11. Heads of Governments have underlined the necessity for more active interaction in the field of agriculture via implementation of bilateral and multilateral projects in the fields of animal husbandry, plant cultivation, production and processing of agricultural goods, land reclamation, agricultural irrigation, development and introduction of innovative agricultural technologies, training of personnel, interaction on veterinary issues and plant quarantine, as well as participation in workshops, forums and exhibitions conducted in the SCO member states.
12. Heads of Governments note the importance of continuing mutually beneficial multi-dimensional cooperation in the sphere of energy, which includes the field of renewable and alternative energy sources.
Heads of Governments advocate stronger cooperation on environment protection, exchange of experience on building energy-efficient economy, promoting transition to low carbon footprint development among other goals to further reduce or limit emissions in the atmosphere, including greenhouse gases, as well as reduce proportion of energy consumption.
13. Heads of Governments welcome the input of the SCO Business Council and the SCO Interbank Consortium in promotion of cooperation and trade and economic ties in the framework of the Organization, advocated strengthening the activities of these structures on more active contacts between business and financial circles, as well as development of real economy.
Heads of Governments gave positive assessment to the activities of the Business Council on forming specialized platforms for cooperation and interaction between business structures of member states, observer states and dialogue partners of the Organization and believe that further work in this direction is required.
Heads of Governments have noted the success of the Interbank Consortium in establishing relations with financial institutions of observer states and dialogue partners of the SCO achieved in ten years of its existence.
14. Heads of Governments gave positive assessment to the results of cooperation of the SCO member states in cultural and humanitarian sphere, supported further development of multilateral and bilateral ties in the fields of culture, education, science and technology, healthcare, social protection of people, environment protection, tourism, emergency relief, justice, and media that promote better mutual understanding of the peoples, mutual enrichment and rapprochement of cultures, popularization of traditions and customs of peoples living in the territory of the SCO.
15. Heads of Governments gave positive assessment to the outcomes of the Meeting of Ministers of Culture of the SCO Member States (20 April 2015, Moscow). They noted that practical implementation of the SCO Intergovernmental Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Culture (16 August 2007, Bishkek) is a great importance.
16. Heads of Governments noted the necessity of practical implementation of the SCO Intergovernmental Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, expedient start of the SCO Program for Scientific and Technological Partnership and strengthening of practical cooperation between member states in science and technology.
17. The Heads of Governments gave positive assessment to the second Meeting of Ministers of Public Health of the SCO member states (7 July 2015, Moscow) and fourth Meeting of Heads of Sanitary and Epidemiological Agencies of the SCO member states (17 April 2015, Moscow), supported quality implementation of arrangements stipulated in their final documents, as well as in the SCO Intergovernmental Agreement on Cooperation for Public Health (15 June 2015, Astana) and Program for Informing on Epidemiological Situation Caused by Infectious Diseases in the Territory of the SCO Member States (29 November 2015, Tashkent).
18. Heads of Governments gave high evaluation to the outcomes of the first Meeting of Heads of National Tourism Agencies of the SCO Member States (25 March 2015, Moscow) and supported the initiative of the Russian side for development and approval of a Program for Development of Cooperation in the Field of Tourism between the SCO Member States.
Heads of Governments advocate development and expansion of equal and mutually beneficial bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the field of tourism taking into account existing cultural, historical and economic ties; creation of beneficial conditions for peoples’ communication; strengthening exchange of experience in the sphere of tourism; more active contacts between authorized agencies and relevant organizations.
Heads of Government deem important to active participation of the SCO member states in the first World Conference on development of tourism (May 2016, People’s Republic of China).
19. Heads of Governments gave high evaluation to the progress of implementation of the SCO Intergovernmental Agreement on Interaction and Providing Aid for Emergency Relief (26 October 2005, Moscow) and the results of the eighth Meeting of Heads of Emergency Prevention and Relief Agencies of the SCO Member States (11-12 November 2015, Chengdu). They also advocated quality implementation of the Action Plan for implementation of the SCO Intergovernmental Agreement on Interaction in Providing Aid for Emergency Relief for 2016-2017, further development of more practical and efficient cooperation in the field of emergency prevention and relief to minimize damages from emergencies.
20. Heads of Governments have noted that implementation of the Agreement on Cooperation between Ministries of Justice of the SCO member states, signed at the third Meeting of Ministers of Justice of the SCO Member States (18 August 2015, Dushanbe) promotes further strengthening of cooperation in legal field. They have also supported expedient creation of a joint electronic legal database of the SCO member states for businessmen and investors, advocated continued cooperation in the field of forensic expert activities via carrying out joint studies, exchanges of methods and experience.
21. Heads of Governments have noted that involving observer states and dialogue partners in practical cooperation of the SCO has positive and relevant meaning for expansion of cooperation in the space of the Organization.
Heads of Governments have noted the necessity to continue involving observer states and dialogue partners, as well as partner international organizations in practical activities in economic, humanitarian and other fields, including the framework of the SCO Business Council and the SCO Interbank Consortium.
22. Heads of Governments have approved the report of the SCO Secretariat on the progress of implementation of the Program of Multilateral Cooperation in Trade and Economy of the SCO Member States.
The budget of the Organization for 2016 was adopted. Decisions pertaining to financial and organizational activities of the SCO permanent structures were also made.
Heads of Governments the high level of organization of the Meeting of the Council of Heads of Governments (Prime Ministers) of the SCO Member States and expressed their gratitude to the Chinese side for warm welcome.
The next Meeting of the Council of Heads of Governments (Prime Ministers) of the SCO Member States will take place in 2016 in Kyrgyz Republic. |
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