双语:立志民族伟大复兴 胸怀人类前途命运

摘要Full Text: Aspiring Toward National Rejuvenation and Focusing on Humanity’s Future

王毅在求是杂志发表题为《立志民族伟大复兴 胸怀人类前途命运》的署名文章

立志民族伟大复兴 胸怀人类前途命运文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12573.html

Aspiring Toward National Rejuvenation and Focusing on Humanity’s Future文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12573.html



Wang Yi文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12573.html




The speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the ceremony marking the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a key text with Marxist truth that reflects CPC’s determination to bring about national rejuvenation and concern for the future of humanity. It serves as a political program for the Party’s pursuit of its founding mission in the new era, guiding the whole Party and the entire nation in pushing ahead on a new journey while at the same time never forgetting the path that brought us here. It is also a declaration to the world that the CPC is devoted to global peace and development and to human progress. The speech demonstrates Xi Jinping’s outstanding political wisdom, strong sense of mission, and breadth of vision as a Marxist statesman, thinker and strategist, has great theoretical and historical significance as well as deep international influence, and will undoubtedly be remembered for its contributions to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the development of human society.文章源自英文巴士-https://www.en84.com/12573.html






The past century has witnessed the CPC open a distinctive path while enduring bitter hardships. As noted by Xi Jinping, “The Communist Party of China strives for both the wellbeing of the Chinese people and human progress. To make new and greater contributions for mankind is our Party’s abiding mission.” On the historic occasion of CPC’s centenary, Xi Jinping said, “As we put conscious effort into learning from history to create a bright future...we must continue working to promote the building of a global community of shared future.” He also elaborated upon the rich meaning behind this concept as well as its basic principles and the methods for making it a reality, setting the tone for China’s major country diplomacy on our journey ahead.




Building a global community of shared future reflects CPC’s deep caring for the world.


Since the day of its founding, the CPC has made “the free development of each” from Communist Manifesto its lofty ideal and the pursuit of a more harmonious world its mission. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC in 2012, General Secretary Xi, with deep insight on the future of humanity, has responded to the question of our age, namely “What has happened to the world, and how should we respond,” calling on the people of all countries to work together to build a global community of shared future and an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity. The proposal to build a global community of shared future transcends differences in terms of social systems, ideologies, and stages of development, and binds the future of all countries together through tackling shared challenges, shouldering shared responsibilities, and promoting shared development. Moreover, it has been incorporated into the Party and state constitutions and written into international documents including UN resolutions, elevating it to the will of the Party and the state as well as to the level of international consensus. As a new innovation on the spirit of internationalism, it represents an important contribution made by Chinese Communists in the new era to human solidarity and cooperation.




Building a global community of shared future reflects CPC’s efforts to carry forward Chinese culture.


General Secretary Xi has said, “Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has believed that ‘all under Heaven are one family’; we have advocated ‘affinity between all people and all creatures,’ ‘peace among all nations,’ and ‘harmony under Heaven’; and we have aspired to create a better world in which ‘when the path is just, the common good will prevail under Heaven.’” With this in mind, he has said that the international community should work together to make peace, pursue cooperation rather than confrontation, and join hands to build a global community of shared future that benefits people around the world. The ideas that drive us are bred from our culture. The concept of a global community of shared future is deeply rooted in the Chinese culture and accords with the common core of human civilization. Connecting past, present, and future, it illustrates the potential for a brighter future shared by people around the world, thereby generating constant cultural and intellectual appeal that transcends national and cultural boundaries.




Building a global community of shared future reflects CPC’s conscious efforts to conform to the trends of the times.


As early as 170 years ago, Marx and Engels had predicted the inevitability of human history increasingly turning into world history. In the face of global changes and challenges, General Secretary Xi has pointed out that the human race is an integral community and the earth is our shared home, so no individual or country can go it alone. The only way forward is to work together and coexist in harmony. Every country should stand together through triumphs and setbacks, and endeavor to build this planet of ours into a harmonious family. Xi Jinping has constantly enriched and developed the concept of a global community of shared future, calling for peaceful development rather than conflict and confrontation, common security rather than absolute security, mutual benefit rather than zero-sum games, and exchange and mutual learning rather than a clash of cultures, as well as for green development to protect our planet. In doing so, he has responded to the common desire of people of all countries for peace, development, and cooperation, and found a basic approach for solving global issues, unlocking all-new prospects for the evolution of international relations in the 21st century.




