
摘要Full Text: Report on the Execution of the Central and Local Budgets for 2020 and on the Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2021



  1. Implementation of the main fiscal and tax policies and other major fiscal work in 2020




In 2020, finance departments conscientiously implemented the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee and the State Council; adhered to the Budget Law and its implementation regulations, and the Guidelines on People’s Congresses Expanding the Focus of Budget Review and Oversight to Expenditure Budgets and Policies; and worked as required by the outcomes of the NPC’s deliberations and their comments on the budgets. We developed and launched fiscal and tax policies to counter the impacts of the epidemic in a timely manner, supported efforts to ensure stability on the six fronts and maintain security in the six areas, and exerted our key role in stabilizing the economy. At the same time, we pushed forward fiscal and tax system reform at a faster pace, and provided strong guarantees for economic development and social stability.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/10942.html




We devoted all-out efforts to supporting the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic. 文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/10942.html


Guaranteeing funds for epidemic prevention and control as a top priority


Setting our sights on epidemic prevention and control as our most important and urgent task, we acted according to the principle that extraordinary matters demand extraordinary measures, expediting the appropriation of funds to ensure that members of the public would not forgo medical treatment out of concern for the costs and that local authorities would not have to cut corners on medical treatment and prevention and control efforts due to lack of funding. We stepped up support for Hubei and other hard-hit areas. We strengthened oversight on the allocation and use of funds, while anti-epidemic expenditures from finance authorities at all levels exceeded 400 billion yuan, providing related work with firm support.


Strengthening fiscal and tax support policies for responding to the epidemic


We saw that Covid-19 patients were provided with free medical treatment funded by the government, and spared no cost to save lives. Frontline medical workers and epidemic prevention workers were granted temporary work subsidies, and subsidy standards for Hubei Province (including medical teams sent to assist Hubei) were doubled. We reduced or waived the taxes and fees of key enterprises that produce epidemic prevention and control supplies, and provided funding support through preferential loan interest subsidies and other means. We implemented government-funded procurement and stockpiling of key medical materials that were in short supply. We actively supported scientific research related to epidemic prevention and control, and promoted medicine and vaccine R&D. At the same time, we vigorously supported the development of the public health system, the major epidemic containment and treatment system, and the emergency supply system in order to raise our capacity to handle major public health emergencies and ramp up the production of emergency supplies.




We introduced and implemented broad policies for alleviating difficulties caused by the epidemic.


Offsetting the impact of the epidemic with stronger policies


We continued working to make our proactive fiscal policy more proactive and impactful, and adopted special measures for these unusual circumstances. The deficit-to-GDP ratio was raised to above 3.6%. The deficit increased by 1 trillion yuan, and an additional 1 trillion yuan of Covid-19 bonds were issued, with the total of 2 trillion yuan used primarily to ensure employment, meet basic living needs, and protect market entities. This includes support for efforts to cut taxes and fees, reduce rents and interest on loans, and increase consumption and investment. We issued an additional 1.6 trillion-yuan worth of local government special-purpose bonds compared to the previous year, and expanded the scope of their use appropriately. We also raised the proportion of special bonds that could be used as project capital, thereby actively expanding effective investment.


Stepping up tax and fee cuts to help alleviate the operational difficulties of enterprises


Through a combination of temporary large-scale tax and fee cuts and institutional arrangements, we reduced the burden on market entities by more than 2.6 trillion yuan for the year. On the basis of implementing institutional policies such as VAT rates reductions, special additional deductions for individual income tax, and downward adjustments of enterprise contributions to old-age insurance schemes and according to the needs of the epidemic response, we launched and implemented 7 rounds of tax and fee reductions including 28 specific policies. We promptly introduced temporary measures including exempting micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises from paying social insurance contributions and reducing or waiving VAT for small-scale taxpayers and certain industries, and postponed collection of income tax for small and micro businesses and self-employed individuals. With our focus on protecting market entities, we channeled support toward micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, self-employed individuals, and enterprises in vulnerable industries.


