英语翻译资料下载 Annex A 附件一
Beijing Roadmap for APEC’s Contribution to the Realization of the FTAAP 亚太经合组织推动实现亚太自贸区北京路线图
Over the past 25 years, APEC
economies have made great strides in the pursuit of free and open trade and
investment. APEC’s role in facilitating regional economic growth and
cooperation has proven essential in efforts to achieve greater common
prosperity and stability, and has greatly contributed to the region’s
reputation as an engine of world economic growth. As the global economic
landscape has evolved, global supply chains and value chains have emerged, and
enterprises have taken advantage of distributed and more efficient production
of goods and services and global networks of investors and exporters.
Economic integration efforts in
the Asia-Pacific region have entered a critical stage, and are now facing both
opportunities and challenges. The proliferation of regional RTAs/FTAs has
created favorable liberalizing momentum that complements the multilateral
trading system as embodied in the WTO; however it has also resulted in a “spaghetti
bowl” effect, posing complex new challenges to regional economic integration
and to business.
In 2006, APEC economies agreed to
examine the long-term prospect of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific
(FTAAP). In 2010, APEC Leaders issued “Pathways to FTAAP”, and instructed APEC
to take concrete steps toward realization of the FTAAP, as a major instrument
to further APEC’s regional economic integration agenda, which should be pursued
as a comprehensive free trade agreement by developing and building on ongoing
regional undertakings such as ASEAN+3, ASEAN+6, and the Trans-Pacific
Partnership. In this regard, APEC is expected to make an important and
meaningful contribution as an incubator of the FTAAP. By providing leadership
and intellectual input into the development process of regional economic
integration, APEC could play a strong role in driving the FTAAP vision forward.
Over the past several years, APEC
has discussed a broad range of issues relevant to the prospect of the FTAAP,
conducted analytical work related to the FTAAP, addressed a number of next
generation trade and investment issues, and undertaken sectoral initiatives.
APEC has also carried out capacity building programs to assist economies in
engaging in FTA negotiations on particular topics, has exchanged information on
status of FTA/RTA negotiations in the region in Senior Officials Meetings, and
led other work that could be used to contribute to the eventual realization of
the FTAAP.
Today, we have reached a critical
point in global economic evolution, and APEC economies are committed to making
a contribution by translating the vision of the FTAAP into concrete steps, and
to kicking off and advancing the process in a comprehensive and systematic
manner towards the eventual realization of the FTAAP. Establishment of this
Roadmap for APEC’s Contribution to the Realization of the FTAAP represents an
important concrete step towards greater regional economic integration.
In this regard, we, the APEC
Leaders, share the following common views:
– The rules-based multilateral
trading system will remain a key tenet of APEC. The FTAAP should be pursued on
the basis of supporting and complementing the multilateral trading system.
– The FTAAP should do more than
achieve liberalization in its narrow sense; it should be comprehensive, high
quality and incorporate and address “next generation” trade and investment
– Attaining the Bogor Goals by 2020 will continue to be
APEC’s core objective, and progress towards the Bogor Goals will substantially advance and help determine APEC’s
contribution to the eventual realization of the FTAAP. This work will not
supersede the Bogor Goals but will
serve as an important driving force to consolidate and accelerate progress
toward trade and investment liberalization.
– The FTAAP will be realized
outside of APEC, parallel with the APEC process. APEC should maintain its
non-binding, voluntary cooperation principles in its contributions to the
realization of the FTAAP. APEC will encourage more unilateral trade and
investment liberalization and reform, continue to play a role as incubator of
the FTAAP and provide leadership and intellectual input to its realization.
– The FTAAP should aim to
minimize any negative effects resulting from the proliferation of regional and
bilateral RTAs/FTAs, and will be pursued by building on current and developing
regional architectures. Greater efforts should be made to concluding the
possible pathways to the FTAAP, including the TPP and RCEP.
– To assist interested APEC
economies with participating in ongoing regional undertakings and preparation
for the realization of the FTAAP, APEC should continue to provide effective
economic and technical cooperation activities that help developing economies,
including in structural reform, human resource, SME development and
为帮助有兴趣的亚太经合组织经济体参与当前正在进行的自贸区谈判,并为最终实现亚太自贸区做好准备,亚太经合组织应在结构改革、人力资源、中小企业发展、一体化等方面继续开展有效的经济技术合作,帮助发展中经济体提高能力。 |
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