in the House on the Occasion of Kevin Rudd’s Retirement from Parliament
Malcolm Turnbull MP
13th November 2013
This is indeed a momentous day.
The resignation of a former Prime Minister from the parliament, in the House,
is a day that all of us here will remember. We will all remember, Kevin, being
here when you resigned from this parliament, a parliament in which, as the
Prime Minister has said, you have had a leading and often decisive role for so
many years. You have been a leader in Australia; a leader of Australia—a
formidable leader. You were the leader of the Labor Party that defeated John
Howard in an election campaign that all of us who participated in it remember
as in effect a presidential campaign for you. All of my colleagues who campaigned
in that election remember. We would go from one electorate to another and there
would be one or two corflutes of the Labor candidate and then hundreds of Kevin
Rudd. It was a presidential campaign; it was Kevin Rudd's victory in 2007.
When you became Prime Minister,
there were quite a few things that we disagreed about, as you know. But your
apology to the Stolen Generation is, as the Prime Minister tonight said, one of
those signal moments; one of those moments when a leader is able with his imagination
to capture the tenor of the times and make a mark in history, a mark that will
never be erased. All of your other achievements—about which we have differing
views of course—that your colleagues in the Labor Party have spoken so warmly
about tonight, including the handling of the global financial crisis, the
National Broadband Network and others, will all pass into forgetfulness. But
that apology to the Stolen Generation will never be forgotten. It is not just
one of those marks, in the sand of history to be blown or washed away by time,
but carved into the granite—into the bedrock—of history. That is your
When I was the Leader of the
Opposition, you were a formidable and ferocious opponent—and indeed and
unforgiving one. We differed on a number of occasions. We still occasionally
have gentle arguments about your response to the global financial crisis. I
still believe that, with the benefit of hindsight, you could have spent less
and perhaps spent more wisely. But these are not details for tonight.
What I want to speak about
tonight is Kevin Rudd, the man. All of us in politics suffer great joy, great
highs, and often suffer great lows and setbacks. I will never forget the day
that you gave your press conference following your removal as Leader of the
Labor Party by your colleagues. It is etched in my memory. It was one of the
cruellest moments I have ever witnessed. I had lost the leadership of my own
party but, frankly, in a dispute about policy. The current Prime Minister, the
member for Warringah, and I and various members of the party had a difference
about policy and it was resolved in a ballot. It was well flagged. We were
bringing it to a head; it was something we had to resolve. It was, if you like,
a very fair fight.
The betrayal of you as leader of
your party was one of the most shocking events I have ever witnessed, and I
would think any of us have ever witnessed, in politics—the scale of it. The
idea that the man who had won, in this presidential campaign, an election
against John Howard was then going to be disposed of, discarded like another
course on a lazy Susan in a Vietnamese restaurant—the cruelty of it was
extraordinary! I remember watching your wife, Therese Rein, standing there, as
the political wives and husbands so often do, the mute spectator to the cruelty
inflicted on her husband. As the Prime Minister has often said—and it is one of
the truest things you have ever said, Prime Minister—all of us here are
volunteers. Our spouses and families are conscripts. The way your family stood
by you is something that also will never be forgotten. But your resilience and
your determination— derided by so many of your colleagues and by people in the
media and by people on our side as well—was, again, an example to all of us.
The member for Griffith was kind
enough to refer to me as his friend. I am touched by that, Kevin, I really am.
We did not have any relationship when I was Leader of the Opposition and you
were Prime Minister, beyond the antagonistic one in this chamber. But after you
lost the leadership I did get to know you a lot better. Initially, I was very
worried about you, because I had known how low I had sunk in a much less
difficult loss of leadership—a much less difficult loss of leadership. I was
very worried about you. As I got to know you I realised what an extraordinarily
tough individual you are. Your determination is unequalled by anyone I have
worked with in politics. I do not know anyone who is so filled with energy and
determination and a preparedness to overcome any setback. That is a triumph of
the human spirit. Even if we disagree about one policy or another, it is an
extraordinary triumph of the human spirit that you could overcome those
setbacks, that betrayal that would have crushed so many other people.
So, together with my colleagues,
and indeed with yours, I salute you tonight. I thank you for your service to
the people of Australia and to this parliament. I wish you a long and happy
life with Therese and your family. As a fellow grandfather, I am sure that you
will have a lot of wonderful time with your grandchild, and indeed the many
more grandchildren that are to come. Thank you very much, Kevin Rudd, for your
service to Australia. |
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