






2015-2-15 03:42| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 178| 评论: 0|来自: 外交部

摘要: Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on February 13, 2015


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on February 13, 2015




Q: On February 12, in his speech to the Parliament, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that while expressing remorse for the war, Japan is committed to building a free and democratic state and contributing to global peace and prosperity. On national security issues, Abe said it is time to hold deep debate about revising the Constitution, and further improve the legal system of national security. What is China’s comment on that?




A: We have noted the remarks made by the Japanese leader. Only by honestly facing the past can Japan usher in the future. We hope that Japan can take a correct attitude towards its history of aggression, live up to its solemn statements and commitments made so far, act cautiously in the military and security fields, take concrete actions to show its pursuit of a path of peaceful development, and play a constructive role in regional peace, stability and development.




Q: The US side said that it has raised concerns at a senior level to China over China’s new security rules on network information. Has China received such concerns? What is China’s message in response?




A: China and the US are in communication with each other on the relevant issue. As for the question you raised, yesterday I have made our principles and positions clearly. China is unswerving in implementing the opening-up policy. As long as foreign enterprises abide by Chinese laws, and do nothing to undermine China’s national security and Chinese consumer’s interests, China will protect their lawful rights and interests in accordance with the law.




Q: The Philippines recently complained about Chinese dredging activities around the Meiji Reef. Can you confirm whether China has been dredging there and why? Will China stop it in light of the opposition from the Philippine side?




A: China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and the adjacent waters. Relevant activity by the Chinese side is within its sovereignty.




Q: It is reported that leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine met in Minsk for the Normandy Format summit on resolving the Ukrainian crisis on February 12. They reached agreement on important issues including ceasefire, withdrawal of heavy weapons, exchange of war prisoners, and reform of the Ukrainian constitution. What is China’s comment on this?




A: After 16 hours of hard work yesterday, leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine have come to an agreement in Minsk on a series of important issues, including ceasefire, withdrawal of heavy weapons, and swap of war prisoners. China welcomes and speaks highly of that. We believe that the consensus reached by leaders of the four countries after their talks in Minsk will help ease the tension in eastern Ukraine and politically resolve the Ukrainian crisis. The Chinese side always maintains that the political settlement of the crisis is the only way out. We hope that parties concerned can prize the hard-won results, earnestly act on the existing consensus and restore peace and tranquility to Ukraine at an early date. The Chinese side will continue to play an active and constructive role in the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis through dialogue and negotiation.




Q: According to the Myanmar media, the conflict in northern Myanmar has already cost the lives of 47 Myanmar residents. Do you have any update? Is China concerned that the conflict may spill over to China? Can you give us the number of Myanmar residents who have crossed the border into China?




A: The Chinese side has been following the development of the situation along China-Myanmar border. We have noted the reports saying that the Myanmar government and local ethnic militias have signed a letter of commitment on peace and national reconciliation. China supports the parties in Myanmar in resolving differences through peace talks, and achieving internal peace and national reconciliation at an early date, which is conducive to maintaining peace and stability of China-Myanmar border areas.




Recently, due to the armed conflict in northern Myanmar, some Myanmar residents living along the border have crossed into China’s territory out of safety concerns. We are still counting the accurate number. In the light of the humanitarian spirit, China has offered necessary assistance. People concerned are now properly settled. After the situation calms down, they will return to Myanmar. We hope that the normal order can be returned to the border at an early date so that they can return to their homeland as soon as possible.




Q: A senior Indonesian official said during a recent visit to China that a number of Uighurs who are suspected of taking part in the terrorist attack in the Kunming Railway Station have been arrested in Indonesia. Can you give us more details? Can you confirm that Chinese people relating to terrorism were arrested?




A: I would refer you to the competent authorities.




In recent years, some terrorist forces in China have stepped up their collusion with the international terrorist forces. They keep attempting to send their members to join the training and fighting in Syria, Iraq and other war-torn regions through illegal channels, with the aim of gaining real combat experience and sharpen their ability to conduct terrorist activities. We are on high alert about this. China has been stressing that terrorism is the common enemy of the international community that needs to be tackled with strengthened cooperation of all. We are ready to enhance cooperation with all countries, including Indonesia to fight against the trans-national flow of terrorists and safeguard peace and tranquility of all countries and the region.





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