Building a global community of shared future demonstrates CPC’s determination to make greater contributions to the advancement of humanity in the process of bringing about national rejuvenation.


Today, the world is witnessing a flourishing Chinese nation advancing with unstoppable momentum toward rejuvenation. Breaking away from the traditional pattern in which rising powers have always sought to dominate, China is benefitting both itself and the whole world through its development. As China’s fate is closely connected with that of the world, the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation is inextricably interwoven with the dream of a global community of shared future. Therefore, while focusing on our own progress through development, we will also make greater contributions to the progress of all humanity. In recent years, China has been accelerating the development of a global community of shared future by introducing more initiatives to build similar communities for our neighborhood region, the Asian-Pacific region, and between China and African, Arab, and Latin American and Caribbean states. These initiatives have yielded brilliant achievements, and helped more and more countries recognize that China is providing the world with new opportunities through its own development and promoting the shared rejuvenation of more countries and civilizations through its own rejuvenation.






After an incredible century-long journey, the CPC remains unshakable in its original aspiration. General Secretary Xi has pointed out that the Party cares about the future of humanity, and wishes to move forward in tandem with all progressive forces around the world. China has always been committed to safeguarding world peace, contributing to global development, and upholding the international order. Since the Party was founded, its work related to international relations has remained an important part of the Party’s undertakings. The responsibilities charged to China’s diplomatic endeavors have been determined by the Party’s founding mission of seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation as well as the goal of bringing harmony to the world, while the basic principles that we follow in these endeavors reflect the Party’s values of cherishing independence and promoting fairness and justice. Under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core, we in the diplomatic service have focused on the main tasks of serving national rejuvenation and promoting human progress while taking domestic and international considerations into consideration, and devoted continued effort to promoting a global community of shared future.




Under the leadership of the CPC, China’s diplomatic endeavors remain committed to peaceful development.


Peaceful development transcends militarism and aggression, and is absolutely essential for a global community of shared future. Through bloody struggles and arduous trials, the CPC led the Chinese people in putting an end to the hardship and abuse of the old days, overcoming subversion and sabotage perpetrated by hegemonic powers, and pioneering a new path of peaceful development, thus profoundly transforming the trends and landscape of global development. Since the founding of the PRC in 1949, China has never instigated a war or occupied a single inch of another country’s land. Instead, it has remained committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights, and settled land boundary issues with 12 of its 14 neighboring countries.




Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, General Secretary Xi has comprehensively and systematically elaborated on the important theoretical and practical issue of pursuing peaceful development. He has made it clear that China should take advantage of the world’s opportunities while also sharing its own opportunities with the world, and make progress with other countries in the context of positive interactions and mutual benefit. While pursuing peaceful development, we will never sacrifice China’s legitimate rights and interests or its core interests. China is pursuing peaceful development, and so are other countries. In light of this, Xi Jinping has put forward a holistic approach to national security and a concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable global security. Under the guidance of these principles, China has better safeguarded global peace and security by more actively responding to traditional and non-traditional threats, and by getting more involved in international anti-terrorism cooperation as well as the arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation processes. In addition, Xi Jinping has advocated Chinese solutions to hotspot issues, which have allowed China to play a more constructive role in maintaining regional peace and stability and promoting peaceful reconciliation.




Under the leadership of the CPC, China’s diplomatic endeavors remain committed to fairness and justice.


Fairness and justice are principles that Chinese Communists have upheld with unwavering commitment, and ideals pursued in the development of a global community of shared future. From fighting in the global war against fascism to supporting the national liberation movement that swept across Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and from standing up for developing countries on the international stage to opposing hegemony and power politics, China has always upheld fairness and justice and pushed the international order in a more just and equitable direction.




