Casual Compositions on Homecoming (1)文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/10698.html
He Zhizhang文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/10698.html
I left home young and small, but came back old and grown,文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/10698.html
My native accent never changed, but sideburns a fading gray.
Kids met me, but no recognition shown,
And asked me smiling where’s my home.
(任治稷、余正 译)
Coming Home
He Zhizhang
I left home young. I return old,
Speaking as then, but with hair grown thin;
And my children, meeting me, do not know me.
They smile and say: “Stranger, where do you come from?”
(Witter Bynner、江亢虎 译)
On Going Home
He Zhizhang
I left home when young, and now return when old,
My accent unchanged, yet hair mostly grayed.
Children come to meet me, yet know not who I am,
With smiles innocent, they ask: Where are you from?
(林夕圆 译)
On Homecoming
He Zhizhang
I left home young and now return when I am old;
Not in my speech but thin hair my change would be told.
Boys meet but know me not. They look at me awhile;
“Stranger, where are you from?” they ask me with a smile.
(王大濂 译)
Random Lines of Home-coming
He Zhizhang
I left home young but I’ve returned an old man,
My accent is the same, but my hair has turned grey.
The kids are amazed to meet this stranger here,
“Where do you come from?” with a smile they say!
(黄新渠 译)