英语口译、笔译资料下载 China-U.S.
Strategic and Economic Dialogue Outcomes of the Strategic Track 第六轮中美战略与经济对话框架下战略对话具体成果清单
At the Sixth Round of the
China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) July 9-10, 2014, in
Beijing, State Councilor Yang Jiechi, special representative of President Xi
Jinping, and Secretary of State John Kerry, special representative of President
Barack Obama, chaired the Strategic Track, which included participation from
senior officials from across both governments. The two sides reviewed the successful
implementation of the Strategic Track outcomes of the Fifth Round of the
S&ED, held in-depth discussions on major bilateral, regional, and global
issues, and recommitted to the S&ED’s role in deepening strategic trust,
expanding practical cooperation, and constructively managing differences to
build a new model of relations between China and the United States. The
dialogue on the Strategic Track produced the following specific outcomes and
areas for further cooperation. China and the United States:
Enhancing Bilateral Cooperation 一、加强双边合作
1. High-Level Exchanges:
Highlighted the historic achievements in China-U.S. relations over the past 35
years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, decided to enhance pragmatic
cooperation, constructively manage differences, and continue to promote the
building of a new model of relations between China and the United States, in
accordance with the consensus reached by the heads of state of the two
countries. The two sides committed to maintain and strengthen the momentum of high-level
exchanges. Leaders of the two sides will continue to maintain close and
frequent communication, including through visits, meetings in multilateral
occasions, telephone conversations and correspondence.
2. The Strategic Security
Dialogue: Held the fourth round of the Strategic Security Dialogue (SSD) July
8, 2014, and engaged in candid, in-depth, and constructive discussion on
strategic security issues. The dialogue was co-chaired by Executive Vice
Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui for China and Deputy Secretary of State Williams
J. Burns for the United States, who were joined by Deputy Chief of the PLA
General Staff Lieutenant General Wang Guanzhong, Under Secretary of Defense for
Policy Christine Wormuth, and other senior civilian and defense officials from
both countries. The two sides noted the dialogue was beneficial to enhancing
mutual understanding and trust. The two sides decided to continue in-depth and
sustained dialogue and to work together to establish a stable and cooperative
strategic security relationship. The two sides decided to hold an
inter-sessional meeting of the SSD at a mutually convenient time and to hold
the next SSD on the eve of the next S&ED.
3. Military Relations: Reaffirmed
the shared goal of implementing the consensus reached by national and military
leaders of the two sides to develop China-U.S. military-to-military relations
by building on progress in developing a sustained and substantive defense dialogue,
exploring practical areas of cooperation, and enhancing risk-reduction
measures. Reaffirmed commitment to a new model of China-U.S.
military-to-military relations by deepening exchanges and cooperation in areas
of mutual interest, including counter-piracy, maritime search and rescue,
humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief, and to build greater mutual
understanding in military-to-military relations through improved communication
and contacts at all levels. Affirmed a mutual commitment to the management of
crises, prevention of accidental incidents, and promotion of positive
interaction through enhanced communication in the Asia-Pacific region and
4. Mechanism Building: Reaffirmed
commitment to develop a notification mechanism for major military activities
and a set of rules of behavior for air and maritime encounters as China-U.S.
confidence-building measures as soon as possible. Committed to start
coordination for including PRC maritime law enforcement agency and U.S. Coast
Guard representatives in the air and maritime rules of behavior working group.
5. Legal Advisers Consultation:
Decided to hold a Legal Advisers Consultation between the Director General of
the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China
and the Legal Adviser to the U.S. Department of State. The consultation is to
be held in Washington, D.C., in October 2014.
6. Nonproliferation Cooperation:
Recognized the importance of exchanges and dialogue on nonproliferation by
intensifying their cooperation on nonproliferation on the basis of mutual
respect, equality and mutual benefit. Decided to establish a joint working
group on the shared challenges posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction and related technologies; intend to hold the inaugural session of
the working group in due course.
7. Counterterrorism Dialogue: The
two sides condemn all forms of terrorism and are committed to reinforcing
counterterrorism cooperation. Decided to hold the China-U.S Counterterrorism
Dialogue at the vice-minister level July 15, 2014, in Washington, D.C.
