
摘要Full Text: Report on Work of NPC Standing Committee 2021



I now wish to discuss our main tasks for the coming year.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/10956.html




The year 2021 is the first year we implement the 14th Five-Year Plan and embark on a new journey toward building a modern socialist country. Marking as it does the centenary of the Communist Party of China, this year will bring with it even brighter prospects for national rejuvenation.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/10956.html


China faces profound and intricate changes in its development environment, both at present and in the near future. Instability and uncertainty are mounting noticeably in the international landscape, and we will face many difficulties and challenges on the road ahead. However, with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to guide us, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core to lead us, the marked strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristics to draw upon, and the mighty force of 1.4 billion hardworking, united Chinese people to rely on, we will undoubtedly achieve new successes in reform, opening up, and socialist modernization.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/10956.html


As China enters a new stage of development, it is imperative that we have a stronger sense of mission, responsibility, and urgency, and that we are courageous in taking on responsibility, capable of fulfilling our duties, and purposeful in our determination to accomplish the new tasks and meet fresh requirements in our work for our new journey in the new era.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/10956.html




The general requirements for the work of the Standing Committee are as follows:


  • follow the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as our guide, and thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping’s thinking on the rule of law and his important ideas on upholding and improving the system of people’s congresses,


  • implement all guiding principles from the Party’s 19th National Congress and from the 19th Party Central Committee’s second through fifth plenary sessions,


  • uphold the unity of Party leadership, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance,


  • ground our efforts in the new development stage, put into practice our new development philosophy, and create a new pattern of development,


  • plan the NPC’s work around the 14th Five-Year Plan and the long-range objectives through the year 2035, and exercise statutory powers to enact laws, conduct oversight, make decisions, and appoint and remove officials in accordance with the law, and


  • ensure that the NPC fully plays its role as we endeavor to build a modern socialist country in all respects.




First, we will work to ensure greater observance of the Constitution and enhance constitutionality reviews to safeguard the Constitution’s sanctity and authority.


To ensure the observance of the Constitution, we will see that all procedures and mechanisms for interpreting the Constitution are well implemented, and actively respond to concerns regarding constitutional issues. We will move faster to enact and revise Constitution-related laws, draft a supervisors law, and revise the Rules of Procedure for the NPC Standing Committee, the Organic Law of the State Council, and the Organic Law of the Local People’s Congresses and Local People’s Governments.


We will enhance oversight to ensure the observance of the Constitution, and earnestly carry out the tasks of reviewing constitutionality and putting on record and reviewing normative documents in order to protect the integrity of our country’s rule of law. We will continue to promote public awareness of the Constitution, and organize pledges of allegiance to the Constitution and activities for the National Constitution Day.


We will uphold and improve the systems for One Country, Two Systems, safeguard constitutional order in the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao as stipulated in China’s Constitution and the respective basic laws of the two regions, and work to ensure that the practice of One Country, Two Systems is firmly upheld over the long term.


We will use legal means to uphold the one-China principle and oppose “Taiwan independence,” and strengthen the shared understanding on safeguarding the one-China framework. We will regulate and protect relations between people across the Taiwan Strait and enhance cooperation and exchanges between the two sides in accordance with the law to advance peaceful reunification of our country.




Second, we will strengthen legislative work in key areas and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of legislation.


We will continue to apply systems thinking, and enact, revise, repeal, interpret, and codify laws in a coordinated way, with high priority given to urgently needed ones. We will give full play to the leading role of the NPC and its Standing Committee in legislative work and speed up improvements to the Chinese socialist system of laws.


We will push ahead with legislative work in national security, scientific and technological innovation, public health, biosafety and biosecurity, ecological conservation, risk management, and laws concerning external affairs and other key areas, with a view to improving the laws which are urgently needed for national governance and those which are essential for satisfying the people’s growing need for a better life.




In our annual legislative plan, we have made preliminary arrangements for the deliberation of 45 legislative items, with close to 20 additional items in reserve.


We will continue with the work plan for enacting and revising laws to strengthen the legal safeguards for public health. We will formulate a law on responding to public health emergencies and revise the Wildlife Protection Law, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law, and the Practicing Physicians Law.


