Connectivity 促进互联互通
11. Recognizing the increasing
need for more efficient flow of goods, services, capital and people, we will
shape the strategic landscape of our region through a long-term commitment that
will accelerate our physical, institutional, and people-to-people connectivity.
12. As part of our work to
achieve the Bogor Goals by 2020 and
the Yokohama Vision of “Bogor and Beyond”,
we aspire to achieve a seamlessly and comprehensively connected and integrated
Asia Pacific. We envision a blueprint that will accelerate and encourage
balanced, secure and inclusive growth, as well as connect growth poles in the
region, through means such as strengthening regional quality transportation
networks, reducing transaction costs, and making our region more competitive
and cohesive. As a way forward, we will carry on specific measures as contained
in Annex A.
13. Under Physical Connectivity,
we commit to cooperate in developing, maintaining and renewing our physical
infrastructure through a Multi-year Plan
on Infrastructure Development and Investment. The Plan will assist APEC Economies to improve the investment climate,
promote public-private partnerships, and enhance government capacity and
coordination in preparing, planning, prioritizing, structuring and executing
infrastructure projects. As a first step under this Plan, we agreed to
establish an APEC Experts Advisory Panel and a pilot Public Private Partnership
(PPP) Centre in Indonesia. We encourage efforts to promote efficient allocation
of global capital and to explore and improve infrastructure financing,
involving government, private sector and international institutions. Specific
actions to promote infrastructure development and investment are laid out in
Annex B. We will also:
a. accelerate our work to achieve
a 10% improvement in supply-chain performance by 2015 in terms of time, cost,
and uncertainty, while taking into consideration individual economy’s
circumstances, including by advancing the systematic approach to improving
supply chain performance;
b. instruct officials to develop
a capacity-building plan to assist economies,
particularly developing economies, in overcoming specific obstacles they
face in enhancing supply chain performance; and
c. establish the APEC Trade and
Investment Liberalization Sub-Fund on Supply Chain Connectivity and encourage
contributions of necessary resources to execute this capacity-building plan.
14. Under Institutional
Connectivity, we will
a. advance our 2010 APEC New Strategy for Structural Reform
(ANSSR), including by promoting fiscal transparency and public
accountability which will strengthen our ultimate aim of fostering transparency
and competition, and creating better functioning markets;
b. take specific actions to
develop, use or strengthen the implementation of the three Good Regulatory
Practices we identified in 2011, and note three optional tools used by some
economies to help achieve this goal including 1) single online locations for
regulatory information; 2) prospective regulatory planning; 3) periodic reviews
of existing regulation;
c. progress our 2012 commitment
to promote cross-border education that creates opportunities for our people, on
a voluntary basis consistent with individual economies’ circumstances, to
access education and training services, strengthen regional ties, contribute to
the creation of better quality jobs, bolster productivity growth and further
promote economic growth through actionable cooperation; and
d. promote global value chain
development and cooperation in APEC region on the basis of previous work on
15. Under People-to-people
Connectivity, we will
a. endorse the target of 1
million intra-APEC university-level students per year by 2020, as well as
support further work that will enhance the mobility of students, researchers,
and education providers, and the network of existing bilateral agreements;
b. progress work on the Travel Facilitation Initiative as a way
to promote tourism and facilitate business, by making travel more accessible,
convenient and more efficient while also safe and secure; and
c. develop programs that will
encourage greater and regular involvement of youth in APEC, so as to foster a
sense of community and shared responsibility to contribute to the growth
of Asia-Pacific region.
Growth with Equity 可持续和公平增长
16. Taking into account the
current condition of the global economy, we focused on an agenda that is geared
to bridge the development gap and maintain our path of sustainable growth with
equity. We commit to implement workable solutions that will increase
resilience, sustain growth and decrease disparity, while improving the welfare
of the people in the Asia-Pacific region.
17. We agreed to take further
steps toward empowering, engaging and opening opportunities for our
stakeholders to fully participate in our economic growth, by considering the
following concrete actions:
a. expand women’s participation
in the economy by creating an enabling environment such as through the
development of gender related structural reform measures, improved ICT training
support, as well as the development of entrepreneurial culture, equal access to
quality education and employment opportunities and greater access to market and
financial services including capital, particularly for women-owned SMEs;
b. enhance our SMEs global
competitiveness by improving access to finance and markets, supporting
entrepreneurship, accelerating the growth of start-ups, strengthening capacities for business continuity and
empowering our SMEs to expand to international markets and to participate in
global supply chains;
c. encourage regional
collaboration to facilitate trade finance for SMEs, recognizing that trade
finance instruments can help facilitate trade and can support SMEs that trade
d. promote responsible innovative
approaches to increase financial eligibility of the poor and SMEs and improve
delivery channels to extend the benefit of financial services to those who
still do not have access to the financial system, thereby enhancing financial
inclusion in the region;
e. promote the crucial role of
farmers and fishers, particularly small holders and women, in the achievement
of food security, by strengthening their capacities, to take an important role
in the supply chain, and creating a solid partnership between government and
private sector;
f. advance greater collaboration
among law enforcement authorities, in combating corruption, bribery, money
laundering, and illicit trade, through the establishment of an APEC Network of
Anti-Corruption Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies (ACT-NET) that will
strengthen informal and formal regional and cross-border cooperation; and
g. strengthen cooperation among
government, scientists, and business sector to promote science, technology and
innovation (STI) in the region, and value policy discussions among the
Asia-Pacific’s Chief Science Advisor (CSA) and their equivalents in addressing
common STI challenges.
(七)加强政府、科学家和商业部门间的合作,促进本地区科学技术创新,并重视亚太地区首席科学顾问会议及类似机构之间,就解决科技创新方面共同面临的挑战开展政策讨论。 |
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