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2014-2-22 15:43| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 18| 评论: 0|来自: 英国政府网

摘要: Message from the Deputy Prime Minister to mark the Grand Départ 2014 in Leeds of the Tour de France.

Message from Nick Clegg on Grand Départ 2014


With a global audience of billions, the Grand Depart will showcase Yorkshire and benefit families and business across the county, with a £100 million boost to our local economy.


More than 2 million people are set to line the routes from Leeds to Harrogate, York to Sheffield and then on to Cambridge and London. And with hundreds of miles to be covered in Yorkshire alone – taking in some of our most beautiful scenery, picturesque villages, and great towns and cities – there’s plenty for them to see and do.


So if you own a business in Yorkshire, start planning now to give these Tour De France fans the best possible welcome. The Grand Depart is a once in a generation opportunity for us to create a lasting legacy of investment, jobs and well-being for Yorkshire.


And I want to thank everyone working hard to make this an event to remember. That includes Welcome to Yorkshire, local councils and partners such as the Arts Council England and business supporters like Yorkshire Water and Asda.


Enjoy the Festival and get yourself down to Leeds Town Hall on 5 July for the start of the Grand Depart as we cheer on the cyclists and Yorkshire’s success.





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