Cooperation on Health 七、卫生合作
89. Clean Cookstoves: As partners
to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Alliance), the two sides decided
to further strengthen their cooperation on clean cookstoves. NDRC Vice Chairman
Xie Zhenhua and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy have both joined the Alliance’s
Leadership Council. Under the framework of the MOU between NDRC and the United
Nations Foundation, the China Cookstoves and Fuels International Conference was
successfully held this May in Beijing, the focus of which was the progress and
future of clean cookstoves in China, South-South cooperation, and technological
and financial issues related to clean cookstoves. China is to further promote
the development of the Chinese cookstoves industry and increase the adoption of
clean cookstoves to improve the health and lives of its people and environment
and to help the Alliance reach its ambitious goals for the large-scale global
adoption of clean stoves and fuels for cooking; the United States committed to
provide technical assistance toward any cookstoves efforts China undertakes in
cooperation with the Alliance with regard to health, climate, and air quality.
The two sides decided to further partner under the Alliance and fully implement
the MOU, including continuing to work
together to support and advance the international process to develop standards
for clean, safe, and efficient cooking stoves and fuels.
90. China-U.S. Health Care
Cooperation Program: In support of the China-U.S. Healthcare Cooperation
Program, the U.S. Trade & Development Agency committed to continue support
for workshops focused on healthcare IT, new technologies and concepts, and
hospital management, to take place in various Chinese cities this year in
coordination with China’s Health Human Resources Development Center.
91. Healthcare Reform: Committed
to continue strengthening dialogue and exchange in healthcare reform, and to
continue sharing experiences concerning the general practitioner system,
medical insurance, medical information technology, hospital management, and
related issues. The 4th China-U.S. Health Summit to be held in Nanjing, China,
in October 2014 is to be supported by the National Health and Family Planning
Commission of China and the Department of Health and Human Services of the
United States.
92. Infectious Disease Response:
The National Health and Family Planning Commission of China and the Department
of Health and Human Services of the United States have decided to continue to
strengthen collaboration on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases,
including influenza, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, and malaria. The two
sides are to continue to participate in the Global Health Security Agenda and
work with relevant organizations and countries to accelerate the prioritization
of global health security across sectors and regions. This commitment
strengthens and further supports our partnership on the prevention and
detection of, and response to, infectious diseases.
93. Smoke-Free Workplaces:
Committed to further engage corporate partners for the implementation of the
China-U.S. Smoke-Free Workplaces initiative (CUSW), a public-private
partnership launched in 2012 to promote smoke-free policies in the workplace.
The two countries decided to continue to promote, expand, and advance the
interests of this effort within the private and public sectors. They are to
push forward the cooperation in tobacco control by holding an event to
summarize the achievements of Phase I and initiate Phase II of the China-U.S.
Partnership on Smoke-Free Workplaces. Building on the experiences of CUSW, the
two countries decided to support the CUSW secretariat to develop a
public-private platform for experience sharing and to further promote and
enable private sector leadership for health promotion in the workplace.
94. Anti-Malaria Cooperation:
Decided to continue collaborating on malaria and drug-resistant malaria control
strategy through technical dialogue and information sharing. Through the U.S.
President’s Malaria Initiative, the government of the United States is to
collaborate with China to strengthen the capacity of Mekong region countries to
carry out effective malaria monitoring, prevention and control, including
implementation of effective measures to combat anti-malarial drug resistance.
Bilateral Dialogues on Energy, Environment, Science and Technology 八、双边能源、环境、科技对话
95. Ten-Year Framework on Energy and Environment Cooperation (TYF): The
two sides decided to continue to promote progress and cooperation under the
seven TYF action plans: clean water; clean air; clean and efficient
transportation; clean, reliable and efficient electricity; nature reserves/protected
areas; wetlands cooperation; and energy efficiency; and to further implement
the EcoPartnerships program. Chinese and U.S. senior policy and technical
experts convened for the ninth Joint Working Group meeting in Washington on
March 17-18, 2014, when they considered their cooperation under the TYF to be achieving important outcomes
in areas of significance for both countries and the global community. In a new
approach to the TYF meeting format,
the TYF invited outside experts to
engage Chinese and U.S. officials on the growing challenges that urban areas
face in addressing the nexus between energy and water. The participants engaged
in a dynamic, substantive exchange, and recognized the energy-water nexus work
under one of the EcoPartnerships program initiatives.
