





2014-3-21 22:36| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 16| 评论: 0|来自: White House

摘要: President Obama provides an update on the situation in Ukraine and the steps that the United States is taking in response.

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Statement by President Obama on Ukraine



South Lawn



20 March 2014



Good morning, everybody. I wanted to provide an update on the situation in Ukraine and the steps that the United States is taking in response.




Over the last several days, we’ve continued to be deeply concerned by events in Ukraine. We've seen an illegal referendum in Crimea; an illegitimate move by the Russians to annex Crimea; and dangerous risks of escalation, including threats to Ukrainian personnel in Crimea and threats to southern and eastern Ukraine as well. These are all choices that the Russian government has made – choices that have been rejected by the international community, as well as the government of Ukraine. And because of these choices, the United States is today moving, as we said we would, to impose additional costs on Russia.


这几天来,我们继续高度关注乌克兰局势。我们看见克里米亚举行了非法公投;俄罗斯采取非法行动并吞克里米亚;局势有升级的危险迹象,包括克里米亚的乌克兰人受到威胁,乌克兰南部和东部也受到威胁。这些都是俄罗斯政府选择的结果-- 这些行为受到国际社会的反对,也受到乌克兰政府的反对。由于出现了这些情况,美国今天正采取行动让俄罗斯承担更高的代价,我们说到做到。


Based on the executive order that I signed in response to Russia’s initial intervention in Ukraine, we’re imposing sanctions on more senior officials of the Russian government. In addition, we are today sanctioning a number of other individuals with substantial resources and influence who provide material support to the Russian leadership, as well as a bank that provides material support to these individuals.


根据我对俄罗斯开始干涉乌克兰的行为签署的行政命令,我们正对俄罗斯政府更多的高级官员实施制裁。 此外,今天我们对其他一些拥有大量资源和影响为俄罗斯领导层提供物质支援的个人实施制裁,也对向这些个人提供物质支援的一所银行实施制裁。


Now, we’re taking these steps as part of our response to what Russia has already done in Crimea. At the same time, the world is watching with grave concern as Russia has positioned its military in a way that could lead to further incursions into southern and eastern Ukraine. For this reason, we’ve been working closely with our European partners to develop more severe actions that could be taken if Russia continues to escalate the situation.




As part of that process, I signed a new executive order today that gives us the authority to impose sanctions not just on individuals but on key sectors of the Russian economy. This is not our preferred outcome. These sanctions would not only have a significant impact on the Russian economy, but could also be disruptive to the global economy. However, Russia must know that further escalation will only isolate it further from the international community. The basic principles that govern relations between nations in Europe and around the world must be upheld in the 21st century. That includes respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity – the notion that nations do not simply redraw borders, or make decisions at the expense of their neighbors simply because they are larger or more powerful.


作为这个程序的一部分,今天我签署了新的行政命令,授权我们不仅对一些个人,而且对俄罗斯经济的关键部分实施制裁。 这并不是我们愿意看到的结果。这些制裁不仅会对俄罗斯经济造成显著影响, 而且也使全球经济受到损失。但是,俄罗斯必须认识到,进一步促使局势升级只能进一步使自己被国际社会孤立。在21世纪,指导欧洲和世界各国关系的基本原则必须得到维护。其中包括尊重主权和领土完整—任何国家不得以大欺小,持强凌弱,以损害邻国利益为代价重划边界或作出决定。


One of our other top priorities continues to be providing assistance to the government of Ukraine so it can stabilize its economy and meet the basic needs of the Ukrainian people. As I travel to Europe next week to meet with the G7 and other European and Asian allies, I once again urge Congress to pass legislation that is necessary to provide this assistance — and do it right away. Expressions of support are not enough. We need action. I also hope that the IMF moves swiftly to provide a significant package of support for Ukrainians as they pursue reforms.




In Europe, I’ll also be reinforcing a message that Vice President Biden carried to Poland and the Baltic states this week: America’s support for our NATO allies is unwavering. We’re bound together by our profound Article 5 commitment to defend one another, and by a set of shared values that so many generations sacrificed for. We’ve already increased our support for our Eastern European allies, and we will continue to strengthen NATO’s collective defense, and we will step up our cooperation with Europe on economic and energy issues as well.




Let me close by making a final point. Diplomacy between the United States and Russia continues. We’ve emphasized that Russia still has a different path available – one that de-escalates the situation, and one that involves Russia pursuing a diplomatic solution with the government in Kyiv, with the support of the international community. The Russian people need to know, and Mr. Putin needs to understand that the Ukrainians shouldn’t have to choose between the West and Russia. We want the Ukrainian people to determine their own destiny, and to have good relations with the United States, with Russia, with Europe, with anyone that they choose. And that can only happen if Russia also recognized the rights of all the Ukrainian people to determine their future as free individuals, and as a sovereign nation – rights that people and nations around the world understand and support.




Thank you very much, everybody.







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