Sub-National Cooperation 三、地方合作
36. China-U.S. Sister Cities:
Welcomed the continued enhancement of sub-national relations. The Chinese
People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and Sister
Cities International (SCI) co-hosted the China-U.S. Sister Cities Conference in
Washington, D.C., March 26-27, 2014. Thirty-four pairs of sister cities and
provinces/states and four outstanding individuals were recognized at the
conference. The conference encouraged and explored ways to strengthen economic,
cultural, and educational cooperation, and promoted youth exchanges between the
sister cities and provinces/states of China and the United States.
37. China-U.S. Governors Forum:
To promote China-U.S. sub-national cooperation, the Chinese People’s Association
for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and the U.S. National Governors
Association (NGA) decided to co-host the 3rd China-U.S. Governors Forum in
California in November 2014. Governors from both China and the United States
are to be invited to attend the forum to discuss the economic and trade
cooperation, energy saving and emission reduction, climate change, and other
38. EcoPartnerships Signing
Ceremony: Launched six new EcoPartnerships and held a signing ceremony of the
EcoPartnerships program, witnessed by State Councilor Yang Jiechi and Secretary
of State John Kerry, during the sixth S&ED. We have made great strides in
the five years of the EcoPartnerships in catalyzing subnational cooperation on
climate change, energy, and environmental issues in China and the United
States. By bringing together Chinese and U.S. local governments, research
institutions, universities, corporations, and non-governmental organizations,
EcoPartnerships spur innovation, investment, and progress toward shared goals
in both countries. The EcoPartnerships program is an outstanding example of the
strength of China-U.S. cooperation on energy and environmental issues under the
Ten-Year Framework, and anticipates
that these new EcoPartnerships will continue to demonstrate concrete results under
TYF action plans.
39. EcoPartnerships Workshop:
Held an EcoPartnerships Workshop before the sixth S&ED to exchange lessons
learned and best practices in addressing challenges and creating opportunities
through EcoPartnerships activities. Participants considered how the program can
continue to serve the strategic goals of the Ten-Year Framework through continued collaboration on low-emissions
development and environmental action.
40. Eco-City Project: Held two
workshops for six Chinese and three U.S. Eco-Cities in July 2013 and February
2014. Decided to foster additional formal interactions between participating
city officials, technology providers and energy institutions. ECP members and
other U.S. technology providers and national labs are to provide feedback on
technology solutions to accelerate energy efficiency in cities and reduce
41. Mayors’ Training Program:
Decided to pursue future mayors’ visits, building upon the success of the fifth
Chinese mayors delegation to the United States in November 2013 and second U.S.
mayors delegation to China in December 2013.
Cooperation on Energy and Climate Change 四、能源与气候变化合作
42. Shale Gas Study Tour:
Organized a study tour funded by the U.S. Trade & Development Agency to
bring nine delegates from China’s National Energy Administration and other
relevant Chinese entities to visit the United States for two weeks in summer
2014. The study tour offered an opportunity to highlight U.S. practices and
technologies in the area of shale gas development.
43. Cooperation on Nuclear Safety
and Regulation: In order to ensure the successful construction and safe
operation of AP1000 nuclear power reactors, Chinese and the United States
nuclear regulators decided to continue cooperation on nuclear safety issues,
including sustained regulatory and technical exchanges on the AP1000 nuclear
reactor development, and specifically planned to exchange personnel for extended
rotations to deepen working-level relationships and share expertise on AP1000
construction and licensing in the coming year; as well as share experience on
issues related to operating power reactors such as plant life extension and
license renewal issues; and lessons learned from Fukushima including severe
accident hardened vents and filtering, and containment strategies to control
the release of radioactive materials in case of an accident.
44. Feasibility Study on
Energy-saving Technologies of Green Data Center: Decided to support the Chinese
Institute of Electronics to conduct a feasibility study on energy-saving
technologies of green data centers with funding support from the U.S. Trade and
Development Agency.
45. Exchange and Cooperation in
Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Development: Since S&ED V, the
Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) and the U.S. Department of State
decided to work together to exchange and learn from each other’s experience in
sustainable unconventional gas development as well as in conducting bid rounds
and setting contractual terms. To this end, MLR and State jointly held their
first regulatory and tendering/contracting workshop in May for Chinese
officials from ministries and provincial departments as well as Chinese
companies. MLR and State plan to carry out additional workshops, and Chinese
officials will visit the United States by this year’s end for further exchange
and study. MLR and State are exploring additional direct technical engagement
options that will help to create the basis for sustainable unconventional gas
development in China.
46. CERC Steering Committee
Meeting: Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the U.S. Department of
Energy decided to hold the annual CERC Steering Committee meeting in July 2014
in conjunction with the S&ED.
47. CIT Events at RDTC: In May
2014, the General Administration of China Customs (GACC) and DOE/National
Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) developed a national CIT course at China
Customs that trained customs officers to combat the illicit trafficking of
WMD-related materials, equipment, components, and technology through
familiarization, targeting, and interdiction.
