Moonlit Night 文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12160.html
Li Shang-yin文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12160.html
The autumn insects under the grass, the frost on the leaves –文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12160.html
The vermilion balustrade presses down the light on the lake.
The hare is chilly, the toad cold, the cassia flower white:
On such a night, Heng-o would surely break her heart.
(James J. Y. Liu 译)
Three for the Goddess of the Moon
Li Shang-yin
The insects are deep in the grass
a light frost covers the leaves
this vermilion balcony
seems to oppress the shining lake
the hare and toad are chilled
the cassia flower is white
I think a night like this
must crack her heart.
(David Young 译)
Moonlit Night
Li Shangyin
Under grass only dim worms quake,
On waded leaves mere white frost veil.
On shimmering, flickering lake
press’d by your long, long crimson rail.
With Crystal – Hare cold, Jadeite – Toad chill
and Fairy – Bay blooms poorly pale;
Moon – Goddess tonight must be still
more grievous in Jade-made Moon-Jail.
(柏丽 译)