Addressing Regional and Global Challenges 二、应对地区和全球性挑战
22. Regional and Global Issues:
Decided to enhance communication and coordination on regional and global issues
to jointly address common challenges.
23. The Korean Peninsula:
Reaffirmed the importance of realizing the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
in a peaceful manner – the goal of the Six-Party Talks, as outlined in the
September 19, 2005, Joint Statement –
as well as safeguarding peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula. The two
sides called on relevant parties to make joint efforts and take the necessary
actions to create conditions for resumption of the Six-Party Talks. The two
sides remain committed to ensuring full implementation of the relevant UN
Security Council resolutions and committed to continue to maintain close
communication on relevant issues.
24. Iran: Emphasized that China
and the United States share common interests in peacefully resolving the
Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic means while maintaining peace and
stability in the Middle East. The two sides remain committed to actively
participating in the process with P5+1 partners and Iran in furtherance of
seeking a comprehensive and long-term solution on the basis of reciprocity and
a step-by-step approach that would restore international confidence in the
exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program and enable Iran to fully
enjoy its right to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes under the Nonproliferation Treaty. The two sides
stated that Iran should fulfill its international nonproliferation obligations
and cooperate fully with the IAEA to resolve all outstanding issues. Both sides
also called for full implementation of UN
Security Council Resolutions 1696, 1737, 1747, 1803, 1835, and 1929. The
two sides committed themselves to cooperation on the Iranian nuclear issue on
the basis of mutual respect, equality, and reciprocity.
25. Syria: Exchanged detailed
views on the current situation in Syria and reaffirmed their joint commitment
to resolve the Syrian issue through political means on the basis of the Geneva Communiqué. Called on all parties
in Syria to seek to ensure an early ceasefire and the cessation of all
violence, to avoid civilian casualties, and to resume negotiations as soon as
possible, with a view to finding a solution that accommodates the interests of
all parties through dialogue and consultation. The two sides reaffirmed their
opposition to the proliferation or use of chemical weapons and expressed their
support for the OPCW’s work in Syria. The two sides expressed deep concern over
the humanitarian situation and the need to continue to provide support to
alleviate the suffering of Syrian refugees and internally displaced persons.
The two sides called on the international community to step up humanitarian
assistance in accordance with United Nations guiding principles.
26. Afghanistan: In support of a
common interest in a stable Afghanistan, the two sides decided to enhance
coordination in advance of the 2014 drawdown, explore further cooperation in
support of their shared interest in political stability and economic
revitalization in Afghanistan, and support the Afghan peace and reconciliation
process. The two sides committed to continue in 2014 the joint diplomatic
training program for Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials. The two
sides also declared their intention to continue to work together in support of
regional cooperation efforts such as the Istanbul Process. The United States
supported China in hosting the next ministerial meeting in August 2014.
27. Sudan/South Sudan: Called for
parties in the South Sudan conflict to carry out the May 9th agreements and
solve differences through peace negotiations as soon as possible; emphasized
that the international community should continue to support and cooperate with
mediation efforts to broker peace in the South Sudan conflict through peace
negotiations led by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD); and
welcomed the leading role of IGAD. The international community should continue
to support the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the mediation efforts of
IGAD Monitoring and Verification Mechanism, among other parties. The
international community should continue to provide humanitarian assistance to
South Sudan in order to avert a likely outbreak of famine and provide support
for refugees and displaced persons. The two sides reaffirmed that Sudan and
South Sudan should be encouraged to develop friendly relations, called for both
sides to strictly implement relevant Security Council resolutions and the
September 27, 2012, agreements, and encouraged the two sides to solve the Abyei
issue peacefully. The two sides committed to continue to maintain communication
and consultation on all matters related to Sudan and South Sudan and take
coordinated actions to support peace in Sudan and South Sudan and peaceful
relations between the two states.
28. Asia-Pacific: Acknowledged
our common interests and challenges in the region and shared goal of
maintaining peace, stability, and prosperity. The two sides decided to work
together to maintain peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and uphold
international norms. The two sides concurred that constructive China-U.S.
relations are critical to both Chinese and U.S. policies in the Asia-Pacific.
The two sides reaffirmed efforts to build a more stable, peaceful, and
prosperous Asia-Pacific region and to enhance communication and coordination in
the Asia-Pacific region to address pressing regional challenges. The two sides
discussed the latest developments in the Asia-Pacific region. The two sides
decided to enhance communication and coordination in the multilateral
frameworks of the region, such as APEC, the East Asia Summit (EAS), and the
ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). The two sides decided to strengthen cooperation in
the Pacific Islands. The Fifth China-U.S. Asia-Pacific Consultations (APCs)
were held in Beijing January 22, and the two sides released a list of
cooperative projects in the Asia-Pacific region. The two sides made positive
comments on this consultation mechanism and decided to hold the next round this
year in the United States.
