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Address: We Will Degrade and Destroy ISIL
The White House
September 13, 2014
As Commander in Chief, my highest
priority is the security of the American people. And I’ve made it clear that those who
threaten the United States will find no safe haven. Thanks to our military and counterterrorism
professionals, we took out Osama bin Laden, much of al Qaeda’s leadership in
Afghanistan and Pakistan, and leaders of al Qaeda affiliates in Yemen and
Somalia. We’ve prevented terrorist
attacks, saved American lives and made our homeland more secure.
Today, the terrorist threat is
more diffuse, from al Qaeda affiliates and other extremists—like ISIL in Syria
and Iraq. As I said this week, our
intelligence community has not yet detected specific ISIL plots against our
homeland. But its leaders have
repeatedly threatened the United States. And, if left unchecked, these terrorists could
pose a growing threat beyond the Middle East, including to the United
States. So we’re staying vigilant. And we’re moving ahead with our strategy to
degrade and ultimately destroy this terrorist organization.
To meet a threat like this, we
have to be smart. We have to use our
power wisely. And we have to avoid the
mistakes of the past. American military
power is unmatched, but this can’t be America’s fight alone. And the best way to defeat a group like ISIL
isn’t by sending large numbers of American combat forces to wage a ground war
in the heart of the Middle East. That
wouldn’t serve our interests. In fact,
it would only risk fueling extremism even more.
What’s needed now is a targeted,
relentless counterterrorism campaign against ISIL that combines American air
power, contributions from allies and partners, and more support to forces that
are fighting these terrorists on the ground.
And that’s exactly what we’re doing.
moving ahead with our campaign of airstrikes against these terrorists, and
we’re prepared to take action against ISIL in Syria as well. The additional American forces I’ve ordered
to Iraq will help Iraqi and Kurdish forces with the training, intelligence and
equipment they need to take the fight to these terrorists on the ground. We’re working with Congress to expand our
efforts to train and equip the Syrian opposition. We’ll continue to strengthen our defenses
here at home. And we’ll keep providing
the humanitarian relief to help Iraqi civilians who have been driven from their
homes and who remain in extreme danger.
Because we’re leading the right
way, more nations are joining our coalition.
This week, Arab nations agreed to strengthen their support for the new
Iraqi government and to do their part in the fight against ISIL, including
aspects of the military campaign. Saudi
Arabia will join the effort to help train and equip moderate Syrian opposition
forces. And retired Marine general John
Allen—who during the Iraq war worked with Sunnis in Iraq as they fought to
reclaim their communities from terrorists—will serve as our special envoy to
help build and coordinate our growing coalition.
Today, every American can be
proud of our men and women in uniform who are serving in this effort. When our airstrikes helped break the siege of
the Iraqi town of Amerli [Ah-MER-lee], one Kurdish fighter on the ground said,
“It would have been absolutely impossible without the American planes.” One resident of that city said—“thank you,
Today we’re showing the world the
best of American leadership. We will
protect our people. We will stand with
partners who defend their countries and rally other nations to meet a common
threat. And here at home—thirteen years
after our country was attacked—we continue to stand tall and proud. Because we’re Americans. We don’t give in to fear. We carry on.
And we will never waver in the defense of the country we love. |
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