





2014-3-18 17:15| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 25| 评论: 0|来自: 澳大利亚总理府

摘要: A Message from Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott - A Stronger Northern Australia

A Strong Northern Australia


Over the last two days I have been in the Northern Territory talking to local leaders, business people and residents about making the most of our country’s potential.


Yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking with those on the front of line protecting our borders. As of yesterday, it’s been 10 weeks since the last successful people smuggling venture.  So, we are making progress.  The people smugglers are getting the message that their game is up and that the days of over 50,000 people arriving by boat are over.


As well, the Government’s White Paper on Northern Australia is now underway.


This White Paper, is being developed with the Queensland, Western Australia and Northern Territory Governments and it will detail how Northern Australia can go forward over the next two, five, 10 and 20 years.


It will show how Northern Australia can become a food bowl for Asia and how we can build a $150 billion energy export industry as well as grow our tourism, education and health sectors.


A stronger Northern Australia will benefit everyone with more jobs and more successful companies, leading to more revenue to pay down debt and provide more funding for infrastructure and services.


Right now there’s a lot of talk about what governments should be doing to help businesses facing tough competition.


The best way a government can help any business is by getting the economic fundamentals right so that businesses can grow and thrive -- for a company like Qantas that means scrapping the carbon tax that cost it $106 million last year alone and letting Qantas compete on a level playing field.


The Government is putting in place the plans that will strengthen our economy and all our businesses. That will mean a stronger and more prosperous Australia for everyone.





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