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2013-11-30 18:06| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 24| 评论: 0|来自: 英国政府网

摘要: 2013 Hanukkah Message by Nick Clegg, UK Deputy Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg’s 2013 Hanukkah Message


The festival of Hanukkah reminds us of the incredible courage and resilience shown by Jewish men, women and children in the face of often overwhelming prejudice and discrimination.


It’s a time when Jews around the world reflect on the continuing struggle against anti-Semitism and against those forces which even today continue to threaten their families and seek to destroy their way of life.


At the heart of Hanukkah is the story of a light continuing to burn in the darkness, against all odds. It represents the power and potential we all have - whatever our beliefs or background - to meet the greatest of challenges and build the best of lives.


That commitment to freedom, hope for the future and ability to endure is evident in every area of Britain’s Jewish Community. It’s what helps make Britain the open, progressive and culturally rich country it is today,


So, as the sun sets and families gather together to light the candles on their Hanukiah, I want to wish everyone celebrating Hanukkah, at home and abroad, a peaceful and happy holiday.


Chanukah sameach to you all.





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