29. Middle East Dialogue:
Reviewed the progress during the two rounds of the Middle East Dialogue and
decided to hold the next two rounds in China in 2014 and in Washington in 2015
30. Law of the Sea and Polar
Issues: Welcomed the China-U.S. Law of the Sea and Polar Issues dialogue’s
efforts in assisting bilateral cooperation in global maritime forums and
promoting better understanding of issues that are of increasing importance. The
5th Dialogue was held in Qingdao, China, March 27-28, 2014. Experts from
Chinese and U.S. foreign affairs and maritime agencies exchanged views on a
wide range of topics related to oceans, the law of the sea, and the polar
regions. China and the United States are deepening bilateral dialogue on these
issues. The United States plans to host the next round in 2015.
31. Ross Sea Protected Areas:
Reaffirmed their commitment to continue to work together closely on the issue
of establishing a marine protected area in the Ross Sea of Antarctica
especially in the time prior to and during the Thirty-Third Meeting of the
Commission on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to
be held October 20-31, 2014, in Hobart, Australia.
32. Wildlife Trafficking:
Committed to combat wildlife trafficking by strengthening domestic and global
enforcement, including relevant domestic laws, regulations, and enforcement
tools; working jointly to increase interaction among wildlife enforcement
networks (WENs) in support of ongoing international efforts to form a network
of the WENs that could promote communication and cooperation links at the regional,
sub-regional and global level; engaging police, customs, wildlife and other law
enforcement authorities to join the effort to combat wildlife trafficking;
reducing supply of and demand for illegally traded wildlife in our respective
countries and abroad; and building international cooperation and public-private
partnerships to combat illegal wildlife poaching and trade. China and the
United States decided to build on their progress by tightening commercial ivory
trade controls; treating wildlife trafficking involving organized criminal
groups as a serious crime; increasing public understanding of the harmful
effects of wildlife trafficking on ecosystems and economic development,
including threat to security and to livelihoods of local communities; investigating
trade routes, supply chains, and market forces to identify measures to counter
poaching and illegal trade of wildlife; applying education and outreach
strategically to reduce poaching and illegal trade of wildlife, cooperating on
international enforcement efforts for wildlife; and developing collaborations
with other governments, international governmental organizations, civil
society, the private sector, and local communities.
33. Operation Cobra: China and
the United States have greatly promoted international cooperation on law
enforcement through initiating the ground-breaking “Operation Cobra” in
cooperation with other countries and regional organizations, which is a series
of global cooperation efforts to combat wildlife trafficking. Wildlife
officials, customs, and police officers from 28 countries participated in the
month-long law enforcement activity of “Cobra II” in January 2014 that garnered
impressive results, including numerous arrests of wildlife criminals and major
wildlife seizures. China and the United States commit to continue supporting
future actions of Cobra, including facilitating international coordination and
enhancing capacity building and information sharing on wildlife law
34. Peacekeeping: Exchanged views
on current United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations and the UN’s proposed peacekeeping
review and reaffirmed their joint commitment to deepening dialogue on
peacekeeping issues, as well as exchanges of experts and technical cooperation,
in particular with regard to military and police peacekeeping issues.
35. Earthquake Search and Rescue:
China Earthquake Administration and USAID/OFDA decided to host the
International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) Asia-Pacific Regional
USAR exercise August 25-September 2, 2014, in Beijing and Chengdu, China.
Approximately 80 participants from the government of China, governments of
ASEAN member states, and other INSARAG USAR teams from the Asia-Pacific region
will attend. China Earthquake Administration and USAID/OFDA plan to continue
this cooperation. Exercise design soon begins for the 2015 Asia-Pacific command
post exercise. The host country is to be determined during the annual INSARAG
Asia-Pacific Region Meeting in Seoul, Republic of Korea, September 15-17, 2014.
35、地震搜救:中国地震局和美国国际开发署国际灾害援助办公室将于2014年8月25日至9月2日在中国北京和成都举办联合国搜索与救援咨询团亚太地区搜救演练。来自中国、东盟成员国及联合国搜索与救援咨询团亚太地区搜救队的约80名代表将参加演练。中国地震局和美国国际开发署国际灾害援助办公室计划继续开展此项合作。双方即将设计2015年亚太地区指挥所演习方案,并将于2014年9月15日至17日在韩国首尔的联合国搜索与救援咨询团亚太地区年会上确定主办国。 |
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