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Address: Making Our Communities Stronger through Fair Housing
The White House
July 11, 2015
Hi, everybody. It’s our job as
citizens to make sure we keep pushing this country we love toward our most
cherished ideals – that all of us are created equal, and all of us deserve an
equal shot.
This week, my Administration took
new steps to bring us closer to that goal.
Almost 50 years ago, Republicans
and Democrats in Congress came together to pass the Fair Housing Act. It’s a law
that says landlords can’t turn away tenants solely because of their race,
religion, sex, national origin, or disability. And it made a difference in this country.
Still, the work of the Fair Housing Act remains
unfinished. Just a few weeks ago, the
Supreme Court ruled that policies segregating minorities in poor neighborhoods,
even unintentionally, are against the law.
The Court recognized what many people know to be true from their own
lives: that too often, where people live
determines what opportunities they have in life.
In some cities, kids living just
blocks apart lead incredibly different lives.
They go to different schools, play in different parks, shop in different
stores, and walk down different streets.
And often, the quality of those schools and the safety of those parks
and streets are far from equal – which means those kids aren’t getting an equal
shot in life.
That runs against the values we
hold dear as Americans. In this country,
of all countries, a person’s zip code shouldn’t decide their destiny. We don’t guarantee equal outcomes, but we do
strive to guarantee an equal shot at opportunity – in every neighborhood, for
every American.
Now, the Fair Housing Act also says that this isn’t the responsibility of a
landlord alone – local governments have a role to play, too. That’s why, this week, my Administration
announced that we’ll make it easier for communities to implement this law. We’re using data on housing and neighborhood
conditions to help cities identify the areas that need the most help. We’re doing more to help communities meet
their own goals. Plus, by opening this
data to everybody, everyone in a community – not just elected officials – can
weigh in. If you want a bus stop added
near your home, or more affordable housing nearby, now you’ll have the data you
need to make your case.
These actions won’t make every
community perfect. That’s something we
all have to strive for in our own lives.
But they will help make our communities stronger and more vibrant. And they’ll help keep this a country where
kids from every background can grow up knowing that no matter who you are, what
you look like, or where you live, you can write your own story.
That’s the America I love. And it’s the America I’ll keep fighting
for. Thanks, and have a great weekend. |
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