Increasing transfer payments to alleviate difficulties in fiscal operations at the primary level


Transfer payments from the central government to local governments reached 8.33 trillion yuan, an increase of 895.5 billion yuan or 12% over the previous year. This was the largest increase in recent years in both rate and scale, with payments weighted toward the central and western regions and areas in need, in order to ensure the growth of primary-level governments’ fiscal capacity. The ratio of funds retained by local governments was raised temporarily, and differentiated allocation of funds was implemented. Local governments’ spending for ensuring people’s basic wellbeing, payment of salaries, and normal government functioning was ensured quite effectively.




We made decisive achievements in driving forward the three critical battles.


Helping ensure victory in the battle against poverty on schedule


Poverty alleviation measures were implemented precisely with the focus on counties and people that remain in poverty. Central government funding earmarked for poverty alleviation increased by 20 billion yuan for the fifth year running and reached 146.1 billion yuan, with these funds weighted toward regions severely affected by the epidemic and areas that have been designated for supervision in their poverty eradication efforts. A one-time increase of 30 billion yuan in comprehensive fiscal capacity subsidies was implemented in order to help local governments remedy shortcomings in the battle against poverty. We provided greater support for poverty alleviation through the development of local industries and employment, and devoted focus to resolving prominent problems under efforts to guarantee the basic food and clothing needs of the rural poor population and ensure that they have access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and housing. We stepped up end-to-end oversight on the performance of poverty alleviation programs, and refined mechanisms for the monitoring of funds featuring coordination between departments and central and local authorities.


Promoting noticeable environmental improvements


We supported the fight to keep our skies blue, our waters clear, and our lands pollution-free. We followed through with the implementation of pilot projects to protect and restore mountain, water, forest, farmland, lake, and grassland ecosystems. We continued to push forward forest and grassland ecological conservation and restoration, and bolstered efforts to protect biodiversity across the board. We guided the launch of trial compensation mechanisms for ecological conservation within the entire Yellow River basin, and encouraged provinces and autonomous regions along the river to work together in coordinating conservation and remediation efforts. We promoted the official launch of the national green development fund, and provided support to provinces and municipalities along the Yangtze Economic Belt for environmental protection and energy and resource conservation.


Capturing positive results in forestalling and defusing major risks


We refined mechanisms for regular debt oversight, strengthened policy coordination, and implemented joint supervision, thereby mitigating risks related to hidden local government debt. A total of 200 billion yuan from newly-issued local government special-purpose bonds was earmarked for helping to defuse risks for small and medium-sized banks.




We vigorously supported scientific and technological innovation.


We created new mechanisms for managing government funds with a view to supporting breakthroughs on core technologies in key fields and facilitating the launch of major projects for the Sci-Tech Innovation 2030 Agenda such as quantum communications, quantum computing, brain science, and brain-inspired intelligence research. We improved systems and mechanisms for supporting basic research and original innovation, intensified fiscal support for basic research, and provided the impetus to kick start independent innovation. We improved investment mechanisms coordinating the provision of support on an ongoing basis and a competitive basis, and intensified steady support for public scientific research institutions at the central level in their basic operations, research on independently selected topics, and development of research infrastructure. We employed a variety of means to support the construction of national science and technology innovation bases, and exerted the role of these bases in supporting scientific innovation. Making it a priority to foster high-level talent, we promoted the cultivation of more world-class leaders and teams of innovators in science and technology. We supported eligible enterprises in taking on research under central government-funded science and technology programs (projects and funds), and guided enterprises in increasing their R&D investment so that they truly become the primary vehicles of technological innovation.




We focused support on transformation and upgrading of the real economy.


Promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing sector


We gave full play to the leveraging role of government funds in guiding capital and resources toward key areas of strategic importance. We consolidated financial resources to set up special funds for supporting the enhancement of basic industrial capacities and the upgrading of industrial chains. We stepped up preferential tax benefits for industries including integrated circuits and software, and extended the policy of providing subsidies and waiving taxes for new-energy vehicle purchases to the end of 2022.


Vigorously supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises


We guided nongovernmental capital toward supporting innovation and development at growing small and medium-sized enterprises which were still in the seed or startup stages. We continued to support development zones focused on the real-economy in creating distinctive platforms for entrepreneurship and innovation, and pushed small and medium-sized enterprises to enhance their capacity for innovation and raise their level of specialization. We furthered implementation of the policy of providing rewards and subsidies to promote the reduction of financing guaranty fees for small and micro businesses, and worked to expand financing guarantee coverage and cut related fees. We made further progress in clearing overdue payments to private enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses.


