中国南海 The South China Sea
As early as the 2nd century BCE, the Chinese people sailed in the South China Sea and discovered Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea Islands).
China is the first to have discovered, named, and explored and exploited Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea Islands) and relevant waters.
China is the first to have continuously, peacefully, and effectively exercised sovereignty and jurisdiction over Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea Islands) and relevant waters.
After World War II, China restored the Xisha Qundao (Xisha Islands) and the Nansha Qundao (Nansha Islands) that were invaded and illegally occupied by Japan.
In February 1948, the Chinese government officially published the map of the administrative districts of China including Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea Islands).
For a long time after that, no a single country ever challenged that Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea Islands) were China’s territory.
The Chinese government made a declaration on China’s territorial sea in 1958, providing that the breadth of China’s territorial sea is 12 nautical miles.
And that such provisions shall apply to all territories of the People’s Republic of China including Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea Islands).
吴士存,中国南海研究院院长: Wu Shicun, President of National Institute for South China Sea Studies
Whether in terms of historical or legal perspective, China is the only true owner of the Nansha Islands.
And thus from another perspective, China’s indisputable sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea Islands) has sufficient historic and legal basis.
However, the Arbitral Tribunal vainly attempted to deny China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea.
John Ross, Former Policy Director of Economic and Business Policy of London: 约翰·罗思,英国伦敦市经济与商业政策署前署长:
Arbitration is between two parties who want to participate. You can’t have arbitration if one side says it doesn’t participate.
China did not participate in the illegal South China Sea arbitration, nor accepts the Award so as to defend the solemnity of international law.
To resolve the South China sea disputes, China supports and advocates the “dual-track approach”.
The “dual-track approach” suggests that the relevant disputes are to be resolved through friendly consultations and negotiations between the states directly concerned, while China and ASEAN member states will work together to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.
Catherine West, Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the British Labour Party: 凯瑟琳·韦斯特,英国工党影阁外务大臣:
I think talks are crucial. And that’s why we have to be careful that, yes, we need to resolve something very locally and have a grown-up approach to dialogue.
Masood Khalid, Ambassador of Pakistan to China: 马苏德·哈立德,巴基斯坦驻华大使:
And this policy of... there are issues or disputes in South China Sea, which need to be addressed by the sovereign states which are directly concerned through negotiations and peaceful means.
I think this is a good policy, and only through this effort and this endeavor, we can maintain peace and stability in the region.
我认为这是一种很好的政策,只有通过这方面的努力,我们才能维护区域和平与稳定。 |
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