8. Law Enforcement Cooperation:
Decided to continue efforts to deepen and strengthen law enforcement
cooperation to address issues of mutual concern on the basis of mutual respect,
equality and mutual benefit, utilizing the Joint Liaison Group on Law
Enforcement Cooperation (JLG) as the main channel. In accordance with
discussions at the eleventh plenary session of the JLG, the two sides decided
that the JLG Co-Chairs and working groups are to maintain communication,
discuss a model document on best practices to serve as a working manual for
future joint investigations, and hold an asset forfeiture and recovery seminar.
The two sides also decided to hold the twelfth plenary session of the JLG in
fall 2014 in China. The Co-Chairs decided that the Repatriation and Fugitive
Working Groups would deepen their interactive cooperation; to this end, the two
working groups plan to hold quarterly meetings to update the Chinese fugitives
list and prioritize the remaining cases. The two sides also welcomed the
participation of the Deputy Director General of the International Cooperation
Bureau, Ministry of Supervision of China, as the third Chinese Co-Chair, and
the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States as the third
U.S. Co-Chair.
9. Anti-Corruption: Decided to
continue to enhance communication in the field of anti-corruption under
multilateral frameworks, such as UNCAC, G-20, and APEC. The two sides
reaffirmed their G-20 commitments on tackling foreign bribery, denial of safe
haven, and asset recovery.
10. Enforcement Cooperation
between GACC and ICE: The General Administration of China Customs (GACC) and
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), in cooperation with the U.S.
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), decided to carry on controlled
deliveries of postal parcels containing illicit drug and CITES products
concealed in postal and express parcels. GACC, ICE and DEA are continuing
intelligence exchange, investigation assistance, and training cooperation, and
undertake joint operations against fraud, arms and ammunition smuggling, drug
smuggling, bulk cash smuggling, and illegal movement of hazardous wastes.
11. Container Security Initiative
between GACC and CBP: The General Administration of China Customs (GACC) and
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) decided to further cooperation on China-U.S. Container Security Initiative
(CSI). The two sides plan to enhance consultations on deployment of China
Customs CSI officers at U.S. ports within the parameters of the current
Declaration of Principles.
12. Cooperation on Supply Chain
Security between GACC and CBP: The General Administration of China Customs
(GACC) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) decided to sign an Addendum to the Action Plan Implementing the
Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Cooperation on Supply Chain Security and
Facilitation between GACC and CBP. GACC and CBP have completed 317 joint
validations in China, plan to continue discussing mutual recognition
arrangement of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programs, and seek to
conduct additional joint validations in 2014 and 2015. In addition, GACC and
CBP plan to actively continue to align their respective AEOs by conducting
on-site validation observation of both programs.
13. Joint Customs Training
between GACC and CBP: The General Administration of China Customs (GACC) and
the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) noted the effective results of
their joint training cooperation. The two sides are committed to continuing
joint training cooperation based on the assessment of performance.
14. Joint Fisheries Enforcement:
Marked 21 years of the China-U.S. partnership established in recognition of
mutual concern for the damaging exploitation of living marine resources through
the use of high-seas drift nets. Since the partnership’s inception, 79 Chinese
officers have sailed with the U.S. Coast Guard, and this highly successful
cooperation has led to 18 interdictions and enforcement actions against vessels
fishing in violation of the High-Seas Drift Net Fishing Moratorium. The China
Coast Guard, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Service, have successfully continued this
initiative, with six Chinese officers scheduled to embark on a U.S. Coast Guard
cutter in 2014. The current memorandum of understanding (MOU) regarding
illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing – the China-U.S. MOU on
Effective Cooperation and Implementation of United Nations General Assembly
Resolution 46/215 of December 20, 1991 – is set to expire at the end of this
year and should be extended or renewed.
