





2014-4-28 18:23| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 9| 评论: 0|来自: 加拿大政府网

摘要: Remembering Jim Flaherty

Remembering Jim Flaherty, “the Best Finance Minister in the World”


April 10th–16th, 2014


Prime Minister Stephen Harper:


There are so many ways I could describe the Honourable Jim Flaherty.


He was a man who was highly principled and ruthlessly pragmatic, combative but engaging, smart and educated, while never assuming that he knew it all.


He could be hard-headed, yet also soft-hearted.


He could display a quick and biting temper, but far more often a deep and gentle sense of humour.


He particularly enjoyed and delivered many jokes about his own shortness.


He quipped that he never got in the way of his own PowerPoints.


But, short as he was, upon the world stage he often strode like a giant.


As a human being he was the complete package.


And he especially believed in a hand up for those who needed, but only lacked, opportunity, which is why he had such a particular passion for, among others, the disabled.


The relationship between a Prime Minister and his Finance Minister is always a special one.


But this, I can tell you, was more special than most.


Yet, let me tell you, when it mattered Jim was always up to it.


He always came to our budget meetings prepared, ready to play the game, and always willing to mix it up in the corners.


And in the process, year after year, he deliberately set aside his own plans and put off his goals for his family.


Why? Why did he do that?


Because at heart, Jim wasn’t in this, as is the stereotype, for money or for power.


Jim was driven by conviction, of loyalty to the cause and of duty to the country.


He believed he had taken on a responsibility for all of our families, not just his own.  And he was prepared to make sacrifices, ultimately, although he did not know it himself, to sacrifice himself.


And I told Jim that he had truly been over these eight years, in my judgment, the best Finance Minister in the world, if not indeed, the best in our history.


So, one more word for those, and this time specifically for John, Galen and Quinn, ‘the boys,’ as your father always called you.


You are no longer ‘the boys’.


You are young men.


Hold on to your mother, hold on to your father’s lessons, and hold to the knowledge that there are many present and beyond who are there for you and will be there for you as you continue on your own journeys.


And, I say once again, from Laureen and my family and from all my colleagues, God bless you, the family, and farewell to our dear friend, Jim.


On behalf of a grateful country, we thank you.


Kellie Leitch, Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women:


He loved his country and served it with a heart as big as the country itself. 


The gap he has left will not soon be filled.


So my friend may the road rise up to meet you.  May the wind be always at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face.  May the rain fall upon your fields.  And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hands.


To my dear friend Jim, I loved you immensely my fierce friend, and I will miss you forever.  





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