Address: This Labor Day, Let’s Talk About the Minimum Wage
August 30, 2014
Hi, everybody. Whether you’re firing up the grill, fired up
for some college football, or filling up the car for one last summer roadtrip –
Happy Labor Day weekend.
We set aside Labor Day to honor
the working men and women of America.
And this Labor Day, we’ve got more to celebrate. Over the past 53 months, our businesses have
added nearly 10 million new jobs. Last
month, for the first time since 1997, we created more than 200,000 jobs for six
straight months. And for the first time
in over a decade, business leaders worldwide have declared, two years running,
that the number one place to invest isn’t China – it’s America.
So there are reasons to be
optimistic about where we’re headed. And
the decisions we make now will determine whether or not we accelerate this
progress – whether economic gains flow to a few at the top, or whether a
growing economy fuels rising incomes and a thriving middle class.
Think about it this Labor
Day. The things we often take for
granted – Social Security and Medicare, workplace safety laws and the right to
organize for better pay and benefits, even weekends – we didn’t always have
these things. Workers and the unions who
get their back had to fight for them.
And those fights built a stronger middle class.
To build a stronger middle class
in today’s changing economy, we’ve got to keep fighting. We’ve got to fight for the right to
affordable health insurance for everybody.
The right to fair pay, family leave, and workplace flexibility. The right to a fair living wage.
Let me focus on that last one for
a minute. In America, no one who works
full-time should ever have to raise a family in poverty. A hard day’s work deserves a fair day’s
pay. And raising the minimum wage would
be one of the best ways to give a boost to working families. It would help around 28 million Americans
from all walks of life pay the bills, provide for their kids, and spend that
money at local businesses. And that
grows the economy for everyone.
The bottom line is, America
deserves a raise. But until we’ve got a
Congress that cares about raising working folks’ wages, it’s up to the rest of
us to make it happen. And in the year
and a half since I first asked Congress to raise the minimum wage, Americans of
all walks of life are doing just that.
Thirteen states and D.C. have
done their part by raising their minimum wages.
Four more states have minimum wage initiatives on the ballot this
November. And the states where the
minimum wage has gone up this year have experienced higher job growth than the
states that haven’t.
Business leaders at companies
like The Gap are doing their part.
They’re raising base wages for tens of thousands of workers because they
know it’s good for business.
Mayors across the country are
doing their part. Mayor Emanuel in
Chicago and Mayor Garcetti in L.A. are working to lift their cities’ wages over
time to at least thirteen dollars an hour.
I’ve tried to do my part by requiring
companies that get contracts with the federal government to pay their workers a
fair wage of ten dollars and ten cents an hour.
And earlier this month, the
president of Kentucky State University set a great example by giving himself a
$90,000 pay cut, so that he could give raises to his lowest-paid
employees. His sacrifice will give more
of his workers and their families a little extra money to help make ends meet.
That’s how America built the
greatest middle class the world has ever known.
Not by making sure a fortunate few at the top are doing well, but by
making sure that everyone who’s willing to work hard and play by the rules can
get ahead. That’s the bedrock this
country is built on. Hard work. Responsibility. Sacrifice.
And looking out for one another as one united American family.
Let’s keep that in mind this
Labor Day, and every day. Have a great
weekend, everybody. |
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