48. Cooperation on Illicit
Trafficking: The General Administration of China Customs (GACC) and the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) are to continue to implement the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation
in Preventing Illicit Trafficking of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Materials between
GACC and DOE. GACC and DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
co-hosted their first Asia-Pacific Workshop in January 2014. The workshop was
held at GACC’s Radiation Detection Training Center (RDTC) in Qinhuangdao and
examined a wide range of topics critical to the operation, maintenance,
training and management of radiation detection systems. The workshop culminated
in technical demonstration of the RDTC’s capabilities. The two sides decided to
carry on technical exchanges and trainings on radiation detection equipment and
to hold export control trainings.
49. Preventing Illicit
Trafficking Workgroup: The General Administration of China Customs (GACC) and
DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) decided to establish a
working group to identify and carry out activities identified in the Memorandum
of Understanding for Cooperation in Preventing Illicit Trafficking of Nuclear
and other Radioactive Materials, signed on 11 July 2013.
50. China-U.S. Cooperation on
Center of Excellence: Welcomed the positive progress made in the field of
Nuclear Security, especially in the projects of the China-U.S. Center of
Excellence (COE) on Nuclear Security and conversion of the Miniature Neutron
Source Reactor (MNSR) from HEU to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. The two
sides noted the October 2013 ground breaking ceremony on the Center of Excellence
(COE) and look forward to completion of the COE in 2015, as well as continuing
regular technical exchanges. The two countries decided to continue cooperation
on the conversion of the MNSR at the China Institute of Atomic Energy, continue
supporting the IAEA’s efforts to minimize the use of HEU in civilian
applications, and discuss collaboration on the conversion of MNSRs in other
51. China-U.S. Peaceful Uses of
Nuclear Technologies: Held the 9th annual China-U.S. Peaceful Uses of Nuclear
Technologies (PUNT) Joint Committee Meeting in Washington, D.C., in April 2014.
The two sides recognized the progress achieved in each PUNT working group,
discussed new issue areas for potential cooperation, and affirmed the need for
strengthened technical collaborations in safety, security and safeguards as
nuclear power continues to play an important role in meeting global energy
needs. The next PUNT JCC meeting is to be held in Beijing in spring 2015.
52. China-U.S. Civil Nuclear
Energy Cooperation: Decided to continue civil nuclear safety activities
focusing on Probabilistic Safety Assessments through the Nuclear Energy
Technology Working Group under the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology (PUNT)
53. China-U.S. Civil Nuclear
Energy R&D: Decided to continue cooperation under the Bilateral Civil
Nuclear Energy Cooperative Action Plan framework. In April 2014, the Action
Plan Steering Committee meeting was held consecutively with the PUNT Joint
Coordinating Committee Meeting in the Washington, D.C., area. The two sides
recognized achievements in long-term R&D collaboration and committed to
pursue joint materials and fuels irradiation collaboration.
54. China-U.S. Civil Nuclear
Energy R&D: Decided to continue cooperation between the Chinese Academy of
Sciences and the U.S. Department of Energy under the Memorandum of
Understanding for Nuclear Energy Sciences and Technologies (NEST). The second
CAS-DOE executive committee meeting took place in May 2014 at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory. The next CAS-DOE NEST MOU executive committee meeting is
planned for 2015 in China.
55. Nuclear Power Cooperation:
The two sides attach great importance to the world’s first batch of AP1000
projects under construction in Sanmen and Haiyang, China, and commit to work
toward their successful implementation, where possible. The United States
commits to actively discuss issues of quality control and related problems with
56. CERC-ACTC: Under the
China-U.S. Clean Energy Research Center (CERC) facilitated by Ministry of
Science and Technology of China, National Energy Administration, and the U.S.
Department of Energy, the Advanced Coal Technology Consortium plans to
undertake a joint pre-feasibility study regarding a combined carbon capture
utilization and storage (CCUS)/fresh-water co-production pilot project, in
collaboration with CERC’s private sector partners.
57. Exchange Training Program:
Continued the development of the hundred-person exchange training program
between the China National Energy Administration and the U.S. Department of
Energy to expand information exchange and mutual learning in the energy
industry, especially in the cleaner utilization of fossil energy. The two sides
committed to hold a three week exchange in China in September, and a reciprocal
exchange in the United States in October.
58. Renewable Energy Cooperation:
China and the United States committed to continue concrete China-U.S. renewable
energy cooperation by pursuing joint projects involving the working groups
under the China-U.S. Renewable Energy Partnership: (1) policy, planning and
coordination, (2) grid integration, (3) standards, testing and certification,
(4) solar, and (5) wind.
59. Electric Vehicles and
Industrial Energy Efficiency Cooperation: The Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology of China and the U.S. Department of Energy signed a Memorandum of Understand on Electric Vehicle
and Industrial Energy Efficiency Cooperation in Beijing on July 10, 2014.
Under this framework, the two sides commit to conduct cooperation in the fields
of electric vehicles and related technologies, as well as energy efficiency
improvement for energy-using terminal products.
60. Strategic Cooperation on “Digital
Energy”: Held a workshop between China’s Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology and the U.S. Department of Commerce with support from the U.S. Trade
& Development Agency to conduct an exchange on "Digital Energy"
in order to promote information and communication technologies (ICT)-enabled
energy efficiency and emission reduction, and to facilitate cooperation between
Chinese and U.S. businesses.
60、数字能源战略合作:中国工业和信息化部与美国商务部在美国贸易发展署支持下召开了“数字能源”研讨会,就数字能源交换意见,支持利用信息技术促进节能减排并促进中美企业间的合作。 |
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