





2014-5-6 23:12| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 12| 评论: 0|来自: 加拿大政府网

摘要: Minister Nicholson’s message to our troops and veterans of the war in Afghanistan for the National Day of Honour

Message to Our Troops and Veterans for the National Day of Honour


Rob Nicholson, Minister of National Defence


We are proud of you.  In fact, our Government wants to make that point to all of the people who have served in Afghanistan.  That we and all Canadians join with you in thanking you for your sacrifice and your courage.  And so, this has been a great success and as this mission has come to a close, you have made a difference in Afghanistan.  Afghanistan is a better place today because of the work and the effort of the members of the Canadian Armed Forces and for that we are very, very proud and we thank you.


What is the National Day of Honour?


Our Government believes in international security and democratic values and nothing that we have done in the last number of years underscores that more than the contribution that Canadian Armed Forces have made in Afghanistan.  So it gives an opportunity for Canadians to come together to honour the more than 40,000 Canadians who served in our Armed Forces and who contributed to the success of the mission in Afghanistan.


How can Canadians from across Canada participate in saluting our troops on May 9th?


There’s a number of ways that Canadians can salute our troops on May 9th.  There are parades taking place at the military bases across Canada.  There’s of course the Soldier on Relay that will be going through communities from Trenton to Ottawa.  As well the Afghan Memorial Vigil will be travelling across Canada.  And of course there are the parades and activities that will be taking place in Ottawa on May 9th.  This provides us all with an opportunity to come together across Canada to honour and salute those over 40,000 Canadians who participated in the success in Afghanistan.  This is our opportunity to recognize their courage and sacrifice.





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