英语翻译资料下载 亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议第五次外长会议关于通过对话促进亚洲和平、安全、稳定和可持续发展的宣言 Declaration of the Fifth Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia
Promoting Peace, Security, Stability and Sustainable Development in Asia Through Dialogue
北京,2016年4月28日 Beijing, 28 April 2016
1. We, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), met in Beijing on 27-28 April 2016 for the Fifth Meeting of the CICA Ministers of Foreign Affairs to exchange views on major regional and international issues.
2. We recognise that Asia and the world are undergoing complex and profound changes and reaffirm our commitment to the UN Charter and the universally recognised norms and principles of international law, in particular those enshrined in the Declaration on the Principles Guiding Relations Between the CICA Member States and the Almaty Act.
3. We confirm that no state or group of states has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other state. Organisation and support of externally-based coups, as form of interference in the internal affairs of states, poses a threat to the sovereignty and political independence of states; and is contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations, violates the UN Charter, and also leads to the creation of situations which can threaten international peace and security.
4. We reaffirm that in a globalised world security has become an all-encompassing concept and countries in the region are sharing common interests in building a sustainable environment of peace and security. We should seek common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security; respect each other’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and pursue further development and progress based on the common understanding that has been reached so far, and build a security environment that fulfills the expectation of the Member States based on commitment to mutual trust, good neighbourliness and cooperation among Member States.
5. Taking into account different positions on the Middle East peace process, we remain concerned and call upon all parties concerned to implement all the relevant UN resolutions to achieve comprehensive, lasting and just peace and security and stability in the region by resuming negotiations; to establish the Palestine State, based on the relevant UN resolutions and on internationally recognised legal basis on this issue with the aim of achieving the two-state solution of two states living in peace and security with each other, while fully preserving the peace, security, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all other states in the region. We call upon the international community, including the Quartet, to continue the efforts to reactivate the bilateral negotiations in accordance with the agreed terms of reference to implement the solution based on two states for two peoples. We call upon both parties to respect the concluding mutual agreements and engage in taking measures which restore confidence and pave way towards that end.
6. As the Syrian crisis heads into its sixth year, almost half of the country’s population, close to 12 million men, women and children have been displaced, and close to 5 million Syrians have sought shelter in the neighbouring countries in the region; most prominently Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. The humanitarian tragedy is enormous and requires a coordinated and comprehensive response. We call upon the international community to consider possibility of supporting asylum seekers and refugees in accordance with relevant international law, in particular the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol thereto, where applicable, and national legislations.
7. We welcome the cessation of hostilities in Syria declared on 27 February 2016 to which we urge all relevant parties to maintain their commitment. We reaffirm our support to a political solution in Syria on the basis of the Geneva Communique 2012, decisions taken in Vienna format and the UNSC Resolutions 2254 and 2268 in order to restore peace and stability in Syria.
8. We reaffirm the importance of promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The process of promoting and protecting human rights should be conducted in conformity with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the UN, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and international law. We further reaffirm that all human rights are universal, interdependent, interrelated and indivisible. International community must treat human rights globally in a fair and equal manner. While the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds must be borne in mind, it is duty of states, regardless of political, economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
9. We reaffirm our commitment to uphold and defend the principles of the UN Charter and international law as well as the means envisaged in UN Charter for peaceful settlement of disputes. The parties to any dispute will immediately establish a contact and negotiate to prevent the outbreak of a conflict and to settle the dispute in accordance with the principles enshrined in the UN Charter as well as in the Declaration on the Principles Guiding Relations Between CICA Member States and international law. The Member States parties to a dispute as well as the other Member States shall refrain from any actions, which might aggravate the situation.
10. We express deep concern on the security challenge in Asia and beyond caused by the growing terrorist threat and actions of terrorist organisations, and strongly condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Terrorist acts not only pose serious challenge to countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also constitute threat to regional and international peace, security and stability.
11. We are also concerned by risks of proliferation of nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery, especially when they could fall into the hands of terrorists and other non-state actors.
12. We support the establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and All Weapons of Mass Destruction, based on arrangements freely arrived at among the states of the region concerned.
13. We support the inalienable right of all states to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, including power generation, with due respect to their non-proliferation obligations and their commitments emanating from agreements to which they are parties; in particular the IAEA Safeguards Agreements.
14. We resolve to undertake all necessary measures aimed at addressing the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism, including but not limited to prolonged unresolved conflicts, lack of the rule of law and violations of human rights, discrimination on ethnic, national or religious basis, external interference in states’ affairs, socio-economic marginalization, while recognising that none of these conditions can excuse or justify acts of terrorism.
15. We stress that the menace of
terrorism has been magnified by its close links with drug trafficking, illicit
trafficking of small arms and light weapons (SALWs) and their transfers in any
form to terrorist groups, racist ideologies, separatism, all forms of extremism
which present basic sources of financing and providing manpower for terrorist
activities. |
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