Strengthening food and energy security guarantees


We increased rewards for major grain-producing counties, and refined policies for subsidizing corn, soybean, and rice producers. We backed the development of an additional 5.33 million hectares of high-standard cropland and the application of conservation tilling techniques on 2.67 million hectares of chernozem soil in northeast China. We supported coordinated efforts to reduce excess stockpiles of grain and put them on the market, thereby optimizing the structure of reserves. We also expanded the scope of temporary loan interest subsidies for hog farming in order to help stabilize the production and supply of hogs. We refined policies for subsidizing the use of renewable energy for power generation, and worked to see that electricity generated from wind and solar power comes on the grid at reasonable prices. We encouraged the exploration and utilization of unconventional natural gas such as shale gas and coal seam gas, and supported the expansion of our energy reserve capacity.




We continued to ensure and improve public wellbeing.


Focusing on stabilizing employment


We expanded channels for providing employment-related funding, and facilitated the implementation of policies supporting employment and entrepreneurship. We bolstered policies for refunding employment insurance premiums to help enterprises maintain stable employment and for subsidizing interest payments on guarantee loans for business startups, thereby helping to keep businesses and employment stable. We extended the coverage of unemployment insurance, and enhanced efforts to meet the basic needs of unemployed persons and help them find new employment.


Promoting the development of more equitable and higher-quality education


We stabilized investment in education, and optimized the structure of investment. We established a unified national benchmark for public funding per student in the compulsory education stage, putting the benchmark in the central and western regions on a par with that in the eastern region. We supported work to address weak links and boost capacity in compulsory education, largely eliminated the problem of excessively large class sizes in urban schools, and basically remedied deficiencies at small rural schools and boarding schools in counties and townships. We facilitated the expansion of public-interest preschool education resources through both public and private kindergartens, and consolidated and improved the financial assistance system for preschool-age children. We moved faster to advance universal senior secondary education, promoted high-quality development of vocational education, and stepped up support for higher education institutions in the central and western regions.


Raising social security benefits


Government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents and basic public health services were increased to 550 yuan and 74 yuan, respectively, per person per year. Basic pension benefits for retirees were increased by around 5%, and the minimum basic pension benefit for rural and non-working urban residents rose to 93 yuan. The centrally-regulated share of enterprise employees’ basic old-age insurance funds was increased further to 4%, with 22 provinces in central and western regions and where old industrial bases are located receiving net benefits of 176.845 billion yuan from these funds. Pension benefits were paid on time and in full, and provincial-level collection and pay-out of enterprise workers’ basic old-age insurance funds was realized. Subsidies and living allowances were increased for entitled groups. Work by the central government to appropriate a portion of state capital to replenish social security funds was fully completed, with a total of 1.68 trillion yuan in state capital transferred from 93 central government enterprises and financial institutions. We supported efforts to foster and develop the rental housing market in 24 trial cities, and provided assistance for the renovation of 40,300 old urban residential communities. We strengthened public cultural services at the community level, and helped more than 50,000 public cultural facilities like museums and libraries offer free admission.


Working hard to meet people’s basic needs


We launched mechanisms for raising social assistance and benefit payments in step with price increases in a timely manner, implemented short-term increases of temporary price subsidies, and expanded the coverage of subsistence allowances and temporary assistance, thereby ensuring the basic living needs of people in financial difficulty.




We created and implemented a new mechanism for the direct allocation of government funds.


A special-channel transfer payment mechanism was established for the 2 trillion yuan of new funds from the fiscal deficit and Covid-19 bonds to ensure that these funds went precisely where intended, going straight to prefecture and county governments and directly benefiting businesses and people.


Establishing a sound management system


We formulated management provisions and set clear requirements for the distribution, utilization, allocation, and supervision of directly-appropriated funds to ensure that these funds were not diluted or withheld. We pushed and guided local authorities in rigorously implementing this system of management, ensuring that provincial-level finance departments act as involved intermediaries in their role of distributing funds rather than detached onlookers, and that a greater proportion of funds reaches the lower levels.


