英语口译、笔译资料下载 Statement
from the World Bank Group at the UN High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly
on Disability 世界银行集团在联合国大会残疾与发展高级别会议上发表的声明
September 23, 2013
One billion people, or 15 percent
of the world’s population, experience some form of disability. One-fifth of the
estimated global total, or between 110 million and 190 million people,
encounter significant disabilities. Persons with disabilities on average as a
group are more likely to experience adverse socioeconomic outcomes than persons
without disabilities, such as less education, worse health outcomes, less
employment, and higher poverty rates.
The development consequences of
disability should not be ignored. And
unless persons with disability are included into the post-2015 development
agenda, this agenda will fail to be truly inclusive.
We at the World Bank Group have
embraced the ideals of mainstreaming, so that persons with disabilities benefit
from our development interventions on an equal basis as others. Disability and
development is one of seven emerging topics that are being addressed by the
World Bank review of safeguard policies and procedures.
We believe that increasing our
understanding of exclusion and marginalization is the key to building a
foundation for inclusive economic and social policies for the poorest and most
vulnerable populations, including people with disabilities.
Over the past several years, the
World Bank Group has been strengthening the inclusion of disability in
development, and supporting countries in implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Some recent
examples of our work in this arena include: co-authoring the first-ever World Report on Disability with the World
Health Organization, increasing support to projects with disability-focused
interventions, mainstreaming disability in environmental, social,
infrastructure, and poverty-reducing projects, and incorporating disability
into our Guidance Note for Environmental
and Social Impact Assessment and Performance Standards. We continue to
sponsor the Global Partnership on Disability and Development and to work with
partners on key global events such as this.
The World Bank Group remains
committed to improving the lives of persons with disabilities globally and
wishes the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the President of the 68th UN
General Assembly, Ambassador John Ashe, the Chair of the Committee on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Maria Soledad Cisteras Reyes and
representatives of the UN, governments, CSOs and stakeholders success for the
High Level Meeting on Disability and Development being held on the 23rd of
September, 2013.
世界银行集团继续致力于在全球范围改善残疾人的生活,并祝联合国秘书长潘基文、第68届联大主席约翰·阿什大使、残疾人权利委员会主席玛丽·索莱达·西斯特纳斯·雷耶斯和联合国代表、各国政府、民间社团以及利益攸关方2013年9月23日举行的残疾与发展高级别会议取得圆满成功。 |
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