





2014-4-11 22:41| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 6| 评论: 0|来自: UNESCO

摘要: Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the World Book and Copyright Day, 23 April 2014

Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the World Book and Copyright Day



23 April 2014



The history of the written word is the history of humanity.




The power of books to advance individual fulfilment and to create social change is unequalled. Intimate and yet deeply social, books provide far-reaching forms of dialogue between individuals, within communities and across time.




As Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl who was shot by the Taliban for attending classes, said in her speech at the United Nations:




Let us pick up our books and our pens. They are our most powerful weapons.




On World Book and Copyright Day, UNESCO invites all women and men to rally around books and all those who write and produce books. This is a day to celebrate books as the embodiment of human creativity and the desire to share ideas and knowledge, to inspire understanding and tolerance.




Books are not immune from a world of change, embodied in the advent of digital formats and the transition to open licensing for knowledge-sharing. This means more uncertainty but also new opportunity – including for innovative business models in the world of publishing. Change is raising sharp questions about the definition of the book and the meaning of authorship in the digital era. UNESCO is leading from the front in the new debates about the dematerialization of books and the rights of authors.




By championing copyright and open access, UNESCO stands up for creativity, diversity and equal access to knowledge. We work across the board – from the Creative Cities of Literature network to promoting literacy and mobile learning and advancing Open Access to scientific knowledge and educational resources. For instance, in partnership with Nokia and Worldreader, UNESCO is striving to harness mobile technology to support literacy. To this end, on 23 April, we will release a new publication – Reading in the Mobile Era.


教科文组织通过捍卫版权和开放许可来支持创造力、多样性和平等获取知识。我们的工作涉及方方面面,从文学创意城市网络到促进扫盲、移动学习并推动科学知识和教育资源的开放获取。例如,教科文组织与诺基亚和致力于全球扫盲的非营利组织Worldreader 合作,利用移动技术为扫盲工作提供支持。为此,我们将在4 23 日发布一份新的出版物——《移动时代的阅读》。


In the same spirit, Port Harcourt in Nigeria has been named as the 2014 World Book Capital, on account of the quality of its programme, in particular its focus on youth and the impact it will have on improving Nigeria’s culture of books, reading, writing and publishing to improve literacy rates. Taking effect on World Book and Copyright Day, this initiative is supported by UNESCO, along with the International Publishers Association, the International Booksellers Federation and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.


本着同一精神,尼日利亚的哈科特港被指定为“2014 年世界图书之都”,其入选原因是该城市的高质量计划,特别是这一计划对青年的重点关注和在提高尼日利亚的图书、读写和出版文化以提高识字率方面的影响。该倡议于“世界图书和版权日”生效,由教科文组织和国际出版商协会、国际书商联盟和国际图书馆协会联盟提供支持。


In all of this, our goal is clear – to encourage authors and artists and to ensure that more women and men benefit from literacy and accessible formats, because books are our most powerful forces of poverty eradication and peace building.







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