英语口译、笔译资料下载 Statement
by Secretary Kerry on the People’s Republic of China National Day 凯里部长关于中华人民共和国国庆节的声明
September 27, 2013 2013年9月27日
On behalf of President Obama and
the people of the United States, I am delighted to extend our best wishes and
congratulations to the people of China as you celebrate your National Day on
October 1.
The relationship between our
countries has grown by historic measures since President Nixon’s visit to China
forty-one years ago. We have worked together to forge a mature relationship,
one that recognizes that economic prosperity is not a zero sum game, that a
prosperous China is good for the United States, and a prosperous United States
is good for China.
The candid and productive
discussions this year at Sunnylands, the Strategic & Economic Dialogue, and
the G-20 are meaningful steps in expanding our positive and comprehensive
cooperation, including by elevating our shared interest in cooperation on
climate change and sustainable energy. Equally important are the strong bonds
between our students and scholars, our scientists, and our business communities.
On this 64th National Day, please
know that the United States wishes you a joyous holiday celebration with
friends and family.
值此第64周国庆节之际,美利坚合众国祝你们与家人朋友共度一个愉快的节日。 |
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