96. Forging the Path to a Greener
Future: China-U.S. Energy and Environment Cooperation under the Ten-Year Framework: The two sides
jointly reviewed the five years’ progress of the TYF. They issued a joint
report on the occasion of the sixth S&ED, with sections on “Building the
Foundations for Continued Partnership” and “Looking Ahead,” marking 2014 as the
half-way point of the TYF, to
highlight prominent achievements during the course of the TYF’s first five years and expectations for future directions in
the seven TYF action plans. The Five-Year Report, Forging the Path to a Greener Future: China-U.S. Energy and
Environmental Cooperation Under the Ten-Year Framework, will raise public
awareness in both countries of the TYF’s
practical achievements and the promise of further China-U.S. cooperation in
addressing our shared environmental and energy challenges.
97. The Clean and Efficient Transportation Action Plan under the TYF: Since
2013, the Clean and Efficient
Transportation Action Plan under the TYF has advanced the Livability
Information Exchange Project and selected site visits to cities for the purpose
of enriching mutual understanding on transportation-related aspects of
livability; established clean vehicles industry-academia-research alliance and
China-U.S. biofuel joint research center, hosted the third China-U.S. Advanced
Biofuels Forum, the China-U.S. Aviation Energy Conservation and Emission
Reduction Strategic Forum; jointly conducted China-U.S. energy research project
and strategic study on China sustainable aviation biofuels; conducted training
on China-U.S. aviation energy conservation and emission reduction cooperation
as well as pollution prevention and treatment of vehicles.
98. Energy Efficiency Forum: Held
the fifth Energy Efficiency Forum in Beijing on June 10-11, 2014, and decided
to conduct the next Forum in the United States in 2015. Participants evaluated
opportunities for cooperation between the governments and enterprises of the
two countries. Participants joined site visits before the Forum, further
exploring cooperative opportunities. Both countries committed to maintain a
focus on mutually beneficial opportunities to enhance energy efficiency in
industrial facilities, buildings, consumer products, and cities.
99. CAS-DOE Third Joint Committee
Meeting: A Third Joint Coordinating Committee Meeting in energy-related
sciences between the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE) was held in June 2014. CAS and DOE discussed ongoing and potential
collaborative projects in the areas of high-energy physics, nuclear physics,
fusion energy, basic energy sciences, as well as highlighting climate
science-related cooperation.
100. APEC Energy Ministerial: In
2014, China is to host the APEC Energy Ministerial in Beijing. The United
States supports China’s proposal to establish the APEC Sustainable Energy
Center to facilitate the development of clean, renewable and sustainable energy
use, promote technology cooperation on sustainable energy, and thus boost
sustainable development.
101. 2014 China-U.S. Fossil
Energy Protocol Coordinators Meeting: Proposed to hold the 2014 China-U.S.
Fossil Energy Protocol Coordinators Meeting in the United States later this
year, to be co-chaired by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and
Department of Energy of the United States, to review activities of the past
year and agree on new priorities, missions, and activities for future
102. Energy Policy Dialogue: The
National Energy Administration (NEA) of China and the U.S. Department of Energy
held the first Energy Policy Dialogue at the Minister/Secretary level in
October 2013 in China.
103. Oil and Gas Industry Forum:
Decided to hold the 14th Oil and Gas Industry Forum (OGIF) in the United
States, September 24-26, 2014.
104. Advanced Biofuels Forum:
Decided to hold the Fourth Advanced Biofuels Forum in the United States in
105. Renewable Energy Industries
Forum: Held the third Forum in China in July 2013, with the fourth Forum scheduled
to take place in the United States in early 2015. The focus will be emerging
opportunities for government and industry collaboration in the areas of policy
planning, wind and solar deployment, renewable energy integration with the
grid, and standards development.
106. Bilateral Forum on Combating
Illegal Logging and Associated Trade: The two sides decided to hold the 6th
meeting of the China-U.S. Bilateral Forum on Combating Illegal Logging and
Associated Trade at a mutually agreed time in the second half of 2014 or first
half of 2015 in China to continue their cooperation.
107. Space Cooperation: Committed
to establish bilateral government-to-government consultation mechanisms and
hold regular meetings on outer space activities.