Rapidly delivering funds


Acting according to the principle of the central government divvying up funds and provincial authorities taking charge of specifics with rapid and direct allocation of funds following filing and approval, we pushed forward precise and effective delivery of funds to end users. Utilization of funds covered under the direct allocation mechanism was faster by one quarter or more compared to previous years.


Enforcing rigorous supervision over funds


We developed an oversight system for directly-allocated funds linking central, provincial, prefectural, and county-level finance departments, and set up a ledger system to trace every sum at every stage from its source to its end user. We strengthened interdepartmental coordination to form synergy in oversight. The direct allocation mechanism has run smoothly and effectively, promptly supplementing the financial resources of primary-level governments so that they can fulfill their tasks in maintaining security in the six areas, and providing timely support for market entities in overcoming difficulties.




We ensured that governments at all levels keep tightening their belts.


Central government departments took the lead in formulating strict budgets, and made rigorous efforts to keep overall expenditures, other than necessary additional expenditures including those for epidemic prevention and control and interest payments on national debt, within approved budgetary limits. Central government spending registered negative growth, with non-essential and non-obligatory expenditures cut by more than 50%. We carried out regular assessments of the belt-tightening efforts of central government departments, strengthened application of the outcomes of oversight on budget execution, and took steps to close loopholes in a timely manner and improve management. We pushed local authorities to practice strict economization and cut down on unnecessary meetings and training. All categories of idle funds from non-critical expenditure items were recalled, and budgetary funds open for consolidation were promptly put to other uses, thus ensuring concrete execution of the requirement to tighten our belts.




We continued to improve fiscal management.


Steadily advancing fiscal and tax reform


The revised regulations on implementation of the Budget Law were promulgated, and the Law on Deed Transfer Tax and the Law on Urban Construction and Maintenance Tax were successfully introduced. The draft law on stamp duty was submitted to the NPC Standing Committee for its first reading in accordance with due procedures. Plans for reforms targeted at clearly dividing the respective fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities of central and local governments in areas including the environment, public culture, natural resources, and emergency relief services were published and implemented. We advanced the development of an integrated system for budget management, and introduced nationally unified operational norms and technical standards.


Continuously developing performance-based budget management


We took steps to further improve the performance-based budget management system, and introduced management provisions for performance reviews of expenditure items. Performance targets were rigorously managed, and key performance reviews were carried out in a thorough manner. A broader range of performance-related information was submitted to the NPC, and efforts were made to promote public access to this information.


Strengthening management over state-owned assets and government finance


We reported to the NPC Standing Committee on the management of state-owned assets. A total of 295 central government enterprises were added to state capital operations budgets. The scope of government financial statements was expanded to include 108 central government departments, with all government departments included at the local level.


Further tightening up fiscal discipline


We stepped up oversight on accounting and auditing, made focused efforts to improve auditing quality at accounting firms, and cracked down hard on financial fraud. We earnestly implemented fiscal and tax policies in areas such as poverty alleviation and the Yangtze River fishing ban, and exercised oversight on the use of relevant funds. We pressed for the rectification of problems in this regard, and pushed forward supporting reforms.


Accepting people’s congress budget review and oversight in accordance with law


We worked to see that the resolutions of the NPC and its Standing Committee on budgets were implemented, took prompt and concrete steps to correct problems discovered in auditing, worked for simultaneous progress on the resolution of problems and the development of permanent mechanisms, and made timely reports to the NPC Standing Committee on our efforts to rectify problems. We actively strengthened communications and links with NPC deputies, heard their opinions and suggestions, and responded to their concerns in a timely manner.




The year 2020 was the final year of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Over the past five years, our country has made new and historic achievements in economic and social development. Major targets set in the 13th Five-Year Plan have been successfully reached, while new progress has been made in fiscal reform and development.


First, our fiscal strength has been further enhanced, providing a solid material foundation for promoting healthy and sustained economic and social development. While large-scale tax and fee cuts were implemented, fiscal revenue during the 13th Five-Year Plan period totaled 88.88 trillion yuan. This was an increase of 38% over the previous five years, reflecting growth from a large base.


