2014 New
Year’s Message by The Governor-General, H. E. the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen
January 1, 2014
As we stand at the dawn of 2014,
we must take time to reflect on the experiences of the past year and look ahead
to the 365 days of an unknown future. Today, many are making resolutions as we
seek the best strategy for securing a 2014 which is happier, healthier and more
productive than 2013.
Others are regretting the
mistakes of the past which have so negatively affected their future. In whatever situation we might find
ourselves, let us embrace the start of this new year, with hope and
determination to work towards our individual and national goals.
British poet Edith Lovejoy
Pierce, on the threshold of a New Year, wrote:
“We will open the book. Its pages
are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called
Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”
Indeed, there are opportunities
which we can find every day in this country:
Opportunities to do our part to
build peace and security;
Opportunities to help restore the
values of honesty, forgiveness, good-neighbourliness, respect for self and for
each other;
Opportunities to protect our
children and help those who are in need.
There are also opportunities for
personal achievement. In the past year, I was greatly encouraged by the many
Jamaicans who have struggled through hard times, suffering hunger and
deprivation, but they dared to dream and studied and worked to achieve their
Like our champion farmers and entrepreneurs,
Tessanne Chin, of whom we are so proud, our entertainers and star athletes, our
scientists and information and technology specialists, they know that success
does not come overnight. They know and believe that we can work to turn our
challenges and our difficulties into opportunities for success at the
individual, national and global levels.
As we face this New Year, I hope
that we shall all commit to the better attitude and approach that will put
Jamaica on the path to a brighter future! I encourage each of us in our small
corner to seize every opportunity to improve our lives; so we can build
stronger, healthier families and safer, more caring communities for a united,
and productive nation.
Lady Allen and I wish for all
Jamaicans at home and abroad a very happy and prosperous New Year and pray that
indeed, our Eternal Father will bless Jamaica, Land we Love, and grant us true
wisdom in the year ahead. |
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