As part of our efforts to coordinate development and security, we will take steps to strengthen the legal system to safeguard national security. We will formulate a food security law, an anti-organized crime law, a land border law, a data security law, and a law on the protection of the status, rights, and interests of military personnel. We will revise the Emergency Response Law, the Maritime Traffic Safety Law, the Workplace Safety Law, the Military Service Law, and the Military Facilities Protection Law.


To develop a modern economic system and stimulate scientific and technological innovation, we will formulate a rural revitalization promotion law, a Hainan free trade port law, a futures law, and a stamp duty law. We will revise the Anti-Monopoly Law, the Law on Scientific and Technological Progress, the Company Law, the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, the Audit Law, the Law on the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, and the Animal Husbandry Law.


In a bid to make the urgently needed improvements to the legal systems for people’s wellbeing, education and culture, social governance, environmental protection, and green and low-carbon development, we will formulate an anti-food waste law, a law for the promotion of the cultural industry, a family education law, a preschool education law, a personal information protection law, a social assistance law, a legal aid law, a law for the protection of wetlands, and a law on activities and environmental protection in Antarctica. We will revise the Sports Law, the Education Law, the Vocational Education Law, the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women, the Public Security Administrative Penalty Law, the Law on Administrative Review, and the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution. We will speed up legislative work on the protection of the Yellow River. We will waste no time in researching laws and regulations relating to new technologies and applications such as those in the areas of the digital economy, internet finance, artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing, so as to ensure that the law both promotes and protects the healthy development of new business forms and models.


We will accelerate legislation relating to external affairs. We will upgrade our legal tool kit for meeting challenges and guarding against risks in order to oppose foreign sanctions, interference, and long-arm jurisdiction. This way, we will develop a more complete system of laws and regulations relating to external affairs.




We must enrich our approach to legislative work in order to adapt to the new developments and requirements for legislation. We need to continue to handle both substantial legislation and shorter, more efficient, and high-impact legislation. We should work to formulate codes for sectors where conditions are ripe, while advancing our legislative work in a more targeted and precise manner in response to practical needs, thereby ensuring that our legislation becomes more targeted, applicable, and practical.




Third, we will strengthen oversight to ensure that state departments fulfill their duties in accordance with the law.


Focusing on the central work of the Party and the government, we will conduct oversight to pursue high-quality development, to advance supply-side structural reform as our main task, and to draw momentum from reform and innovation, in order to achieve our fundamental goal of meeting the people’s ever-growing need for a better life. We will help to ensure stability on the six fronts and maintain security in the six areas, thereby playing our role in successfully accomplishing the targets and tasks for advancing reform and development and ensuring stability.




According to our oversight work plan, we have made preliminary arrangements for 29 oversight items. In order to advance the reform for expanding the focus of budget examination and oversight and to effectively conduct oversight of state-owned asset management, we will hear and deliberate work reports on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development, the execution of budgets, final accounts, auditing, the rectification of problems discovered through auditing, the management of state-owned assets, and our progress in meeting environmental protection targets. We will revise the decision to strengthen examination and oversight of central government budgets along with the decision to strengthen oversight over economic work.


We will conduct effective oversight of work in specific areas, with the focus on the central task of economic development and the need to serve the overall interests of our country. We will hear and deliberate 10 special reports on the following topics: accelerating the development of a new system for agricultural operations; environmental protection in the Yangtze River basin; ecological conservation in Xiongan New Area and Baiyangdian Lake; the development of a modern integrated transportation system; the allocation and use of government funds for transportation; teacher training; the protection of cultural heritage; the implementation of the resolution on the seventh five-year initiative to raise public awareness of the law; lawsuits involving intellectual property rights; and investigations into lawsuits and appeals conducted by people’s procuratorates. We will adopt a resolution on the eighth five-year initiative to raise public awareness of the law.


Putting equal emphasis on legislation and law enforcement, we will inspect the implementation of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, the Animal Husbandry Law, the Law on Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Fire Prevention Law, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, and the Notarization Law, to ensure that legally prescribed duties and legal responsibilities are strictly carried out.


We will conduct two special inquiries after we have heard and deliberated the report on the development of a modern integrated transportation system and the inspection report on the implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste.


