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2014-2-25 14:47| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 7| 评论: 0|来自: Liberal

摘要: A Message from Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on “Our Plan to Build a Strong, Prosperous Economy”

A Message from the Prime Minister on “Our Plan to Build a Strong, Prosperous Economy”


February 9, 2014


As Parliament comes back, I want to stress our plan to build a strong, prosperous economy.


That plan is about creating more jobs with lower taxes, less red tape and policies that encourage everyone to “have a go”.


These are our commitments and we are implementing them.


Already the Government has given environmental approval to $400 billion in new projects and that means more jobs and more exports.


The Commission of Audit is underway to give you better value for your tax dollars.


In March, the Parliament will dedicate a day to repealing red tape – making life easier and less costly for everyone and in May, the Budget will be handed down to address Labor’s $667 billion debt legacy.


By July, Labor’s Carbon Tax and the Mining Tax should be history – especially if Labor wakes up to itself.


We’re working with the states to build the infrastructure of the 21st century.


We’re working on free trade agreements with our key trading partners and, importantly, we’re bringing back the Australian Building and Construction Commission – as the tough cop on the beat in that troubled industry.


We don’t want honest workers to be ripped off by dishonest union bosses.


So that’s the plan that the Parliament should support and it’s a plan that will strengthen the economy and allow families and small businesses to plan their future with confidence.





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