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Fact Sheet on Strengthening U.S.-China Economic Relations 关于加强中美经济关系的联合情况说明
December 05, 2013 2013年12月5日
Building on President Barack
Obama and President Xi Jinping’s shared commitment to building a new model of
major country relations, both countries affirm their commitment to practical
cooperation for the benefit of our two economies and to address global economic
challenges. The United States and China
reached the following outcomes on energy and climate change, innovation, and
food and drug safety, under the framework of the Economic Track of the
U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED). The United States and China further reaffirm
their commitment to implement fully the concrete measures pledged by each
country during the Economic Track of the S&ED, in order to further support
strong domestic and global growth, promote open trade and investment, enhance
international rules and global economic governance, and foster financial market
stability and reform.
Cooperation on Energy and Climate Change 加强能源和气候变化领域合作
Building on the climate accord
announced by the two Presidents at Sunnylands, and the S&ED in July 2013,
the United States and China affirm the importance of deepening cooperation to
address climate change, reduce local air pollution, transition to a low carbon
energy economy, and strengthen the resilience of global energy markets. Recognizing the significant and mutual
benefits of intensified action and cooperation on energy and climate change,
including enhanced energy security, a cleaner environment, both the United
States and China affirm the commitments below.
The United States and China
reaffirm the importance of the U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group (CCWG)
as a means for enhancing bilateral cooperation on climate change, and both
sides commit to devote significant effort and resources to the five initiatives
launched under this framework, including Energy Efficiency, Smart Grids,
Greenhouse Gas Data Collection and Management, Carbon Capture Utilization and
Storage (CCUS), and Heavy Duty and Other Vehicles, in order to see concrete
results by the 2014 Strategic and Economic Dialogue.
To help accelerate progress on
the U.S.-China Climate Change Working Group Heavy-Duty and Other Vehicles
initiative, the United States and China commit to implement and enforce their
current schedules for implementation of low-sulfur fuel and for motor vehicle
emissions standards. Both sides also commit to work together to help China
design and implement China VI vehicle emissions standards as soon as practical,
strengthen communication in heavy-duty vehicle fuel efficiency standards to
reduce greenhouse gas emission, promote the implementation of clean action
plans for heavy-duty diesel vehicles, and explore ways to design and implement
the clean action plans for non-road motor vehicles and supporting diesel
engines, which would reduce PM2.5 emissions and would have
substantial air quality and climate benefits. The United Statescommits to
provide technical assistance to achieve these goals and continue to provide
technical assistance on regional air quality management and modeling, including
emissions from mobile sources.
The United States and China
reaffirm theircommitment to implement the consensus reached by Presidents Obama
and Xi Jinping on hydrofluorocarbons from June 8, 2013, and September 6, 2013.
Both the United States and China
emphasize the importance of the multilateral climate change agreement that is
currently being developed for completion at the Paris Conference in 2015. Recognizing their significant roles in this
regard, the two sides intend to maintain close contact throughout the negotiations,
including through leader-level discussions, consulting on areas of convergence
as well as divergence and working bilaterally and with other countries to bring
about a successful outcome.
The United States and China are
to enhance transparency in the energy sector, including to increase cooperation
on energy market transparency. The U.S. Energy Information Administration
commits to share expertise in gathering and distributing energy data. China is
to develop the capacity to publish more complete public energy statistics on a
more frequent basis, and enable stronger cooperation with the Joint
Organizations Data Initiative. The United States and China are to cooperate on
strategic petroleum reserves, through information exchanges on policies,
management, and technologiesand through annual technical meetings of U.S. and
China strategic petroleum reserve authorities.
The United States and China note
the exceptional importance of China accelerating the development of its natural
gas sector and unconventional gas resources, and recognize the positive impact
shale gas development in China can have for Chinese and global energy markets.
China welcomes participation in shale gas exploration and development,
including by domestic and international private businesses and investors. The
United States commits to engage with China on technical, standards, and policy
cooperation, to facilitate the improvement of China’s regulatory frameworks, so
as to promote the sound and rapid development of China’s shale gas exploration
and development. The two sides commit to promote technological innovation,
environmental supervision, and resource regulation in the shale gas sector and
encourage the success of shale gas development in the two countries, so as to
jointly promote responsible development and utilization of unconventional gas
resources such as shale gas globally, and safeguard energy supply security and
energy market stability.
