英语口译、笔译资料下载 中文版:中美气候变化联合声明.doc China-U.S.
Joint Statement on Climate Change 中美气候变化联合声明
Beijing, February 15, 2014 二〇一四年二月十五日 北京
In light of the overwhelming
scientific consensus on climate change and its worsening impacts, and the
related issue of air pollution from burning fossil fuels, China and the United
States recognize the urgent need for action to meet these twin challenges. Both
sides reaffirm their commitment to contribute significantly to successful 2015
global efforts to meet this challenge. Accordingly, China and the United States
will work together, within the vehicle of the China-U.S. Climate Change Working
Group (CCWG) launched last year, to collaborate through enhanced policy
dialogue, including the sharing of information regarding their respective
post-2020 plans to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Regarding practical
cooperative actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air
pollutants, the two sides have reached agreement on the implementation plans on
the five initiatives launched under the CCWG, including Emission Reductions
from Heavy Duty and Other Vehicles, Smart Grids, Carbon Capture Utilization and
Storage, Collecting and Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data, and Energy
Efficiency in Buildings and Industry, and commit to devote significant effort
and resources to secure concrete results by the Sixth China-U.S. Strategic and
Economic Dialogue in 2014.
鉴于对于气候变化及其日益恶化的影响已形成强有力的科学共识,以及与之相关的因化石燃料燃烧产生的空气污染问题,中美两国认识到急需采取行动应对上述双重挑战。双方重申将致力于为2015年全球应对这一挑战的成功努力做出重要贡献。为此,中美两国将利用去年成立的中美气候变化工作组机制(简称“工作组”),通过强化政策对话,包括交流各自2020年后控制温室气体排放计划的有关信息,开展合作。关于减少温室气体和其他空气污染物排放的务实合作行动,双方已就工作组下启动的五个合作领域实施计划达成一致,包括载重汽车和其他汽车减排、智能电网、碳捕集利用和封存、温室气体数据的收集和管理、建筑和工业能效,并承诺投入相当精力和资源以确保在第六轮中美战略与经济对话前取得实质性成果。 |
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