Second, fiscal spending has been kept at high intensity, providing strong guarantees for the advancement of the undertakings of our Party and country. We have worked hard to grow revenue streams, reduce expenses, and put both idle and additional funds to work. Fiscal expenditures during the 13th Five-Year Plan period reached 109.62 trillion yuan, up 56% over the previous five years, effectively ensuring spending in key areas.


Third, we have upheld a proactive fiscal policy to keep major economic indicators within an appropriate range. We were firm in choosing not to adopt a deluge of strong stimulus policies, and flexibly adjusted the deficit rate and the scale of government debts in light of new developments. We have leveraged various fiscal and tax policies and tools in an integrated manner, guided and improved market expectations, and struck the right balance between development and security imperatives.


Fourth, we have implemented unprecedented cuts of taxes and fees, and effectively promoted the development of market entities and the real economy. We have acted in the long-term interests of our country, integrated tax reform with tax and fee cuts, and attached equal emphasis to institutional arrangements and temporary policies and to general-benefit tax cuts and structural tax cuts. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, taxes and fees were cut by a total of 7.6 trillion yuan, which has played an important role in easing burdens on enterprises, unleashing vitality for innovation, improving the structure of the economy, spurring consumer spending, and expanding employment.


Fifth, we have only increased and not reduced spending on improving people’s living standards, and ensured that all the people enjoy more of the fruits of reform and development in a fairer way. No matter how difficult the fiscal situation has been, we have never cut spending in this regard. Over the last five years, central government funding for poverty alleviation has grown by an average rate of 25.9% per year. Government budgetary spending on education has been kept at a level of no less than 4% of GDP. The level of benefits from basic old-age insurance, basic medical insurance, and urban and rural subsistence allowances has been raised on a yearly basis.


Sixth, we have provided strong support for supply-side structural reform and major national strategic tasks, and consistently improved economic development in quality and effect. We have supported implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, with nationwide government investment in science and technology increasing at an average annual rate of 9% over the past five years. The rural revitalization strategy has been put into effect, and development has grown more coordinated between urban and rural areas and between different regions. We have supported the implementation of the sustainable development strategy, and witnessed significant improvement in the overall quality and stability of our ecosystems. We have promoted the expansion of high-standard opening up, with the overall tariff level reduced from 9.8% to 7.5% over the past five years.


Seventh, we have steadily advanced fiscal and tax reform and put in place a basic framework for a modern public finance system. Budget management has become more science-based and standardized, and reforms for performance-based management have been carried out across the board. Major progress has been made in reform of taxes including VAT and individual income tax, and tax legislation has kept moving forward. Reform plans aimed at appropriately dividing fiscal powers and spending responsibilities between the central and local governments on a sector-by-sector basis have been successively introduced. The state-owned assets management system has been consistently improved.




We owe these achievements to the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core; to the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; to the oversight and guidance of the NPC, the CPPCC National Committee, and their deputies and members; and to the concerted efforts of all regions, all departments, and the people of all our nation’s ethnic groups.




At the same time, we have yet to overcome the following difficulties and problems in budget execution and public finance work:


  • Growth of fiscal revenue lacks momentum, making it more difficult to balance the budget and showing more apparent signs of a tight balance.


  • The fiscal resources of different regions are imbalanced, with some local governments facing pronounced gaps between revenue and expenditure, and some cities and counties facing pressure in fiscal operations.


  • Some localities have insufficient reserves of projects or are inadequately prepared for them, negatively impacting the implementation of relevant policies such as the expansion of effective investment.


  • Existing projects in certain areas remain inflexible and inadaptable, and greater efforts are needed to adjust and improve the spending structure.


  • Budget performance is not adequately managed in some departments and organizations, and the quality of full-process performance management needs to be enhanced.


  • There are still cases of new hidden local government debt being added in violation of laws and regulations, and some local governments are carrying heavy debt burdens.


  • The pressure on social security funds to maintain balance over the long term is increasing as population aging becomes more serious and insurance benefit standards steadily rise.


We must take these problems very seriously, and actively adopt measures to address them.



  • 版权声明 本文源自 新华网sisu04 整理 发表于 2021年3月13日 22:12:54