Since 2012, China has taken a clearer stance in asserting that all countries are equal, regardless of size, strength, or wealth, respecting the right of all countries to choose their own path of development, and opposing interference in the internal affairs of other countries. We have upheld justice in international affairs, and determined our position on issues based on the merits of the issues themselves. We have championed the democratic principles that the international community ought to jointly uphold, namely ensuring that international affairs are addressed through consultation and that all countries share control over the future of the world. We have supported the development of developing countries in line with the principles of upholding the greater good in the pursuit of interests and seeing that the fruits of development are shared by all countries. In keeping with this stance, General Secretary Xi announced the establishment of the China-UN Peace and Development Fund. China has so far provided development assistance to 166 countries and international organizations, helped more than 120 developing countries implement the UN Millennium Development Goals, and provided reliable humanitarian assistance to combat epidemics including Ebola and Covid-19. Thanks to China’s efforts, the world is becoming a better place.




Under the leadership of the CPC, China’s diplomatic endeavors remain committed to mutual benefit.


China will do well only when the world does well, and vice versa. This is a vivid reflection of the concept of a global community of shared future. China has achieved the historic leap from a country with relatively backward productive forces to the world’s second largest economy, and transformed from a country that was largely isolated to one that is open to the outside world across the board. As a result, it has contributed to over 30% of global economic growth for many years running.




Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, General Secretary Xi has declared to the world that China will become even more open, and welcome other countries to board the express train of China’s development. His introduction of the historic Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has put in place the largest open platform for cooperation in the world. Under the BRI, 140 countries and 32 international organizations have signed cooperative agreements with China, and steady progress has been made in developing a connectivity framework of “six corridors, six routes, multiple countries, and multiple ports.” By sticking to an open strategy of mutual benefit, China has become the largest trading partner of more than 130 countries, and concluded 19 free trade agreements with 26 countries and regions. We have also gone above and beyond in fulfilling our commitments for acceding to the WTO, taken the initiative to launch the world’s first international import expo, and shared our development opportunities with other countries through a shorter negative list, a better business environment, and higher-level opening up. In doing so, China has firmly upheld the multilateral free trade system and helped make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced, and beneficial to all.




Under the leadership of the CPC, China’s diplomatic endeavors remain committed to improving global governance.


Supporting multilateralism and strengthening global governance are the abiding commitments of China’s diplomatic endeavors, and the only way toward building a global community of shared future. As the first nation to sign the UN Charter, China has always firmly upheld the international system centered on the UN and the international order based on international law. It has joined almost all of the universal intergovernmental organizations, and acceded to more than 600 multilateral conventions.




Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has taken a more active role in global governance and fully played its part as a responsible major country. Since joining the UN Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System, China has participated in 29 UN peacekeeping operations and become the largest contributor of troops among permanent members of the UN Security Council. By bringing a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty, China has accomplished its poverty reduction targets for the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development a full ten years ahead of schedule, contributing to over 70% of global poverty reduction. As a pillar of the global fight against Covid-19, China has called for the international community to join hands and build a global community of health, provided medical supplies to over 150 countries, and delivered 520 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine to over 100 countries and 4 international organizations. China has also called for joint efforts to build a community in which humans and nature can coexist in harmony, and announced its goals for reaching peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality as well as new measures for China’s nationally determined contributions. Through these efforts, China has played a pivotal role in countering climate change and protecting the global environment. In the face of regressive trends of unilateralism and protectionism, General Secretary Xi has proposed Chinese solutions in multilateral settings such as the UN General Assembly and the G20 Summit, holding high the torch of true multilateralism and lighting the path for the international community to come together and move forward.




Under the leadership of the CPC, China’s diplomatic endeavors remain committed to defending national interests.


Sovereign equality and collective security are cardinal principles of the UN Charter, and important preconditions for moving toward a community of shared future that enjoys common security. Despite being at a disadvantage in terms of military might, China has defeated ferocious enemies with its heroic spirit and broken through the West’s encirclement and blockades since the founding of the PRC. It has resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao, and resolutely curbed separatist forces seeking “Taiwan independence,” ensuring lasting domestic stability amid a volatile international environment.




Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee led by Xi Jinping, China’s diplomatic service has effectively responded to severe challenges concerning state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and maritime rights and interests, and resolutely resisted shameful moves such as unilateral bullying, politicization of the pandemic, and attempts to blame and vilify China. We have not only defended China’s sovereignty, security, and dignity, but also upheld global fairness and justice, strategic stability, and regional peace. The Chinese people have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country, and by the same token, we will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. Putting the people first and ensuring every effort we make is for the people, the diplomatic service has been working actively to build mechanisms for protecting China’s overseas interests and for predicting and preventing relevant risks. As the Covid-19 pandemic raged around the world, we arranged over 300 flights to bring home more than 70,000 of our fellow countrymen stranded in over 90 countries. We also made vigorous efforts to roll out the Spring Vaccine action plan, helping to ensure that nearly 1.5 million Chinese nationals spread out over 160 countries were able to get vaccinated.




Under the leadership of the CPC, China’s diplomatic endeavors remain committed to innovation in diplomatic theory.


Since the founding of the PRC, the CPC Central Committee has pursued an independent foreign policy of peace, and put forward important policies, principles, and theories such as the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the theory of the differentiation of the three worlds. Guided by these ideas, the PRC has defended the fruits of victory in the revolution and safeguarded China’s independence and sovereignty, enabling the country to stand firmly on its own feet, earn respect, and enhance its influence amid a turbulent international environment. Since the launch of reform and opening up in the late 1970s, under the guidance of the sound judgment that peace and development are the themes of our times, the CPC Central Committee has promoted global multipolarity, the democratization of international relations, and the development of a harmonious world. China’s diplomatic endeavors have secured new progress on all fronts.




Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core has made strategic plans for advancing major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Xi Jinping has introduced a series of creative new ideas, propositions, and proposals on diplomacy such as jointly developing the BRI, fostering a new type of international relations, and building a global community of shared future. It has actively promoted China’s views on the international order and global governance, its new outlook on security and development, its perspectives on the environment and intercultural exchange, and shared human values. Xi Jinping thought on foreign relations has thus taken shape, and become the fundamental reference and guide to action for China’s foreign affairs efforts in the new era. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping thought on foreign relations, China has upheld peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit, made all-around efforts in the pursuit of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, and advanced its diplomatic agenda in a comprehensive, multilevel, and multifaceted way, helping to create a favorable external environment for the country’s development. Grounded in the basic tenets of Marxism while integrating China’s realities with global trends, Xi Jinping has steered theoretical innovation in China’s diplomacy in step with the times. These innovations have transcended the outmoded patterns of international relations theory, and provided ideas to guide countries in coming together to build a global community of shared future.






History can tell us about the future, and we will never stop advancing on our journey. General Secretary Xi has declared to the whole world that China’s national rejuvenation has become a historical inevitability, and that the CPC is leading the Chinese people on a new journey toward realizing the Second Centenary Goal. Today, we are closer, more confident, and more capable than ever before of making the goal of national rejuvenation a reality. But we must be prepared to work harder than ever to get there. The diplomatic service will rally even closer around the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core, and remain focused on the country’s most fundamental interests. With head-of-state diplomacy charting the course, we will translate the mighty force of 21st century Marxism into strong momentum for planning and executing initiatives, and make new advances in promoting major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics and in building a global community of shared future.




Fostering a new type of international relations by upholding peaceful development


Peace, like air and sunshine, is hardly noticed when people enjoy it. But none of us can live without it. Countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, should all contribute their share to maintaining and enhancing peace. China will continue to champion peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit, encourage all countries to follow the path of peaceful development together, and promote efforts to forge a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation. China will never pursue hegemony or expansion, nor will it seek to create spheres of influence. We will resolutely oppose hegemonism, power politics, use of strength to bully the weak, and confrontation between blocs.




