






2015-10-10 01:31| 发布者: sisu04| 查看: 773| 评论: 0|来自: Nobelprize

摘要: A short interview with Youyou Tu following the announcement of the 2015 Medicine Prize.

Interview with Tu Youyou


[Jin Li] Hello.


[Adam Smith] This is Adam Smith, calling from Nobelprize.org, the official website of the Nobel Prize, in Stockholm.


[Jin Li] Yes, this is Professor Tu Youyou’s home.


[Adam Smith] So first of all, may we ask what is Professor Tu’s reaction to the award of the Nobel Prize?


[Jin Li for Youyou Tu] Yes, Professor Tu Youyou is very glad to earn the Nobel Prize. 


[Adam Smith] Thank you very much. And what does the award of the Nobel Prize mean for her and for Chinese science?


[Jin Li for Youyou Tu] Thanks, I am Tu Youyou.


I’m very glad that the new anti-malaria drug artemisinin earns international recognition from the Nobel Prize Committee.


Also, I want to show my gratitude and respect to Nobel Committee, Karolinska Institute and Sweden people.


Yes. Chinese people wish to win Nobel Prize for long time, and this time artemisinin wins this Prize, [which] shows that our work to research anti-malaria drugs is at a high level and achieve good result.


So at the moment when we began to research anti-malaria drug, this old drug had already got drug resistance. As a result, we worked very hard to find anti-malaria drug artemisinin and to save millions of lives. It shows that as a scientific worker, we need innovation spirit to find new things.


[Adam Smith] It’s a great pleasure to speak to you and to Professor Tu, thank you very much. May we convey our…


[Jin Li for Youyou Tu] Yes, thanks, yeah.


[Adam Smith] We would like to convey our congratulations and also say we are very much looking forward to welcoming her to Stockholm in December.


[Jin Li for Youyou Tu] Yeah, thanks a lot.


[Adam Smith] Thank you. One last question, it’s late evening there in Beijing. Will Professor Tu have time to celebrate tonight?


[Jin Li for Youyou Tu] I have many friends to come [to] my home to share my happiness. Even for Chinese people is also a good thing, a good news for the national holiday. Thanks a lot.


[Adam Smith] Yes, it’s perfect timing, yes. Thank you very much. OK, well, Xie Xie, thank you.


[Jin Li for Youyou Tu] Thank you. Thank you very much.


[Adam Smith] Thank you, bye bye.   







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