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2013-7-12 17:45| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 27| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Common Vision for Deepening China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperative Partnership in the New Era


Common Vision for Deepening China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperative Partnership in the New Era



Beijing, July 5, 2013




1. At the invitation of Premier Li Keqiang, the Prime Minister of Pakistan Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, paid an official visit to China from July 3 to July 8, 2013. This was Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s first overseas trip since taking oath of office and follows Chinese Premier’s visit to Pakistan in May 2013. These successive visits, in a short period of time, reflect the positive desire of both countries to further reinforce the existing brotherly and time-tested China-Pakistan relationship.




2. During the visit, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met with President Xi Jinping, held talks with Premier Li Keqiang, and met with Mr. Zhang Dejiang, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also met with corporate leaders and leading members of business community.




3. The Pakistani Prime Minister reaffirmed the strong commitment of his government to further promote and deepen the bilateral strategic cooperation between China and Pakistan. The Chinese leaders appreciated that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had chosen China as his first destination for his visit abroad.




4. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif underscored that the recent political transition in Pakistan was a historic development which would create political cohesion, social stability, and internal growth. It will also improve governance and lead to sound macro-economic management thus creating an enabling environment for foreign investment in Pakistan.




5. The two sides reviewed with satisfaction the development of China-Pakistan relations, and were of the view that this relationship had acquired growing strategic significance in the emerging dynamics of 21st century. Both sides decided to continue to deepen the Sino-Pakistan strategic partnership in the new era.




6. Both leaders appreciated that Asia was the engine of global economic growth and more than forty percent of the global population resided in this vibrant and dynamic region. A major urbanization and technological advancement was underway in this region which would unleash enormous potential for regional economic development.




7. Both Pakistan and China recognizing the existing opportunities and the challenges, vowed to promote policies that can advance the cause of peace, co-operation, and harmony thereby creating a win-win situation in the region.




8. Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to pursue people-centric policies that could mitigate poverty, promote social and economic development and diminish the roots of conflict.




9. The two sides decided to further deepen practical cooperation in all sectors and strengthen coordination and cooperation on international and regional issues according to the guiding principles of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good-Neighborly Relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan signed in April 2005 and on the basis of the existing close cooperation.




10. China reaffirmed that its relationship with Pakistan was always a matter of highest priority in its foreign policy, and it would continue to strengthen this strategic partnership. China appreciated Pakistan’s long-term, staunch support on issues concerning China’s core interests. China would continue to extend its full support to Pakistan in the latter’s efforts to uphold its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, while respecting the development path chosen by the people according to its national priority, and support Pakistan in maintaining social stability and economic development.




11. Pakistan reiterated that friendship with China was the cornerstone of its foreign policy, enjoying a national consensus. Pakistan appreciated the support and assistance of the Chinese government and people for Pakistan’s sovereignty and socio-economic development.




12. Pakistan will continue to adhere to its one-China policy, oppose Taiwan and Tibet’s independence and support China’s efforts in combating the “Three Evils” of extremism, terrorism and separatism. We regard ETIM as our common threat and stand united in combating this menace.




13. The two sides believe that maintaining the tradition of frequent exchange of visits and meetings between their leadership, and fully leveraging arrangements such as annual meetings between their leaders, is of great importance in advancing bilateral relations. They also agreed to enhance the role of mechanisms such as Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue, Strategic Dialogue and other consultative mechanisms between the relevant ministries and departments, so as to strengthen the strategic communication and coordination between the two countries.




14. Both sides reaffirmed that expanding bilateral economic relations was a matter of high priority. The two sides agreed that China is committed to realizing the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation by accelerating the transformation of the pattern of economic development and earnestly pursuing the strategy to develop its western region. Meanwhile, Pakistan is committed to reviving the national economy and realizing its “Asian Tiger dream”. The development strategies of the two countries therefore coincide with each other. Both sides decided to further strengthen the ties of pragmatic cooperation between them, with a view to translating their high-level political relationship into wider economic dividends. To this end, the two sides will strengthen cooperation in trade, investment, energy, agriculture, mining, food security, environment, finance and other fields.




15. The two sides agreed to fully implement the Additional Agreement to Extend the Five Year Development Programme on China – Pakistan Trade and Economic Cooperation and the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement; fast track work on the projects identified under the Five Year Development Program; hold the second phase of tax-reduction negotiations of China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement on speedy basis; further liberalize trade, and advance economic integration between them.




16. Enhancing connectivity between China and Pakistan is of great importance to expanding economic and trade cooperation, promoting economic integration, and fostering economic development of the two countries.




17. To develop the Long-term Plan for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, both sides agreed to set up the Joint Cooperation Committee on the Long-Term Plan for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, with the National Development and Reform Commission of China and the Planning and Development Ministry of Pakistan as leading ministries, and secretariats established in both ministries. Ministerial officials of both countries held talks in Beijing recently. The Chinese side will dispatch a working group at an early date to Pakistan for further consultations.




18. Both sides agreed to start work on the Long-term Plan for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor on speedy basis. The plan will mainly include such areas of cooperation as connectivity construction, economic and technical cooperation, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and exchanges between local governments and organizations.




19. Both sides agreed that they will focus on the following areas of cooperation in the near future under the framework of the Long-Term Plan for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: start the China-Pakistan Cross-border Fiber Optic Cable project at an appropriate time, upgrade and realign the Karakoram Highway on fast-track basis, explore cooperation on solar energy and biomass energy, explore construction of industrial parks along the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor, launch at an early date inter-governmental consultations to implement the Digital Television Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcasting (DTMB) in Pakistan, coordinate the commercial operation of TD-LTE in Pakistan, and enhance cooperation in the wireless broadband area.




20. Both sides will support enterprises of the two countries in conducting cooperation on establishment of industrial zones in Gwadar.






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