agreed to consult the other parties with a view to establishing a Joint Study Group on strengthening connectivity in the BCIM region for closer economic, trade, and people-to-people linkages and to initiating the development of a BCIM Economic Corridor.




19. In view of the expanding trade and commerce and growing people-to-people contacts, it was agreed to work towards simplifying visa procedures.




20. As large developing countries committed to promoting the use of clean energy, China and India believe that expansion of civil nuclear energy program is an essential component of their national energy plans to ensure energy security, the two sides will carry out bilateral cooperation in civil nuclear energy in line with their respective international commitments.







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