The United States respects
China’s growing energy needs and economic concerns, especially in crude oil
trade and investment. Both sides
reiterate their commitment to work together on our shared goal of secure and
well-supplied energy markets.
The United States commits to
inform China about the statutory process required by the Natural Gas Act (NGA) which governs the evaluation of liquefied
natural gas (LNG) export applications, to FTA countries and to non-FTA
countries such as China. The NGA directs
the U.S. Department of Energy to evaluate LNG export applications to non-FTA
countries, applying the same rules in every case. To date, one final and four conditional
license approvals have been granted to export LNG to non-FTA countries. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is
currently evaluating pending applications on a case-by-case basis. The DOE is to keep the National Energy
Administration of China informed of the status of the process.
The United States commits to
actively encourage the export of technologies and equipment related to oil and gas exploration and
development to China. Accordingly, the
United States commits to process and decide upon in a timely manner, specific
requests for deep-water oil and gas and shale gas exploration and
development-related technology and equipment for civilian end users and
civilian end uses that China wishes to procure that may be subject to export
controls once the United States receives all necessary information required
under the Export Administration
The United States and China
commit to undergo fossil fuel subsidy peer reviews under the G-20 process, and
rationalize and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage
wasteful consumption over the medium term,while providing targeted support for
the poorest.
Innovation and Promoting Trade in Safe Food and Drugs 保护创新和促进安全的食品、药品贸易
Building on successful
discussions during the 2012 U.S.-China High-Level Agricultural Symposium, the
July 2013 S&ED, and looking towards a productive and mutually beneficial
December 2013 meeting of the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT), the
United States and China affirm the importance of deepening cooperation to
address a range of food and drug issues of common concern. Availability of high-quality and safe food
and drugs are essential to the growth of our economies and well-being of our
peoples. The United States and China therefore commit to the following measures
related to promoting and protecting innovation, as well as ensuring safe and
well-regulated bilateral trade in food and pharmaceuticals.
The United States and China
commit to carry out communication and cooperation on agro-chemical regulation,
standards for testing methods and drug and pesticide residue limits and
regulation on edible agricultural products for import and export.
In line with the reform goals of
the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, China commits to
promote the reform of its regulatory system for active pharmaceutical
ingredients (APIs) by implementing Drug
Master File (DMF) management for APIs and to study the possibility of
setting up a framework for the registration of bulk chemicals that can be used
as APIs. The two sides mutually affirm the central role of drug manufacturers
in ensuring drug quality, and will exercise appropriate regulatory oversight
over manufacturers towards this end. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
commits to review its authorities to determine whether it can exclude from
consideration for import APIs from Chinese firms that are not registered with
the China Food and Drug Administration.
China affirms that the Chinese Patent Examination Guidelines
permit patent applicants to file additional data after filing their patent
applications, and that the Guidelines
are subject to Article 84 of the Law on Legislation, to ensure that
pharmaceutical inventions receive patent protection. China affirms that this interpretation is
currently in effect.
To promote bilateral
communication and cooperation in pharmaceuticals, medical products and food
safety, the Chinese side commits to issuing visas for U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) food inspectors, drug inspectors and food expert
referenced in Diplomatic Note 1252 of November 19, 2012 and Diplomatic Note
0843 of August 20, 2013. These personnel
will be posted to the U.S. Embassy in China, with diplomatic privileges and immunities.
At the same time, the United States commits that, on a reciprocal basis, China
increases its relevant staff in the Chinese Embassy in the United States, with
diplomatic privileges and immunities. No later than January 17, 2014, the two
sides commit to signing an memorandum of understanding to specify the scope of
activity of these personnel.
The United States and China
commit to discuss issues concerning China raised in the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriation Act, 2013.
The United States and China
recognize the importance of promoting non-discriminatory government procurement
policies. The two sides commit to have
further consultation on China’s concerns regarding non-discriminatory treatment
of Chinese-invested enterprises established in the United States in U.S.
government procurement.
中美双方认识到推进非歧视的政府采购政策的重要性。双方承诺就中方关于美国在政府采购中给予在美中资企业非歧视性待遇的关切进一步进行磋商。 |
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