15. Maritime Safety and Security
Cooperation: Expressed support for carrying forward the China-U.S. Maritime
Safety Dialogue by the China Coast Guard, China Maritime Safety Administration,
and the United States Coast Guard. The two Chinese agencies and the U.S. Coast
Guard are active participants in the six-nation North Pacific Coast Guard
Forum, which meets twice each year. China Coast Guard, China Maritime Safety
Administration, and the U.S. Coast Guard, have expressed interest in mutual
senior-level and vessel visits in 2014 to share ideas and best practices and to
promote deeper understanding and cooperation. China Maritime Safety
Administration and the U.S. Coast Guard, having held a working-level meeting of
the Maritime Safety Dialogue in April 2013, met in September 2013 to discuss
technical cooperation and exchanges in maritime radio navigation and satellite
navigation, particularly in maritime application of Beidou and other global
navigation satellite systems. China Maritime Safety Administration and the U.S.
Coast Guard are exploring joint enforcement of international dangerous cargo
laws; developing a personnel and professional exchange program in the fields of
seafarer management, navigation safety, aids to navigation, hazardous and noxious
substances spill response, and search and rescue; and strengthening the
Maritime Safety Dialogue by formulating a medium-term or long-term bilateral
action plan.
16. Cooperation on Traffic and
Maritime Security: Encouraged the transport authorities to continue and further
their cooperation with the U.S. Trade & Development Agency (USTDA). With
USTDA support, the transport authorities of the two countries promoted the
exchanges and cooperation in specialized areas including transport safety and
disaster assistance coordination, and successfully held a joint seminar on
"Sino-U.S. Transportation Safety and Earthquake Response Management
Seminar and Expo" in Chengdu, China, May 13, 2014. Encouraged the maritime
safety authorities of the two countries to further their in-depth technical
exchanges and cooperation in maritime radio navigation and satellite
17. Consular Dialogue: Committed
to explore new proposals to significantly extend reciprocal visa validity for
tourists, short-term business travelers, and students. The Chinese Ministry of
Foreign Affairs hosted the 2014 Consular Dialogue May 22 in Beijing, and the
United States plans to host the Consular Dialogue in 2015 in Washington, D.C.
18. China Garden: Affirmed that
great attention has been given to the construction of the China Garden, which
progressed steadily in 2013 with (1) the Chinese design team completing
preliminary design of the China Garden and achieving significant progress in
executing the 15% of the design drawings according to U.S. requirements, and
(2) the joint design teams completing integration of the project design and new
cost estimates. Issues related to fund raising and construction design were
discussed at the 7th and 8th Joint Working Meetings of the Project held in
Washington, D.C., and Yangzhou, China. Under the efforts of Prof. Jiang Zehui,
Executive Director of the Chinese side, and supported by the implementing
agency, relevant enterprises in China’s Jiangsu province have committed to
assist the National China Garden with a fund designated for design development
and construction planning. A confirmation signing was held during S&ED VI.
The two sides are expected to facilitate the completion of fund raising, design
and construction planning, and intend to strive to start construction of China
Garden by the end of June 2016.
19. China-U.S. Coordination
Meeting on Disability: Decided to hold a China-U.S. Coordination Meeting on
Disability in either December 2014 or January 2015 in Washington, D.C.
20. APEC: China and the United
States are committed to promoting economic growth and prosperity in the
Asia-Pacific. The two sides reaffirm their commitment to work closely with
other economies to make China’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation host year a
success. The two sides acknowledge the necessity of maintaining close
communication and cooperation to achieve positive and meaningful results at the
2014 APEC Economic Leaders Meeting and to advance regional economic
integration; promote innovative development, economic reform and growth; and
strengthen comprehensive connectivity and infrastructure development.
21. Breakout Sessions and
Bilateral Meetings: Decided to hold the next round of sub-dialogues on Africa,
Latin America, South Asia, and Central Asia on a timely basis and to enhance
bilateral coordination and explore areas of cooperation on regional and
international issues. Held breakout sessions on the margins of this year’s
S&ED on the subjects of United Nations peacekeeping, Sudan and South Sudan,
wildlife trafficking and other issues. Conducted a series of bilateral meetings
between senior officials on a broad range of issues in the China-U.S.
21、对口磋商及双边会见:决定适时举行下轮非洲、拉美、南亚、中亚事务子对话,以加强在地区和国际问题上的双边协调并探索合作领域。双方在今年中美战略与经济对话期间还举行了有关对口磋商,讨论了联合国维和、苏丹和南苏丹、打击野生动植物非法交易及其他事务,两国高官并就中美关系中的广泛议题举行了一系列双边会见。 |
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