Creating a network of global partnerships by promoting cooperation and mutual benefits


Partnerships can be built on the basis of shared goals as well as a willingness to put aside differences and seek common ground. On the basis of expanding the areas in which our interests converge with those of other countries, we will promote a framework for major country relations featuring overall stability and balanced development. We will bolster friendly relations with countries on our periphery in accordance with the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness, and boost solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries by upholding the greater good in the pursuit of our interests and practicing the principles of sincerity, honesty, affinity, and good faith. We will consolidate a network of global partnerships characterized by equality, openness, and cooperation, and advance China’s diplomatic agenda in a more comprehensive, multilevel, and multifaceted way.




Championing the development of an open world economy by upholding openness and inclusiveness


All countries and nations should enjoy the same opportunities and rights in development. We will implement the new development philosophy, and align our efforts with the new development paradigm. We will support the development of a new, higher-standard open economy by promoting openness and cooperation, and use China’s new advances in development to provide the world with new opportunities. We will remain committed to achieving shared growth through consultation and collaboration as we drive high-quality development of the BRI. We will enhance macroeconomic policy coordination to liberalize and facilitate trade and investment and ensure the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains. In our efforts to advance international cooperation on development, we will work to make global development fairer, more effective, and more coordinated, and oppose those who would seek to shut others off from technology, create scientific and technological divides, and engage in decoupling for the purpose of restricting others’ development.




Defending national sovereignty, security, and development interests by preserving our fighting spirit


Having the courage to fight and the fortitude to win is what has made our Party invincible. The diplomatic service must remain vigilant against and always be prepared for potential dangers, even in times of calm, and have a thorough understanding of the new issues and challenges stemming from a complicated international environment. We must maintain a holistic approach to national security with political security as the top priority, and resolutely defend the CPC’s leadership and the Chinese socialist system. We must firmly defend China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity, further consolidate international support for the One-China Policy, and hit back at any attempts by foreign forces to interfere in our internal affairs or jeopardize our national sovereignty, security, and development interests. With commitment to the tenet of putting people first in our work, we will continue to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and enterprises abroad, and put systems in place to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals traveling overseas.




Guiding the reform of the global governance system by standing up for multilateralism


We will uphold true multilateralism, the UN-centered international system, and the international order underpinned by international law and the basic norms of international relations. We will support multilateral mechanisms such as the G20, APEC, BRICS, and the SCO in playing their due roles, and thoroughly participate in international cooperation in areas such as cyber security and climate change mitigation. We will continue to promote the democratization of international relations, and remain committed to increasing the representation and strengthening the voice of developing countries in international affairs. We will advocate a Chinese approach to resolving hot-spot issues in which differences are addressed through dialogue and disputes are settled through negotiation.




Carrying forward shared human values by advocating intercultural exchanges and mutual learning


We will champion equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness between civilizations, adhere to the ideal of harmony without uniformity, and promote sharing the best of what all have to offer. By bolstering international exchanges and intercultural dialogue, we will aim to increase understanding and trust between China and other countries. We will uphold the shared human values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom, rise above the Cold War mentality, oppose bias based on ideology, and steer clear of division and confrontation created through misguided actions. We will actively learn from the achievements of other cultures, but never accept sanctimonious preaching from those who feel they have the right to lecture us. By strengthening and improving our efforts to communicate to the world, we will foster an accurate view of China and the CPC among the international community and build our international image as a country worthy of trust, appreciation, and respect.




A century on from its founding, our great Party is now in its prime and embarking on a new journey. General Secretary Xi has emphasized that we must lose no time as we continue marching toward our goal of national rejuvenation and ushering in bright prospects through the development of a global community of shared future. As we stand at the historic point of convergence between the Two Centenary Goals, it is important that we in the diplomatic service more thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and Xi Jinping thought on foreign affairs. We must raise our awareness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the center; act more purposefully to boost our confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of Chinese socialism; and firmly uphold General Secretary Xi’s core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole as well as the CPC Central Committee’s authority and leadership. We will work with greater enthusiasm as we forge ahead toward the goal of building a great modern socialist country, and make greater contributions toward national rejuvenation and the development of a global community of shared future.




(Wang Yi is State Councilor and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China.)

  • 版权声明 本文源自 求是sisu04 整理 发表于 2021年11月24日 00:59:56