We will carry out research on the management and reform of government subsidies, leveraging the key role of overseas Chinese in the joint pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative, economic and social development among ethnic groups with smaller populations, the development of a nature reserve system, local legislation in cities with subsidiary districts, and extending supervisory oversight over all public employees. We will further improve our working mechanisms and methods for exercising oversight to make it even more effective.




Fourth, we will take solid steps to strengthen work related to NPC deputies to give full play to their role.


We will fully implement the system for members of the Standing Committee to get in touch with NPC deputies, and improve the mechanism for ensuring that special committees and work committees keep in contact with deputies in order to build closer and more effective working relationships with them.


Relying on deputies to carry out the NPC’s work, we will boost the participation of deputies in the legislation, oversight, and international exchanges of the Standing Committee, special committees, and work committees. We will improve the handling of proposals and suggestions made by deputies.


We will support deputies in maintaining close ties with the people. We will enrich the ways deputies carry out group activities, and encourage them to participate in activities organized by their local liaison offices and outreach offices.


We will improve services for deputies and continue to develop digital platforms to aid them in the performance of their duties. We will strengthen the NPC online school and improve the mechanism for the systematic training of deputies. We will support electoral bodies in their work to supervise in accordance with the law the performance of deputies they elected and work to standardize records regarding deputy performance. We will bring the newly revised Electoral Law into force and make sure that elections of new people’s congresses at the county and township levels nationwide are successful.




Fifth, we will deepen and expand exchanges and cooperation at all levels and across all fields in an effort to strengthen the NPC’s work on foreign affairs.


In line with the overall diplomatic plan of our nation, we will perform our duties and make coordinated plans for foreign exchanges while continuing to implement long-term epidemic control. We will organize diplomatic activities for members of the Chairperson’s Council, and carry out diplomatic exchanges at multiple levels and through multiple channels. We will augment mechanism-based exchanges, as well as exchanges conducted by special committees, friendship groups, and working bodies of the Standing Committee, and actively participate in exchanges under multilateral mechanisms for parliamentary bodies. We will promptly voice our views on major issues and matters involving China’s core interests, and share information on China’s path, system, policies, concepts, and propositions with the international community.




Sixth, we will intensify our self-improvement efforts in order to lay a solid theoretical, political, and organizational foundation for the effective performance of our duties.


We will see that the leading Party members group of the Standing Committee sets a good example with its group study sessions. We will continue to organize Standing Committee lectures, and thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Xi Jinping’s thinking on the rule of law, and Xi Jinping’s important ideas on upholding and improving the system of people’s congresses. We will carry out Party history study activities in earnest.


We will intensify theoretical research on the people’s congress system and on China’s socialist legal science. We will study the Standing Committee’s operating mechanisms in depth, and strictly implement the procedural rules of the NPC and its Standing Committee, as well as the rules and regulations for Standing Committee, Chairperson’s Council, and special committee meetings.


In order to maximize the role of special committees, we will see that these committees earnestly research, deliberate, and draft relevant bills, and we will support their members in extensive participation in legislation, oversight, external affairs, and work related to deputies. We will better leverage the role of the working bodies of the Standing Committee and improve the capacity of NPC administrative bodies to provide advice and services.


We will fully execute the eight-point decision on improving work conduct and the detailed rules for its implementation as we persevere in our efforts to improve conduct. We will improve the online system for receiving and processing public complaints. We will intensify our media and public communications work and provide full and in-depth coverage of the development of the people’s congress system, as well as of progress and latest achievements in the NPC’s work. We will conduct more exchanges with local people’s congresses and maintain close collaboration with them in order to create a greater synergy in our work.




Fellow Deputies,




On our new journey toward building a modern socialist country in all respects, we will rally even more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. We will strengthen our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We will stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We will fulfill the responsibilities conferred upon us by the Constitution and the law, and successfully perform the duties entrusted by the Party and the people. We will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with outstanding accomplishments, and continue to work tirelessly to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.




1 The six fronts refer to employment, the financial sector, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment, and expectations. The six areas refer to job security, basic living needs, operations of market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and the normal functioning of primary-level governments.

  • 版权声明 本文源自 新华网sisu04 整理 发表于 2021年3月14日 20:20:27