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2013-7-12 17:45| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 28| 评论: 0|来自: 中国外交部网

摘要: Common Vision for Deepening China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperative Partnership in the New Era



21. The Chinese side agreed to support the efforts of the Government of Pakistan in addressing its urgent energy needs. The two sides agreed to hold the third meeting of the China–Pakistan Joint Energy Working Group at an early date and deepen cooperation in conventional energy, renewable energy and other sources of energy.




22. China stressed that it will continue to encourage and support Chinese enterprises’ investment in Pakistan. The two sides agreed to speed up work on the China-Pakistan Agriculture Demonstration Zones.




23. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif acknowledged that a great number of Chinese personnel working on various economic projects in Pakistan were contributing to Pakistan’s economic development and were an asset both to Pakistan as well as the region. The Chinese side expressed its appreciation for the Pakistani side’s efforts to safeguard the security of Chinese personnel and institutions in Pakistan, and create good environment for deepening pragmatic cooperation between the two countries.




24. The two sides agreed to jointly carry out economic and technical cooperation in agriculture, health, education and public transport and other projects that benefit the people.




25. The two sides agreed to deepen cooperation between their financial regulators and institutions, and support their financial institutions in setting-up representative offices, branches or subsidiaries, and carrying out business activities subject to relevant laws and regulations.




26. The two sides agreed to continue the implementation of the currency- swap agreement.




27. The two sides agreed to enhance exchanges between young entrepreneurs, which will strengthen communication on trade and investment cooperation.




28. The two sides believe that enlarging and deepening maritime cooperation between the two countries was of great importance. The two sides agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation in the fields of maritime security, search and rescue and disaster relief at sea, combating piracy, maritime scientific research, environmental protection, and blue economy.




29. Both sides renewed their commitment to implement the Agreement on Maritime Cooperation signed between the two countries during Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to Pakistan in May 2013.




30. Both sides reiterated the desire to implement the 2012-2020 Space Cooperation Outline Between China National Space Administration and Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission to further enhance bilateral exchanges and cooperation in this field. The two sides will take necessary measures to actively explore expanding air routes for passenger travel and cargo transportation, and increase the number of flights.




31. Both sides believe that infusing the narrative of Pakistan-China traditional friendship to coming generations would remain a priority. In this regard, both sides acknowledged the important role of parliamentary institutions and agreed on the need to further strengthen parliamentary exchanges. They will maintain the exchange of youth delegations, and strengthen cooperation in the training of young cadres. Both sides decided to celebrate 2015 as China-Pakistan Year of Friendly Exchanges in a befitting manner.




32. To promote cultural and social ties, the two sides agreed to encourage their cities/provinces to establish twinning relationships.




33. Recognizing the eternal and abiding significance of commonly held values, flowing from the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan and China, more Confucius Institutes will be established in Pakistan. Both sides will promote exchanges of scholars, academics and reinforce linkages in mass media.




34. The two sides believe that the exchanges and collaboration between the defense forces of China and Pakistan was an important pillar of their friendly relations. They highly commended the China-Pakistan Defense and Security Consultations Mechanism, and will maintain the momentum of high-level visits between the armed forces of the two countries, deepen cooperation in counter-terrorism personnel training, joint training, equipment and technology, and exchanges between military academies, and identify new areas for exchanges and cooperation. The two sides agreed to further enhance cooperation in defense technology and production.




35. China and Pakistan reaffirmed their commitment to promoting multilateral arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation measures. Both believe that global disarmament measures should not be discriminatory. They support universal and non-discriminatory prohibition and destruction of all nuclear weapons and reiterated their opposition to the weaponization of and an arms race in outer space.




36. The two sides support multilateral cooperation mechanisms in Asia, and take a positive view of each other’s participation in regional and sub-regional cooperation processes.




37. The two sides recognize that holding identical views on many international and regional issues of mutual interest, they would enhance close communication, while extending mutual support and collaboration in various multilateral fora including the United Nations, the Asia-Europe Meeting, the ASEAN Regional Forum, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Istanbul Process.




38. The two sides stressed that they will enhance communication and cooperation on important global issues such as climate change, food and energy security and UN reform. China and Pakistan are committed to strengthening the solidarity and cooperation between developing countries and safeguarding their common interests.




39. The two sides believe that the evolving situation in Afghanistan has great implications for the regional security and stability. They emphasized that inclusive political reconciliation is a key step towards unity, peace and stability in Afghanistan. The two sides reaffirmed their support for the “Afghan-owned and Afghan-led” peace and reconciliation process, and will work with the regional countries and the international community to help Afghanistan achieve peace, stability and security.




40. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif expressed gratitude for the warm hospitality accorded to him and his delegation.






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