





2014-5-6 17:39| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 25| 评论: 0|来自: 美国国务院

摘要: On May 2, 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry delivered remarks on the violence in South Sudan during a trip to the region.

Video Remarks on South Sudan


John Kerry, Secretary of State


Juba, South Sudan


May 2, 2014


I just completed an in-depth, very frank, and thorough discussion with President Kiir. And throughout the meeting, I think it’s fair to say that both of us spoke very candidly, very directly, and we got to the issues that I came here to discuss. Throughout the meeting, I made it clear to him that he needs to do everything in his power to end the violence, and also to begin a process of national dialogue, a process by which there is the beginning of discussions – real discussions – about a transition government that can bring peace to the country.


It’s fair to say that President Kiir was very open and very thoughtful and had thought even before this meeting about these issues.


I’ve told President Kiir that the choices that both he and the opposition face are stark and clear, and that the unspeakable human costs that we have seen over the course of the last months, and which could even grow if they fail to sit down, are unacceptable to the global community.


I just spoke a few minutes ago to Prime Minister Hailemariam of Ethiopia to convey to him President Kiir’s willingness to travel to Addis Ababa in the near term, sometime early next week hopefully, in order to engage in a discussion with Prime Minister Hailemariam, and hopefully with Riek Machar, who had previously indicated to the prime minister a willingness to do so. And I hope to talk to him sometime later in the course of today to encourage him to do so.





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