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2014-3-22 18:12| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 26| 评论: 0|来自: 马来西亚航空公司

摘要: Wednesday, March 19, 04:10 PM MYT +0800 MH370 Incident - 21st Media Statement

The passengers and crew on-board flight MH370, their families and loved ones, have been at the centre of every action Malaysia Airlines has taken as a Company since we first learned the flight disappeared.




The Malaysian Government is coordinating an unprecedented international search effort covering 2.24 million square nautical miles. With this simply enormous area we cannot determine how long it will take to locate the aircraft.




Considering these challenges, our caregivers have informed the family members of the missing passengers and crew that we have taken the decision to continue to provide information and assistance through the further enhanced Family Support Centre (FSC) based in Kuala Lumpur which has been operational since 8 March 2014 rather than the various Family Assistance Centers (FACs).


面临这项费时且艰巨的挑战,我们的关怀志工经已通知失联客机的乘客与机组的家属,本公司将会继续通过驻吉隆坡的家庭支援中心提供最新的信息和援助。此家属支援中心已经在201438日当天运作。 此中心和其他家庭协助中心不同。


The Family Support Centre will continue to proactively provide relatives waiting for news at home with daily updates. In addition to personal phone calls, Malaysia Airlines will now send out SMS blasts with brief updates to the families. We have also set up an email address for family members as a channel for them to communicate with us. Updates via the Malaysia Airlines website are also available.




This Family Support Centre will be open round-the-clock and will house family support representatives trained to assist those who are seeking answers and further information. The representatives will be divided into four shifts with ten staff handling each shift. This will ensure that someone is available to attend to the families at all times. The centre will also have Mandarin speaking personnel.




Below are the toll-free numbers that has been set-up for eight different countries. A back-up number is also given to the families in the event they are not able to reach the toll-free number. The number to call to get in touch with this centre is +603 8777 5770.


我们已在以下八个国家设立免费热线,以便提供最便捷的服务。此外,我们也设立了一个备用专线,以免家属们接驳不到免费热线时仍可致电询问。此备用专线的号码为+603 8777 5770


Countries      Toll-free number

国家          免费热线


China        10-800-130-1364 (South China) / 10-800-713-1404 (North China)

中国内地     10-800-130-1364(南方)10-800-713-1404 (北方)


Malaysia      1800-81-4819

马来西亚      1800-81-4819


Indonesia      001-803-015-203-7708

印尼      001-803-015-203-7708


Australia      1800-198-163

澳洲      1800-198-163


US/Canada      877-504-4210

美国/加拿大      877-504-4210    


New Zealand      080-045-4029

新西兰      080-045-4029


India      000-800-100-3449

印度      000-800-100-3449


France      080-091-2622

法国      080-091-2622


All this while, the families have always been briefed first, followed by the media and then the public whenever new information surfaces. However, the often conflicting information and wild speculation have caused a major distress to the families.




The Airline continues to work closely with the authorities and we appreciate the help we are receiving from all local and international agencies during this critical and traumatic period.




Our top priority remains to provide any and all assistance to the families of the passengers and crew.







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