中评社: A
stronger China-Europe partnership will bring us all greater prosperity 加强中欧关系将为双方带来更大繁荣
Li Keqiang, Premier of the State
Council of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国国务院总理
21 Nov 2013 2013年11月21日
The 16th China-EU Summit, which
took place in Beijing this week, yielded fruitful results and issued the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for
It has announced the launch of
negotiations on a China-EU investment agreement and set the goal of bringing
China-EU trade to $1 trillion by 2020.
This is no low-hanging fruit and
we need to jump to reach it, but I am confident we can attain that goal. The
agenda will definitely provide more opportunities for economic and trade
collaboration between China and Europe, including the UK.
China will, as always, firmly
support Europe’s integration process. A united, stable and prosperous Europe is
in the interest of the world and of China. The growth of mutually beneficial
business ties between China and Europe will not only bring benefits to both
sides; it will also create brighter prospects for China-Europe relations. This
should be a win-win endeavour.
In a couple of days, I will pay
my second visit of the year to Europe and will meet prime ministers of 16
central and eastern European countries in Bucharest, where we will explore ways
to boost co-operation.
There is great potential for
expanding co-operation between China and these countries and I look forward to
working together with my colleagues from these nations to create a new impetus
for developing our mutual relations.
The world economic recovery
remains bumpy and fragile. To meet this common challenge, we need to continue
to work together and help each other; at the same time, we also need to keep
our own houses in order.
I am pleased to see that many
European countries are leaving recession behind them and the EU economy is
being put on a more stable footing; China also has a good report card for its
At the beginning of this year,
the tough, complex situation, both domestically and internationally, placed
mounting downward pressure on the Chinese economy. Some were predicting, as
reported overseas, a hard landing for the Chinese economy and some even claimed
it would go bust.
We faced up to that pressure and
stuck to the policy of not allowing either the deficit to grow or monetary
expansion or contraction. Instead, we adopted a holistic approach based on
innovative macro-economic management.
Despite a significant slowing
down in the growth of government revenue and a “credit crunch” in the middle of
this year when the overnight inter-bank rate surged to abnormal levels, we
stayed focused and did not inject liquidity into the economy, despite what many
We have adopted a host of
measures to address both current and long-term needs. For example, we have
steadily released the dividends of reform, provided a level playing field for
businesses – private capital in particular – and tapped the potential of the
We generated the internal driving
force of economic growth, improved supply and boosted domestic demand through
structural adjustment.
These efforts have enabled us to
tide over the difficult period. The Chinese economy is now on a stable footing
and stays within a comfortable range, with GDP growth at around 7.5pc and the
inflation rate under 3.5pc. It is expected that more than 12m jobs will be
created this year.
We have been responsible not only
for our own sake, but also for the sake of the wider world because this will
create more opportunities for global growth and contribute to the recovery of
the world economy.
As the world watched closely, the
third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee
last week adopted a series of decisions aimed at comprehensively deepening
reform in China.
These decisions will not only
speed up China’s social and economic development, but also help address
resources and environmental constraints, as well as uneven development between
urban and rural areas and among different regions, thus bringing greater
prosperity to the Chinese people and creating new opportunities for our
relations with the outside world.
Chief among these are the growing
ties between China and Europe.
China’s modernisation programme
will create historic opportunities for mutually beneficial co-operation between
the 2bn people of China and Europe, including those in the UK.
Let us seize this opportunity and
deliver the benefits which co-operation can bring to all our peoples.
中国的现代化进程将为中国和欧洲将近两亿民众创造互惠合作的历史性机遇。让我们抓住良机、通力合作,为所有民众创造福祉。 |
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