英语口译、笔译资料下载 中文版:中英气候变化联合声明.doc UK/ PRC Joint
Climate Change Statement 中英气候变化联合声明
London, 17 June 2014 二零一四年六月十七日于伦敦
The United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland and the People’s Republic of China recognise the
threat of dangerous climate change as one of the greatest global challenges we
face. The publication of the Fifth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change confirms
that climate change is already happening, much of it as a result of human
activity. The odds of extreme weather events, which threaten lives and
property, have increased. Sea levels are rising, and ice is melting faster than
we expected. The IPCC’s report makes clear that unless we act now the impacts
of climate change will worsen in coming decades. In addition, the burning of
fossil fuels creates serious air pollution, affecting quality of life for
millions. Both sides recognise that climate change and air pollution share many
of the same root causes, as well as many of the same solutions. This constitutes
an urgent call to action.
The UK and China both recognise
the clear imperative to work together towards a global framework for ambitious
climate change action, since this will support efforts to bring about low
carbon transitions in our own countries. In particular our two countries
recognise that the Paris Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC in 2015 represents
a pivotal moment in this global effort. We must redouble our efforts to build
the global consensus necessary to adopt in Paris a protocol, another legal
instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention
applicable to all Parties. Both sides underline the importance for all
countries to communicate their nationally determined contributions well in
advance of COP21, in accordance with the decisions taken in Warsaw.
The Leaders’ Summit called by the
UN Secretary General in September 2014 is a key milestone. In this regard, the
United Kingdom and the People’s Republic of China commit to working together in
support of the UN Secretary General, and to maintain the momentum through to
Paris in 2015.
The United Kingdom and the People’s
Republic of China have both taken substantial action to put in place policies
to limit or reduce emissions and promote low carbon development. We welcome our
existing strong relationship on low carbon cooperation that underpins our
international work. Both sides agree to intensify bilateral policy dialogue and
practical collaboration through the China-UK Working Group on Climate Change.
中英两国均已采取切实行动实施了控制或减少排放、推动低碳发展的政策。我们欢迎双方已有的在低碳合作方面的紧密关系,这也将巩固我们的国际努力。双方同意,通过中英气候变化工作组加强双边政策对话和务实合作。 |
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