108. SOA-NOAA Joint Working Group
Meeting and Marine Science Forum: The State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) plan to hold the
19th Joint Working Group Meeting on Marine and Fishery Science and Technology
Cooperation in summer/fall 2014 and are to hold the 3rd SOA-NOAA Marine Science
Forum in 2015.
109. Seminar on Earthquake
Studies: Announced that the China Earthquake Administration, United States
Geological Survey and National Science Foundation planned to jointly hold the
China-U.S. Seminar on Earthquake Studies in 2015 in Washington, D.C., in order
to improve earthquake research capacities.
110. Joint Working Group on
Environmental Research: Announced joint cooperation under the MOU between the Ministry of Science and
Technology (MOST) and the Environmental Protection Agency in the following
areas: infrastructure and sustainable development for water systems;
remediation technologies for contaminated soil and ground water; chemical
screening methodologies; remediation of soil polluted by heavy metals and PAHs;
field testing air monitoring technologies; and characterizing motor vehicle
emissions. The Ministries are considering incorporating existing collaboration
on cookstoves under the MOU workplan, and are also exploring dates for the
meeting of the Joint Working Group on Environmental Research in 2014 in
111. Second MOST-EPA Joint
Working Group Meeting on Environmental Science and Technology Cooperation: It
is expected that the meeting of the Joint Working Group on Environmental
Research will be held in Beijing in August or September 2014. Vice Minister
Wang Weizhong of MOST and EPA’s Acting Assistant Administrator for Research and
Development are to co-chair the meeting. The two sides plan to hold in-depth
discussions on topics of mutual concern and step up efforts on current projects
and new highlights of bilateral environmental S&T cooperation.
112. Joint Committee Meeting on
Science and Technology Cooperation: Welcomed continued efforts to enhance science
and technology cooperation through a September 12, 2014, Joint Committee
Meeting (JCM) on Science and Technology Cooperation to be held in Washington,
D.C., and led by Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang and Assistant to
the President for Science and Technology and Director of the White House Office
of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) John Holdren. The co-chairs decided
that the JCM is to assess progress on the 2013 Executive Secretaries Meeting
(ESM) Action Plan in light of science and technology policy priorities of both
countries. Under the auspices of the JCM, OSTP and the Ministry of Science and
Technology held the Innovation Dialogue on July 8, 2014. The dialogue provided
a framework to discuss innovation policies of China and the United States and
included participation from relevant ministries and agencies from both
countries, nongovernmental innovation policy experts, and private-sector
113. Joint Committee on
Environmental Cooperation: The Ministry of Environmental Protection of China
and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency jointly convened the Fourth
Meeting of the China-U.S. Joint Committee on Environmental Cooperation in
Beijing, China, December 9, 2013. The Meeting reviewed cooperation in the
development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws and technical
capacity in areas including air, water, persistent organic pollutants and other
toxics substances, hazardous and solid waste, as well as work relating to
environmental laws and institutions, and approved work plans for the next two
114. Two Workshops Under the
MOST-HHS/NIH Joint Working Group on Health Science and Technology: With an aim
to promote exchange and cooperation in the area of health S&T, MOST and
U.S. HHS/NIH decided to co-chair China-U.S. Clinical and Translational Medical
Science Workshop in the United States in July and plan to co-chair China-U.S.
Peer Review and Project Management Workshop in China in the spring 2015.
115. The 12th MOST-USDA Joint
Working Group (JWG) Meeting on Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation:
Decided to hold the 12th MOST-USDA Joint Working Group Meeting on Agricultural
Science and Technology Cooperation in China in July 2014. The meeting is to be
co-chaired by Vice Minister Zhang Laiwu of the Ministry of Science and
Technology of China (MOST), and Dr. Woteki, Under Secretary and Chief Scientist
of the Department of Agriculture of the United States (USDA). The two sides
have decided to initiate collaborative projects in such priority areas as
agricultural biotechnology, water-saving technology, and gene bank technology
and practices under the China-U.S. Agricultural Research Flagship Program.
116. The Second Annual Symposium
on Agriculture: Committed to hold the Second China- U.S. High-Level
Agricultural Symposium in November 2014 alongside the APEC Leaders’ Summit. The
respective heads of state are invited to attend the Symposium and provide
116、第二届中美农业高层年度研讨会:承诺将于2014年11月亚太经合组织峰会期间共同举办第二届中美农业高层研讨会,拟邀请两国元首出席研讨会并致辞。 |
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