中文版:2015万隆公报.doc Bandung
Message 2015
Strengthening South-South
Cooperation to Promote World Peace and Prosperity 加强南南合作,促进世界和平繁荣
The 60th Anniversary
of the 1955 Asian-African Conference and the 10th Anniversary of the
New Asian-African Strategic Partnership ——纪念1955年亚非会议召开60周年和亚非新型战略伙伴关系建立10周年
Context 一、总体背景
1. We, the Leaders of the
Asian-African Countries, gathered in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia on 22-24
April 2015, at the Asian-African Summit, on the occasion of the 60th
Anniversary of the 1955 Asian-African Conference and the 10th Anniversary of
the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership under the theme “Strengthening
South- South Cooperation to promote World Peace and Prosperity”, in the spirit
of revitalizing and enhancing our partnership.
2. We meet in the midst of
increasingly complex global challenges. We are cognizant that, in this context,
our common efforts to deal with these challenges need to focus on prosperity,
solidarity, and stability.
3. We assert our belief that the
Spirit of Bandung, including on self-determination, as enshrined in the Final
Communiqué of the 1955 Asian-African Conference, remains solid, pertinent and
effective as a foundation for nurturing stronger relations among Asian-African
countries, and continues to provide guidance to resolve regional and global
issues of common concern in accordance with the relevant principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
4. We strive to continue the
significant progress in various fields in Asian and African countries. In this
context, we are encouraged by the integration of Pacific Small Island
Developing States into the fold of Asian cooperation frameworks, and more
importantly, their importance and growing role in overcoming global challenges.
5. We underline the importance of
bringing the regions closer together by utilizing the advantages derived from
commonalities and diversity. We will further explore innovative and concrete
ways and means to strengthen cooperation between Asia and Africa to contribute
to regional and global peace and security as well as to promote economic
cooperation and trade, to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable
6. We underscore the Declaration on the New Asian-African
Strategic Partnership (NAASP) of 2005, as a framework to build a bridge and
strengthen practical cooperation between countries of Asia and Africa, and
reaffirm our commitment to redouble our efforts for its successful
implementation. In this regard, we endorse the 2015 Declaration on Reinvigorating the New Asian-African Strategic
7. We reaffirm the importance of
South-South Cooperation as a manifestation of solidarity among Asian and
African countries and a complement to, rather than a substitute, for North
South cooperation. We further recognize that strengthening South-South
Cooperation is mutually beneficial for both regions by serving their strategic
interests and reflecting a new type of international relations featuring
win-win cooperation.
Africa Cooperation: The Way Forward 二、亚非合作:前进之路
Political Solidarity 加强政治团结
8. We reaffirm the importance of
building harmony among cultures, religions, faiths and civilizations. We commit
to collectively combating violent extremism, racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related intolerance, while recognizing moderation as an
important value in countering all forms of extremism, and to promoting
dialogue, mutual respect, understanding and acceptance. We strive to make
effective use of relevant regional and global mechanisms for this purpose,
including through the UN Alliance of Civilizations and the Global Movement of
Moderates (GMM), and other relevant initiatives such as “UN Declaration on A Culture of Peace”, “Dialogue among
Civilizations” and “A world against violence and violent extremism”. In this
regard, we recognize the important role of media and communication tools in
combating all forms of extremism, and also the need to combat the misuse of
these tools.
9. We commit to advancing a
constructive approach in the promotion and protection of all human rights and
fundamental freedoms at relevant international fora based on the principles of
universality, transparency, impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity,
respect for cultural values, in accordance with the 1993 Vienna Declaration and
Programme of Action. In this regard, we will focus on constructive
international dialogue and cooperation, capacity building and technical
assistance to ensure the realization of all human rights and fundamental
freedoms – civil, political, as well as economic, social, and cultural rights –
including the right to development. We underline the need to respect the right
of people of every country to choose their own political systems, their
leaderships and development paths suitable to their own national conditions.
10. We remain committed to the
principle of self-determination as set forth in the Final Communiqué of the 1955 Bandung Conference, and reiterated in Bandung Declaration on the New Asian-African
Strategic Partnership on 24 April 2005 and in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. In this
regard, we reaffirm our principled and longstanding support for the inalienable
rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the achievement of
their legitimate national aspirations. To this end, we further reaffirm our
continued commitment to assisting the empowerment of the Palestinian people, in
preparing for and anticipating the eventuality of the independence of the
Palestinian state.
11. Giving priority attention to
achieving solution to the Palestinian question as the core issue in the
Arab-lsraeli conflict, we stress the importance and the need for the attainment
of comprehensive and lasting peace and stability in the Middle East.
12. We reiterate the central role
of the United Nations in the achievement and maintenance of international peace
and security, as well as advancement of common prosperity based on the purposes
and principles contained in the Charter
of the United Nations and the spirit enshrined in the Bandung Final Communique of 1955, in particular those relating to
the respect for territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence
of States, refraining from the threat or use of force against the territorial
integrity or political independence of States and non-interference in their
domestic affairs. We also resolve to strengthening the role and capacity of
regional and sub-regional organizations in the two continents in the peaceful
settlement of disputes, conflict prevention and resolution, promoting political
stability, as well as supporting efforts in peacekeeping, post-conflict
reconstruction and peacebuilding in the two regions, through enhanced regional,
South-South and triangular cooperation, in accordance with the principles of
impartiality, consent of the parties, national ownership and leadership.
13. We should strive to bolster
endeavors to combat transnational organized crime activities and terrorism,
including their increased linkages that adversely affect development, political
stability, and social and cultural values, and thus reiterate the importance of
close cooperation to respond to these threats.
14. We reiterate our strong and
unequivocal condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and
underline that we will not yield to terrorism. In this regard, we strive to
strengthen international and regional cooperation to combat terrorism, and
reaffirm the importance of implementing all pillars of the United Nations Global Counter-terrorism Strategy in an integrated
and balanced manner, and relevant United Nations resolutions. We confirm that
terrorism should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization
or ethnic group.
15. We express our strong
opposition and condemnation to all unilateral coercive measures including
sanctions which violate the Charter of
the United Nations and undermine international law as well as the norms and
principles governing peaceful relations among States.
15、我们强烈反对并谴责包括制裁在内的一切违反《联合国宪章》、破坏国际法和指导国与国之间和平关系的准则和原则的单边胁迫行为。 |
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