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2013-11-12 23:42| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 18| 评论: 0|来自: 英国政府网

摘要: Prime Minister David Cameron on the Help to Buy scheme

Help To Buy: Statement by David Cameron


10 Nov. 2013


Well, it’s been a great pleasure and a real privilege to welcome all these people to Number Ten Downing Street, who are benefitting from the government’s Help to Buy scheme. It’s worth remembering why we introduced this scheme; there are thousands of people in our country who work hard, who want to own their own home, but because of the problems in the banking system, they haven’t been able to get a mortgage and so they’ve been living at home or they’ve been renting relatively expensive property when they’d like to have a mortgage and a home of their own. And all of these people, they find that they can afford the mortgage payments, that’s not been the problem, the problem have been getting together the deposit, and that’s why the government’s Help to Buy scheme, making sure that there are ninety and ninety-five per cent mortgages out there in the market, has made such a difference. So, all the people behind me are well on the way to achieving their dream of owning a flat or home of their own.


Now of course there have been lots of critics of this scheme; people said, “Will it be big enough?” Well, it certainly has got off to an extraordinary start, seventy-five families every day have taken the step to achieving their dream of home ownership. A third of a billion pounds of mortgages has so far been agreed. There were some who wondered if it would only be confined to the south of England; that hasn’t been the case. Lloyds, for instance, have found that eighty percent of their customers for Help to Buy are outside London and the South East. Some people thought it might only benefit those buying relatively expensive properties; again that’s not the case. The typical property being bought under this scheme is around the average house price in the UK.


So this is a successful scheme, those are the numbers, but this is about more than numbers, it’s about hard working people achieving their dream of home ownership, and it’s part of the government’s long term plan for getting our economy moving. One point that people were concerned about, was would this just add to house prices rather than actually generating more house building. Well we can see this year, house building up by a third, so I believe this scheme is not only helping hard working people achieve their dreams, it’s also helping the long term plan that the government has for turning our economy around.





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