英语翻译资料下载 Annex D 附件四
Connectivity Blueprint for 2015-2025 亚太经合组织互联互通蓝图(2015-2025)
Background 背景
1. In the APEC Leaders’ 2013
Declaration, we shared our aspiration to reach a seamlessly and comprehensively
connected and integrated Asia-Pacific through the pillars of Physical
Connectivity, Institutional Connectivity and People-to-People Connectivity.
2. Connectivity represents an
ambitious target for a diverse regional organization such as APEC, but it is
precisely that ambition that will drive strong and tangible achievement.
3. Connectivity will be important
not only for governments and business, but also for APEC as a community. By
connecting APEC’s developed and emerging growth centers, the region’s quality
of growth will improve, contributing to the Asia-Pacific’s economic prosperity
and resilience.
4. In this regard, we note with
appreciation that significant work has already been done by various APEC fora
and working groups in advancing connectivity in the region. APEC economies have
also undertaken substantial amounts of work to improve connectivity, both at
the domestic and regional levels.
5. However, despite the many
achievements and successes of APEC in promoting connectivity in previous years,
many challenges still remain. On physical connectivity, there is still a
disparity in access to and quality of physical and Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure throughout the region.
6. On institutional connectivity,
there is also a significant gap in the ability of existing institutions to
promote connectivity due to various regulatory constraints or lack of capacity.
7. On people-to-people
connectivity, much work needs to be done to ease existing barriers to
interaction and mobility, and to develop joint endeavors that will support
seamless flows of people.
8. We have therefore developed
this Blueprint as a strategic guide for current and future initiatives that
will bring the APEC region closer together, and as a high-level framework
towards which many APEC work streams will focus their efforts.
Vision of APEC Connectivity in 2025 2025年亚太经合组织互联互通愿景
9. Through the Blueprint, we commit to strengthen
physical, institutional, and people-to-people connectivity by taking agreed
actions and meeting agreed targets by 2025, with the objective of achieving a
seamless and comprehensively connected and integrated Asia Pacific.
10. In order to attain this
overarching goal, APEC member economies will undertake specific tangible
actions at the physical, institutional, and people-to-people pillar levels.
11. This Blueprint contains existing connectivity-related initiatives;
encourages reviving those initiatives that require further progress; and,
proposes future initiatives for more efficient flows of goods, services,
capital and people to drive APEC progress. It is also broad in scope and
adaptable to the ever-changing conditions in the Asia-Pacific.
12. We envision this Blueprint accelerating and encouraging
balanced, secure, sustainable and inclusive growth, as well as connecting
growth poles in the region and bringing APEC closer together as a community.
我们期待蓝图为平衡、稳定、可持续和包容增长提供动力和支持,联接本地区各增长极,并使亚太大家庭联系更为紧密。 |
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