Message from Premier Hon Alden McLaughlin
December 24, 2013
Caymanians, residents and visitors,
We find ourselves once again in
the midst of Christmas season, scurrying about looking for that perfect gift,
checking our shopping lists to make sure we have the right ingredients for that
special Christmas dinner, going to, as well as hosting, parties; in other
words, this time of year – for many – can be hectic and stressful.
But I want us to take a moment
and slow down. Christmas is about peace, unity, goodwill toward men and for those
of us who believe the scriptures, it’s about the Lord Christ Jesus.
While on earth, Christ displayed
humility, love, joy, optimism, obedience service and forgiveness. Indeed, the
scriptures implore us to be Christ-like. John 15:12 says, “This is My commandment,
that you love one another just as I have loved you”.
I implore you this Christmas
season to take that passage to heart. Indeed, my one Christmas wish is that we
in the Cayman Islands could live year-round with consideration, good will and
caring for each other.
But it is at Christmas that most
of us are mindful of the needs of our fellow man and the time when we do reach
out to them. I know that some people and families are hurting this time of
year. Some have faced the loss of loved ones, others have dealt with personal
tragedies and frankly, some people are just lonely. If you know of someone who
is hurting or in need this Christmas season, who is bereaved or alone, lift
them up with an encouraging word, a smile, an unselfish act. Small gifts of
food, a little cash, a visit to someone who is shut in; a simple act of
kindness can go a long way in helping make someone’s Christmas brighter.
I thank the charities, service
clubs, businesses, groups and individuals who ensure each year that those among
us who are less fortunate have a Merry Christmas. I would ask you to remember
them and give thanks for both the giver and the receiver of God’s blessings.
In the Cayman Islands, Christmas
was usually the time when seamen got to come home to spend time with their
families and while the tradition of our men plying the seas to earn money for
their families back home has died out, the tradition of family hasn’t.
It is my wish that you also set
aside some time during the hustle and bustle of the season to be with your
family and let them know that they are appreciated and loved, not just at
Christmas, but every day of every year.
Despite the challenges we have
faced over this past year, we in the Cayman Islands have much to be thankful
for. God has spared us another hurricane season, our people are still generous,
genteel and kind and our three Islands are indeed the jewel of the Caribbean
Along with your Government, I
want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. May the Lord continue to bless
the Cayman Islands through the end of this year and into 2014.
God bless. |
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