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2014-1-4 04:16| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 40| 评论: 0|来自: 伦敦市府

摘要: The Mayor of London Boris Johnson delivers his annual New Year’s message.

2014 New Year’s Message by Boris Johnson, Mayor of London


Monday, 30 December 2013


Hi folks, I’m Boris Johnson, I’m the Mayor of London and we’re saying goodbye to 2013, a year that will, I think, be recorded as one of the great ones in the history of our city and our country. We had a new heir to the throne, baby George was born. We won the Tour de France again and we won Wimbledon. A British athlete won Wimbledon for the first time in my lifetime. And we are seeing the beginnings of a sustained economic recovery. As that recovery gathers pace it is absolutely vital that we harness it to deliver tens of thousands of new homes for Londoners who need those homes. And we mobilise that recovery to get hundreds of thousands of young people into work. I know that we have the opportunity areas, thirty three Brownfield sites around London. You can see what is happening in Croydon, in Battersea, in the Royal Docks, in Greenwich, you can see the excitement and confidence in London around the world. I know that we can use that recovery to deliver what our people need and I know that 2014 is going to be an absolutely fantastic year for this city. Happy New Year everybody.





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