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2014-3-4 21:34| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 26| 评论: 0|来自: 英国外交部网

摘要: Declaration: London Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade

C. Strengthening law enforcement



17. Successfully tackling the illegal wildlife trade demands a strong and coordinated enforcement response, at the site, national and international levels, and in source, transit and destination countries, using the fullest capacity of institutions and available tools and techniques. To this end, we commit ourselves and call upon the international community to take the following action to:




XIII. Invest in capacity building to strengthen law enforcement to protect key populations of species threatened by poaching. Effective law enforcement requires an increase in the number of well-equipped and well-trained law enforcement officers at key sites, using appropriate tools and techniques.




XIV. Establish and maintain national cross-agency mechanisms to develop, resource and implement coordinated national and local action plans and strategies, and oversee the implementation of actions against wildlife crime; to strengthen enforcement systems for a stronger preventive and reactive response to wildlife crime by, inter alia, using the ICCWC Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit.




XV. Provide the necessary conditions for, and further support, including through international co-operation to share expertise, the use of the full range of investigative techniques and tools already deployed against other forms of domestic and transnational organised crime. This should include, but is not limited to: criminal intelligence; controlled deliveries; traceability systems; risk profiling detector dog’s; ballistic analysis and the use of existing forensic technology, including the further development of such technologies.


XV.为近一步提供支持创造必要的条件,包括通过国际合作分享专业知识、尽量利用打击其他形式的国内和跨国有组织犯罪所使用的调查技术和工具 。这些技术和工具包括但不局限于:犯罪情报工作;控制下交货;可追溯系统;危险品搜索犬;弹道分析以及使用现有的法医技术,包括近一步发展这些技术。


XVI. Strengthen cross-border and regional cooperation, through better coordination, and through full support for regional wildlife law enforcement networks. This should include the sharing of operational intelligence and information, sharing information on forensic research and collaborating with relevant forensic research institutions, collaboration on enforcement activity (such as joint operations) and joint capacity building initiatives (such as training activities, trans-border communication equipment and sharing of enforcement expertise and resources).




D. Sustainable livelihoods and economic development



18. The illegal wildlife trade is a major barrier to sustainable, inclusive and balanced economic development. It contributes to damage to ecosystems, undermines good governance and the rule of law, threatens security, and reduces the revenue earned from economic activities such as wildlife-based tourism and the sustainable utilisation and legal trade of wildlife, which can make a significant contribution to local livelihoods and national economic development. Recognising that sustainable livelihoods will be best achieved with the engagement of those communities surrounding protected areas, we commit ourselves and call upon the international community to take action, to:




XVII. Recognise the negative impact of illegal wildlife trade on sustainable livelihoods and economic development. This impact needs to be better understood and quantified and should form part of the assessment set out in Action XXIV.




XVIII. Increase capacity of local communities to pursue sustainable livelihood opportunities and eradicate poverty. This includes promoting innovative partnerships for conserving wildlife through shared management responsibilities such as community conservancies, public-private partnerships, sustainable tourism, revenue-sharing agreements and other income sources such as sustainable agriculture. Governments should integrate measures to address illegal wildlife trade into development policy and planning, and the programming of development cooperation activities.




XIX. Initiate or strengthen collaborative partnerships among local, regional, national and international development and conservation agencies to enhance support for community led wildlife conservation and to promote retention of benefits by local communities for the conservation and sustainable management of wildlife, including actions to reduce illegal use of fauna and flora.




XX. Work with, and include local communities in, establishing monitoring and law enforcement networks in areas surrounding wildlife.




E. The Way Forward



19. Successfully tackling the illegal wildlife trade and its impacts will need concerted political leadership, community engagement and international cooperation over a sustained period. To support these efforts further research is needed into the scale of the environmental, political, social and economic implications of the trade, as well as an improved understanding of the illegal trade itself and the impact of measures taken to prevent and combat it. To this end, we:




XXI. Welcome the resources provided to date to support action to prevent and combat the illegal wildlife trade, including implementation of existing action plans and declarations. Urge all donors to provide resources, support and technical assistance, as appropriate, for the implementation of the political commitments contained in this Declaration.


XXI.到目前为止,为支持阻止并打击非法野生动物交易的行动动用了许多资源, 包括履行现有的行动计划和声明,对此我们表示欢迎。我们恳请所有捐助人为履行该声明中的承诺提供适当的资源、支持和技术协助。


XXII. Recognise and appreciate the ongoing support provided by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to address the poaching crisis in Africa and the associated illegal wildlife trade and would welcome the prioritisation of the issue in the GEF-6 (2014-2018) biodiversity strategy.




XXIII. Welcome the establishment within the UN of the ‘Group of Friends’ against illegal wildlife trafficking and take note of the suggestion made at the High Level Event on Illicit Wildlife Trafficking hosted by Germany and Gabon in New York in September 2013, to establish a Special Representative to the Secretary General to further the fight against illicit wildlife trafficking, and for this to be requested by the UN General Assembly in a formal resolution (ref doc A/68/553).




XXIV. Will undertake further assessment, initially over the next twelve months, building on existing assessments and collaborative work, of the markets and dynamics of the illegal wildlife trade, and the progress made in combatting it. This should address the links between wildlife crime and other organised crime and corruption, explore links to terrorism, and investigate the underlying causes and implications of trade, including on regional stability and security, the environment, socio-economic development, and on international relations. It should report on progress on actions and political commitments to tackle the illegal wildlife trade, building on existing assessments and working collaboratively with other organisations already engaged on this issue.




XXV. Welcome the offer of Botswana to host another high-level conference to review progress in early 2015.








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