






2014-11-24 12:38| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 77| 评论: 0|来自: 澳大利亚总理府

摘要: A Message from Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Future Growth and Prosperity

Future Growth and Prosperity


23 November 2014


Every week this Government is focusing on how to build a stronger and more prosperous economy.


Last weekend, we made great progress in strengthening the foundations of future growth and prosperity.


With the visit of President Xi, Australia concluded negotiations for a free trade agreement with China.


This agreement with China means more growth, more investment and more jobs.


It’s a better deal for our farmers – particularly for producers of dairy, beef, wine, seafood, grain and horticulture.


Industries such as education, telecommunications, tourism, construction and health will all benefit from being able to do business in China far more easily.


And households will benefit from lower prices on white goods, on clothes and on cars.


This agreement builds on the free trade agreements signed earlier this year with Korea and Japan. These agreements will set Australia up for the long term.


We’ve also accelerated free trade discussions with India – one of the largest markets in the world.


This Government is making our economy stronger with freer trade and better infrastructure.


Last weekend, we also announced the establishment of a global infrastructure hub in Sydney that will help to generate jobs and investment.


And across Australia we are investing $50 billion in the largest infrastructure programme in our history.


In Sydney, WestConnex will create almost 10,000 jobs during construction and, when complete, by-pass 52 sets of traffic lights.


In Melbourne, Stage 1 of the East West Link is expected to allow 100,000 vehicles each day to bypass 23 sets of traffic lights.


Our progress in trade and infrastructure is all part of the Government’s Economic Action Strategy to build a strong and prosperous economy for a safe and secure Australia.





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