18. We recognized that resource
scarcity presents an immense challenge that limits our ability to pursue
economic growth and we were mindful of the grave economic consequences of
natural and human-caused disaster, particularly to the most vulnerable members
of society. In response to these challenges, we will take the following steps:
a. address the nexus of water,
energy and food security through the promotion of integrated policies and
collaborative approaches;
b. implement the APEC Food
Security Road Map Towards 2020 to enhance supply chain connectivity, achieve
efficiencies, reduce post-harvest losses and waste, and improve the food system
structure by 2020, to provide lasting food security to APEC economies;
c. recognize that bans and other
restrictions on the export of food may cause price volatility, especially for
economies that rely on imports of staple products, and we reiterate our pledge
against protectionism.
d. pursue cross-sectoral work
under the APEC Initiative on Mainstreaming Ocean-related Issues, including
those in line with priorities outlined by our ocean-related Ministers, that
will maintain the health and sustainability of our oceans and coastal resources
for the benefit of food security, poverty eradication, preservation of
traditional culture and knowledge, conservation of biodiversity and
facilitation of trade and investment;
e. continue to build regional
capacity to assist APEC economies to rationalize and phase out inefficient
fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, while recognizing
the importance of providing those in need with essential energy services;
f. welcome the development of a
methodology for a voluntary peer review mechanism of inefficient fossil-fuel
subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, and welcome the initiation of
economy-owned peer reviews by some economies;
g. invigorate work to develop clean
and renewable energy through public-private partnership, as a promising
approach to ensure sustainable investment and development of new technology,
and to promote energy security and efficiency and lowering of greenhouse gas
emissions, with the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) as a notable example of
cross-border mechanisms used by several economies;
h. combat wildlife trafficking by
enhancing international cooperation through Wildlife Enforcement Networks
(WENs) and other existing mechanisms, reducing the supply of and demand for
illegally traded wildlife, increasing public awareness and education related to
wildlife trafficking and its impacts, and treating wildlife trafficking crimes
i. promote sustainable healthcare
systems that deliver universal health coverage and emphasize promotive and
preventive measures to ensure healthy and productive societies, while bearing
in mind the opportunities implied in the different pace of aging among member
j. engage in capacity building
efforts and effective regional and global partnerships across the public and
private sectors with the aim of addressing emerging infectious diseases and
strengthening public health systems;
k. promote understanding on safe
and effective use of traditional medicine, according to individual economies’
needs and circumstances, as it is increasingly used as a complementary and
alternative medicine in certain economies, due among others to its
affordability, availability, and acceptability as a part of health beliefs of our
local cultures;
l. work on combating infectious
diseases, including through efforts to meet the goals articulated in UNAIDS Getting to Zero 2011-2015
strategy, notably zero new HIV Infections, zero discrimination and zero HIV
related deaths through targeted prevention and treatment measures, by scaling
up investment and strengthening Public-Private Partnership, health care systems
and community involvement; and
m. progress work to ensure ease
of mobility of emergency responders and their equipment to save lives in the
early aftermath of disasters, while improving cooperation in disaster risk
reduction, including through the involvement of the private sector in business
continuity planning.
Forward 展望
19. Recognizing the range of
development levels, experiences, and systems across our economies, we reaffirm
the importance of supporting our ambitious vision for a seamless and connected
regional economy through our abiding commitment to delivering effective
economic and technical cooperation.
20. We recognized that the
economic inclusion of women is critical for business performance and economic
prosperity, and in acknowledging the cross-cutting nature of women’s
participation in the economy, we committed to promoting efforts to integrate
gender considerations across APEC activities as a priority, including with
greater private sector engagement.
21. We commend the APEC Business
Advisory Council (ABAC) for enriching APEC’s work by means of partnership. We
recognize the importance of private sector involvement in our work and we
welcome further ABAC engagement.
22. We call for continued
cooperation and synergy with other multilateral fora, and important regional
and global institutional architecture. We encourage work that will foster
complementarities and better understanding between APEC and other groups that
will ensure a credible approach in solving complex challenges of our times.
23. We recognized that fostering
and deepening economic integration, and creating seamless economy will make our
region more resilient against the effects of internal and economic shocks. So
as to move our economies up the value chain and to deliver sustainable growth
and equitable economic development as envisioned in the 1994 Bogor Declaration,
we instructed officials to continue to ensure that our regional economy is
resilient, that our growth is inclusive, that our economies become ever more
connected and that our people share equitable benefit from our secure and
sustainable growth (RICES).
24. We have full confidence in
the prospect of Asia-Pacific’s economic development and we are committed to
playing a leading role in the global economic recovery. With the objective of
achieving robust, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth in the
Asia-Pacific region, we look forward to working together to build an open
economy that is based on innovation, interconnected growth and shared
interests. We underlined the importance of future work to promote action to
change the region’s growth model and to advance economic restructuring,
including but not limited to, structural reform, APEC growth strategy,
urbanization, innovation, and food security.
25. We appreciated the offers of
Viet Nam, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand and Thailand to host
APEC in the year 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively.
26. Our enduring commitment will
underwrite the peace, stability, and prosperity of the Asia Pacific. We therefore
instruct our ministers and officials to pursue the work and to strengthen the
economic foundation of our shared Asia-Pacific community and we look forward to
reviewing further progress when we convene again during China’s hosting of APEC
in 2014.
二十六、我们展现的持久决心将推动亚太的和平、稳定和繁荣。因此,我们指示部长和政府官员继续努力,强化亚太大家庭的经济基础。我们期待在2014年中国主办亚太经合组织会议时再次相聚,并取得更大进展。 |
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