Bearing in mind the above, we
agree to undertake the following actions while pursuing the conclusion of
initiatives considered as potential building blocks of the FTAAP:
– Launch a collective strategic
study on issues related to the realization of the FTAAP by building on and
updating existing studies and past work, providing an analysis of potential
economic and social benefits and costs, performing a stocktake of RTAs/FTAs in
force in the region, analyzing the various pathways towards the FTAAP,
assessing impacts of the “spaghetti bowl” phenomenon on economies, identifying
trade and investment barriers, identifying challenges economies may face in
realizing the FTAAP, and considering any recommendations based on the study’s
findings. The CTI Friends of the Chair Group on Strengthening REI and Advancing
FTAAP, led by member economies, will organize and lead a task force to
undertake the study and will seek contributions from interested APEC economies,
the APEC Policy Support Unit, ABAC, PECC and APEC Study Centers. The linkage
with the second term review of Bogor Goals will be strengthened while carrying
out this study. The CTI and SOM will review progress annually, finalize the
report, along with any recommendations, arrived at by consensus, and submit
them to Ministers and Leaders by the end of 2016.
– Increase transparency of
existing and recently concluded RTAs/FTAs by advancing work under the APEC Information
Sharing Mechanism on RTAs/FTAs. This will support cooperation on the
realization of the FTAAP, and encourage economies to organize supporting policy
dialogues and other information sharing activities under this mechanism.
Increased transparency of existing RTAs/FTAs and better understanding among our
economies of possible pathways will contribute to building stakeholder support
and lead to the eventual realization of a truly beneficial FTAAP. This
mechanism would complement the WTO Transparency Mechanism for Regional Trade
Agreements; economies will continue to participate to the fullest extent
possible in the WTO Transparency Mechanism. The CTI will review the
effectiveness of this mechanism biennially and submit any outcomes to MRT, AMM
and AELM.
– Continue the capacity building
activities in pursuit of the FTAAP under the Action Plan Framework of the 2nd
Capacity Building Needs Initiative (CBNI). We highly commend the successful
implementation of the 1st CBNI in 2012-2014 and encourage more economies to
design and conduct capacity building programs for specific sectors as lead
economies. The results of the capacity building programs conducted under the
2nd CBNI will be periodically reviewed with the goal of building up economies’
capacity to participate in ongoing regional undertakings and realize the FTAAP.
– Accelerate “at the border”
trade liberalization and facilitation efforts, improve the business environment
“behind the border”, and enhance regional connectivity “across the border”.
This includes advancing initiatives in areas such as investment, services,
e-commerce, rules of origin, global value chain, supply chain connectivity,
customs cooperation, environmental goods and services, good regulatory
practices, as well as next generation trade and investment issues that the
FTAAP should contain. APEC will continue to support and foster cooperation in
these areas to ensure that member economies can effectively benefit from such
initiatives in its continuing contribution to realizing the FTAAP.
– Strengthen engagement with the
business sector via the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and other direct
routes. We will intensify efforts to strengthen APEC public-private sector
dialogues on the promotion of regional economic growth, integration and an
improved business environment. ABAC input on issues expected to impact the
region’s economic growth and development over the longer term will be used to
advance work towards the realization of the FTAAP.
We will pursue the FTAAP with a
step-by-step, consensus-based approach, and affirm our commitment to the
eventual realization of the FTAAP as early as possible by building on ongoing
regional undertakings, which will contribute significantly to sustained growth
and overall prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. We are steadfast in
supporting regional economic integration and increasing global trade and
investment, including through this Roadmap. We are determined to demonstrate
APEC’s leadership and commitment to shaping the future of the region with a
strong Asia-Pacific Partnership.
我们将循序渐进、按照协商一致原则推进亚太自贸区,并重申在现有区域贸易安排基础上尽快实现亚太自贸区的承诺。这将极大地促进亚太地区经济可持续增长和共同繁荣。我们将坚定支持区域经济一体化和增加全球贸易投资,并采取诸如本路线图的措施。我们愿借此显示亚太经合组织的领导作用和共建面向未来的、牢不可破的亚太伙伴关系的承诺。 |
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